On 25/09/2010, at 9:13 PM, Kate wrote:

It seems:

Officially Google it doesn’t care about the case:


52% thinks 'it makes the site stand out', I chose 'It is associated with
spam ' and good lord, 82% think same as me.



Hopefully this is anew one for the list - kind of in two parts and the
First being CSS based the second not so much :)

1. Can I use text-transform on the <Title>'this' to 'THIS'</title>

2. And what I really want to know, sneaky, is can I make it so the my
URL always appears in caps? I have emw8.com and I just think it looks
Stupid with the 8 sticking up, when really it's the part of the URL I
Don't like. I'd much prefer WWW.EMW8.COM. Is there anyway to control
This, does it effect SEO at all?

So is there a way to block capitals in mail apps, or cloud apps?
I wouldn't spam anyone - just newsletter to subscribers and customers that have already contacted me. For mail it could work lowercase anyway - it's more to do with standing out - the logo is very much in caps - with EMW being the same shape just rotated and the '8' in the background reinforcing this loop, unity idea. Branding is key and I don't want to use lowercase for the company name at all - and I thought that if the URL auto to caps that would be quite a new approach to brand consistency.

I appreciate your advice, just needa bit more clarity.

ty, cb
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