On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:19 AM, Eric A. Meyer <e...@meyerweb.com> wrote:
> At 6:50 AM -0700 1/19/11, Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh wrote:
>> This may be off-topic in a CSS list.
>   Yes, it's off-topic for a CSS list.  So, really, is arguing about whether
> HTML5 is "ready to use" or not, or if it's useful or dangerous or misguided
> or brilliant or whatever.
>   I don't mind discussions about ways to style (and challenges with styling)
> the new HTML5 elements, of course.  But arguing about the language itself is
> off-topic here and should be avoided.  Thank you.

I am a little late to the conversation, but I just thought I would
point out (to my fellow CSS-d list members) that there is a decent
HTML5 list here:


Low traffic, but I thought it would be good to mention (I think it
could use more peeps... Join up!)

There is also an awesome web design list here:


css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
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