On 2010/12/24 18:45 (GMT-0500) Chetan Crasta composed:

Michael Beaudoin composed:


It takes 6 zooms to make the header image's last line legible at 144 DPI, one less for most of the rest of the content, one more for the text on the orange backgrounds. All those zoom increments make the submit button and any text typed in the input boxes almost as big as .head.

24px minimum font size makes much content either disappear, or superimpose over/under other content. Line length in #leftcol p is about 5 words, too short to appear competently designed. Nothing but the first line over orange backgrounds in #centercol is legible due to superimpositions. .msgUnsupported sits all but about 1em to the right of #page-wrap. Domi shows multiple #newsbox instances.

It's seriously annoying to see a "download the plugin" message taking up 1/3 of a page in an HTML5 capable browser like FF4 that will never have any plugin for proprietaryware installed. As long as you're using script anyway, you should consider providing modern content for modern browsers supporting it.

It is best to have the logo in an img element because the logo is not
just decorative. Only decorative images should be backgrounds.
Avoid using Flash. Flash can be used for videos, animations and for
certain special uses. Use CSS and Javascript for everything else. It
is more efficient and accessible.
I have rebuilt your page with these principles in mind:

Nothing but the first line over orange backgrounds is legible due to superimpositions, mostly from #rightcol. Little of top_footer_logos.gif is anywhere near legible.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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