--- On Mon, 4/18/11, Jukka K. Korpela <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:

> Keith Purtell wrote:
> > One thing I need to do is clean up the main style
> > sheet.
> So unless someone can present some real evidence of
> tangible benefits, don't "clean up". Even if some evidence
> is presented, consider whether it really applies to your
> site. Remember that "cleaning up" for _size_ generally tends
> to obfuscate things and make maintenance and development
> more difficult.

Which is why you should only ever perform such cleanup at 'build' time, using 
an automated tool. Keep all your CSS structured in the most maintainable way 
possible (which might include, for example, separate files) but combine and 
compress it for delivery.

- Bobby
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