In response to the comments I received about a week ago, I have made
quite a few changes to the proposed redesign of one of my sites.

Lighten up a little, organize it, and make it readable-- or you'll put all your math students to sleep [if not their iPhones].

Projection not tested. Cursory checked IE 7/8 and compliant browsers 640px through 1680px windows on a 116.5 laptop. IE/6 gets fixed 776px header and content blocks.

Thanks for the comments and especially the suggested design. Be assured I will very carefully consider everything you said. Your design is not the direction I had planned, but it is certainly an option worthy of consideration.
I don't understand you comment: "Lighten up a little"
The page is very well organized.
It appears to be quite readable on the three systems I use for checking. (FF, IE 7 & 8) I stopped supporting or caring about IE 6 at least a year ago. Furthermore it passes muster with my students as far as readability is concerned.

I do observe differences, which I hope to resolve with additional study, between the three test browsers .


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