On 10/17/11 12:18 PM, Michael Fokken wrote:

I never use points. I use px for sizing pages, margins, and padding.
I use 'em' for font-sizes, that way I can declare the font-size in
the body. Then if I want I can change the font size for everything by
just changing it in the body and it keeps the same ratio of all the
text (not sure if this is a good practice, just what I do).


Sincerely, Michael Fokken http://whatiscss.michaelfokken.com/

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Ed Goodson<e...@copywritecolombia.com>
Thanks michael that was very useful - one question, why do you use
pt? I always get in trouble when I use the pt value as it is for
print I thought Cheers Ed

FWIW - using points for the screen does have one advantage. Not all
computers are set to 96 DPI. Using points will scale the pixel value of
text defined in points to give something more legible.

For example, some high-definition Windows machines are set to 120 DPI.
This makes text sized with percent or em quite small in Webkit and
Mozilla browsers. Point sizes scale - 12pt is upped from 16px to 20px.

interestingly, Opera and Internet Explorer scale percent and em the same
way as point sizes - 100% is 20px in those browsers.

Just FYI.

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