@Barney: I didn't say that the script would automatically identify
those elements that require hasLayout. I don't think such a script

I've made two example webpages which require zoom to work in IE7: one
with zoom:1 applied using CSS and the other with zoom applied with
roughtech.com/t/example.html and roughtech.com/t/example1.html

The rendering delay, which is in the order of microseconds, is almost
undetectable. The advantage of this technique is that the stylesheet
contains only valid CSS.

@Georg: The &hellip is converted to three periods in Firefox 3.6's
View Source and in Firebug. This looks like a bug in the browser.
After reading your explanation I still don't think the huge amount of
non-semantic code is justified.  Sure you're site might work perfectly
in Internet Explorer 3 running on Windows 95 with a Pentium 200 Mhz
and a 14.4 kbps modem, but does anybody care? Why burden search engine
bots and normal users with cruft that shouldn't have got past the 90s?


On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 4:35 PM, Barney Carroll <barney.carr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Chetan, you contradict yourself.
> On the one hand, you say that you apply hasLayout via script (I'm still 
> interested in when you apply it — every method I can think of involves a 
> delay between initial render and application of the fix — meaning your sites 
> would have a visual flicker of unfixed layout — not an issue with the other 
> methods), then on the other hand you say that you apply non-semantic markup 
> and classes via script as well — and any hook that identified elements 
> needing hasLayout would have to be non-semantic as it relates to a 
> render-agent-specific bug — so what purely scripted method do you use to 
> identify which elements need the fix?
> Again, I'd be very interested to see the full working script for this; or the 
> revelation that the method is in fact 100% ill-conceived idle theory ;)
> Sent from my iPod
> On 4 Dec 2010, at 07:16, Chetan Crasta <chetancra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> @David: I think it is established, with reasonable accuracy, that a
>> very small percentage (~1%) of surfers block Javascript. If somebody
>> wants to make sure that their site looks absolutely perfect to the 12
>> people that surf using Internet Explorer 6 with a Javascript blocking
>> proxy wearing tin-foil hats, that's their choice -- hats off to them.
>> As for me, I believe my energy is better spent making my webpages work
>> well for 99% of my sites visitors.
>> ~Chetan
>> On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 12:01 PM, david <gn...@hawaii.rr.com> wrote:
>>> Chetan Crasta wrote:
>>>> Javascript can considerably improve the aesthetics,
>>> Not for a site that's properly-designed in the first place.
>>>> usability
>>> That is one point where JS can provide functionality.
>>>> and semantics of a site,
>>> JS should have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SEMANTICS of a site. That should be in
>>> the HTML where it belongs, NOT IN JS.
>>>> so it would be a pity if one disables it just to
>>>> avoid the odd bad apple.
>>> There's a hell of a lot of "bad apples" out there - tons of malicious sites,
>>> scammers even cracking into supposedly-trustworthy services like akamai.net
>>> and planting attacks. So it's not the "odd bad apple."
>>>> I never had to disable Javascript because good content is found on
>>>> well-designed sites. The sites with the ugly Javascript are the ones
>>>> that I wouldn't visit more than once, with or without Javascript.
>>> I've been on a number of sites where I had to disable their CSS so I could
>>> read their content. Sadly, a number of those sites were the home pages of
>>> web design firms!
>>>> ~Chetan
>>>> On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 1:03 AM, Christie Mason <cma...@managersforum.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> From: Chetan Crasta "About 1% of Yahoo's visitors had Javascript disabled
>>>>> (2% for Yahoo USA) "
>>>>> [-CM-] % of Yahoo visitors disabling js canNOT be used to extrapolate %
>>>>> of
>>>>> all web users disabling js.  I haven't visited Yahoo in years and I'm
>>>>> sure
>>>>> that's true of a large % of web users.  I also suspect that the type of
>>>>> visitor who would disable js is not the type of visitor that is attracted
>>>>> to
>>>>> Yahoo.  Then there's information buried in the comments at
>>>>> http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/ydn/posts/2010/10/how-many-users-have-javas
>>>>> cript-disabled/  that Yahoo redirects mobile users to a different page,
>>>>> so
>>>>> that also skews the results.  Within my group of contacts, about 30%
>>>>> block
>>>>> JavaScript all the time, probably another 10%+ block js some of the time.
>>>>> You'd have to dig into what % of your target market is also Yahoo
>>>>> visitors
>>>>> and only if that is a large percentage should Yahoo visitors be used an
>>>>> indicator for % of your site's visitors will have js disabled.   Web
>>>>> visitors are not homogeneous.
>>>>> But that's not all you should consider.  Nothing on the web stays the
>>>>> same.
>>>>> All it will take is another widespread js security problem then % of
>>>>> visitors disabling js would increase.  Or maybe another popular mobile
>>>>> device will ship with js disabled as default, or a browser with js
>>>>> disabled
>>>>> as a default, or who knows?
>>>>> Christie Mason
>>> --
>>> David
>>> gn...@hawaii.rr.com
>>> authenticity, honesty, community
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