On Wed, 12 Jan 2011, rich...@moremagic.com wrote:

Quoting David Laakso <da...@chelseacreekstudio.com>:

Post uri to list. Thanks. ~d

Whoops, my mind must have been leaving me at the end of the day..
https://www.moremagicpoints.com/mloyalty/browsercompatability is the address where I placed the page.

   It's off in other browsers as well. See <http://t.cfaj.ca/mloyalty.jpg>.

   Chris F.A. Johnson, <http://cfajohnson.com>
   Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)
   Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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