On 25/08/10 04:21, Francesco wrote:
Looking for feedback on a design I'm almost done with.


Francesco Sanfilippo, Blackcoil Productions

I've tried this in Firefox 3.6.8 for Ubuntu Linux, with default text size set at 16, and in Epiphany 2.30.2 (Linux Webkit-based browser) with default text size set at 12.

These settings usually mean sites display pretty much the same across the two browsers, but for some reason in this site, the text shows slightly larger in Epiphany, causing the "baby 0-12 months" text in the left-hand column to wrap onto two lines. It's not a problem - just an observation. Other than that, the site looks good.

If the text size is increased to 24 or more, then the header-navigation links wrap, but the header doesn't increase in size to accommodate this. Setting #header min-height:100px, rather than height:100px should help; setting the height in ems would be even better.

I don't have a problem reading the header-links text, but I use a tool from Vision Australia to check colour contrast for visibility, and these two combinations do fail that test. I find this tool really useful - http://www.visionaustralia.org.au/info.aspx?page=628 - it's designed for Windows, but also runs on Linux using Wine.

The black text "Girls" over the photo is very hard to read, but maybe not too much of a problem in context.

Overall, I like the layout. It's clear and uncluttered and I found it easy to use.

Hope this helps.


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