On Thu, 05 Aug 2010 09:25:26 +0100, Philippe Wittenbergh <e...@l-c-n.com>  

> On Aug 5, 2010, at 5:14 PM, Duncan Hill wrote:
>>> For the record - WebKit (Safari 5 / Chrome 5) support border-radius  
>>> without the vendor prefix (-webkit-). Box-shadow still needs the  
>>> vendor prefix as it was not part of the CSS3 background and borders  
>>> module when it became a Candidate Recommendation.
>> I read an article (can't find my link) where, perhaps it was one of the  
>> dev versions, was responding to both sets of properties, with and  
>> without the prefix.
>> This was producing different rendering in the browser and reinforces  
>> the importance of stating the rules in the correct sequence.
> I once made this WebKit testcase on this list (in a similar context  
> even):
> http:  
> //dev.l-c-n.com/CSS3_border-background/border-radius_vendor-cascade.html

Thanks Philippe, that's the one that proves the cascade.
Forgive my poor memory

Best wishes

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