It's been one of those days...
I've stumbled upon an issue with clearing floats that I feel like I've
done before but for the life of me cannot figure out today. I'm either
too close, too tired, too low on caffeine or getting a bit senile and
misinterpreting the CSS box model and sibling relationships.
In the linked example, I would like "paragraph 2" to clear just the
"floating content" in the white block as it does in IE 7, NOT the
"Green-ish Container" as it is currently doing in both Chrome 12 and
Firefox 4.
As you can see, I've stripped this down as much as I can to make sure
none of the hullaballoo* in my working project is causing the issue.

*       Adding "position:absolute" to the "Green-ish Container" div
solves the problem for Chrome and Firefox but causes overlaps in IE.
*       Adding "position:absolute" to BOTH the "Green-ish Container" div
AND the "Blue-ish Container" div solves the float issue in all three
browsers but causes the surrounding box to collapse down to just
wrapping the header, the only thing not positioned absolutely.

Is it really proper for the child to clear not only it's own siblings
but also any parent's sibling's child as well?
Thank you,
* of course I am referring to noise and chatter here NOT the British
Invasion band from the 60's - I can't see why they would want anything
to with my project in it's current state.
All opinions and musical preferences expressed here are my own and not
representative of my employer.
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