On Feb 18, 2011, at 8:50 AM, James Sheffer wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> I'll do some homework to see what can be done for this before
>>> asking here on the list but if someone can point me in the right
>>> direction that would be great.  I'm thinking that either I need to
>>> get it out of a list, or better yet there is a way to prevent the
>>> entire list from wrapping.  I'm going to go with the later so If I'm
>>> wrong someone please stop me :-)
>>> James
>> The later is the best option. I do not know if the original site and format 
>> had a width declared. This is the common way to somewhat prevent float 
>> dropping. If the layout is fluid then it never happens if zooming in. My own 
>> site and menu just grows with zooming.
>> <http://css-class.com/test/>
>> It can tolerate a user text size setting of 26px without any wrapping. It 
>> can tolerate a text size siting of 40px without any wrapping on my 
>> widescreen. My container has this.
>> min-width:760px;
>> max-width:1300px;
> I haven't learned about min/max sizing yet - Something I'll do some studying 
> about!
>> Now next stage in learning. We will remove the image from the HTML an use it 
>> as a background-image and float the list again and also add some min-width.
>> Major parts of the CSS.
>> #nav2 {
>>      float: left;
>>      margin: 0; /* zero out default margin */
>>      margin-left: 32%; /* see width below, keep it after the margin: 0 above 
>> */
>>      width: 68%; /* see margin above */
>>      background :url(http://new.thetoyz.com/graphics/nav_blue.jpg) left 32px 
>> repeat-x;
>> }
>> #website {
>>      min-width:1000px;
>>      max-width:1600px;
>> }
>> And a test.
>> <http://css-class.com/x/laaso.htm>
>> Trying resizing the viewport now. A screenshot showing the rendering with a 
>> user font-size setting of 20px.
>> <http://css-class.com/x/laaso.png>
Again, thanks so much for the help.  I've now got the top nav just about 
working (just need to add some tweaks) and have a better understanding, 
especially with the min/max settings!

Once I get this together I can start adding the other portions of the site and 
fixing (validating) the errors there!

I'm sure I'll come up with some more questions but for now I have my plate full 
adding the other parts and fixing the validation errors...


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