On Mar 5, 2011, at 7:44 PM, Felix Miata wrote:

>  http://fm.no-ip.com/Auth/Font/fonts-weightier.html should show at least some 
> readers that weights lighter than 400 do exist in at least a couple of 
> commonly available families, one of which is free and available to all, and 
> installed by default on most Linux systems. I was dumbfounded to discover 
> Helvetica Neue actually has two weights lighter than 400

The fact that Helvetica Neue has some weights lighter than 400 (100 - extra 
light and 300 -light), has been mentioned a couple of times on this list. In 
addition to 400 and 700 it has also a 500 (medium) weight on OS X 10.6. And OS 
X 10.6.4+ ships with Helvetica font-weight 300 face. Fwiw. OS X has a few more 
fonts with multiple font-weights.

Your test case has bad fall back. I don't have DejaVu (*) installed anymore on 
OS X, and what I see is my default monospace font, not my default sans-serif 
font (Helvetica Neue). Removing all instances of monospace in your test file 
makes it fall back correctly.

> am at a loss to fathom how lighter than normal/400 is technically possible at 
> the minescule 12px size so commonly used by web pages

Both the lighter faces display perfectly fine on my systems, even at 10 ~ 12px. 
Whether I can read text comfortably at that size is another matter, unrelated 
to the font-weight.

(*) iirc, DejaVu ships with a font-weight 100 face in addition to 400 and 700 
weights. That extra-light face is bad btw (validation errors), and should not 
be installed on OS X.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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