On Jul 8, 2011, at 9:39 AM, Venditelli, Daniel - Web Development Administrator 

> I've stumbled upon an issue with clearing floats that I feel like I've
> done before but for the life of me cannot figure out today. I'm either
> too close, too tired, too low on caffeine or getting a bit senile and
> misinterpreting the CSS box model and sibling relationships.

You forgot to blame the weather :)
> In the linked example, I would like "paragraph 2" to clear just the
> "floating content" in the white block as it does in IE 7, NOT the
> "Green-ish Container" as it is currently doing in both Chrome 12 and
> Firefox 4.
> - http://www.ci.yuma.az.us/share/TEST-float-quirks.htm
> ...
> Is it really proper for the child to clear not only it's own siblings
> but also any parent's sibling's child as well?

Yes, in this case. See

The 'clear' property does not consider floats inside the element itself or in 
other block formatting contexts.

In your case, the 'Green-ish Container' is in the same block formatting context 
as the 'Blueish Container'.

It 'works' as your would like (parag2 positioned just below the white floated 
box) in IE7 & 6 because that hellish thing called 'hasLayout' - you set a width 
on the parent cyan blue box, width triggers 'hasLayout'; 'hasLayout' 
establishes a (new) block formatting context [1].

To solution is to isolate the 'Blueish Container' from the 'Green-ish 
Container' by having 'Blueish Container' become a new block formatting context. 
9.4.1 lists properties that establish a new block formatting context.

[1] http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html

Philippe Wittenbergh

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