On 4/30/11 11:51 PM, Kim Brooks Wei wrote:
Hi People,

1 At http://bit.ly/k6aFjU

I'm trying to get the following to happen, and can't work it out for
 some reason:

I want Metro New Jersey Green Drinks 3 Gatherings - You're Invited!
and the elephant to appear as a single copy block - to the left of
the Join box (another copy block).

I want both blocks to be centered on the page.

Make .ctr .small inline-block, and use vertical-align: middle or top or
??? to line it up with the elephant.

Old IE will likely need a separate rule, following that one, to declare
that it is inline. Explanation: inline-block only adds "layout" to IE 5
- 7, but "layout" works a bit like inline-block on elements that are inline.

.ctr .small {
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: middle;

.ctr .small {
  *display: inline;
/* "star hack" for IE < 8 alone. There are better ways... :) */

2 At http://bit.ly/jwgrff (home page, same site)

Is there a way to get the picture to float centered in the middle of
the page? When the window expands, I don't want the picture to end up
very far to the left of the sidebar - it looks very odd that way.


.leftcopytwothree {
  text-align: center;

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