David Laakso wrote:
On 12/24/2011 3:20 PM, david wrote:
Philip TAYLOR wrote:

Barney Carroll wrote:

I am incredibly pretentious ;)

You think you really have to tell us that, having already written :

there are no credible user personas who fire up Windows and Mac to make sure their experience of a site has bitmap parity

???! :-)

I just thought of one ...

Web designers.

I suspect most everyone else pretty much uses only one browser on one platform at a time. Although a growing number use both a desktop PC OS and a smartphone.

That's nice. How dose that help OP? And if the OP is not concerned about it, now... just why did she write about it in the first place? In my estimation the font in question remains a real-world problem and ignoring that issue for a reason that happens to be convenient at the moment does not make it go away.

I didn't say anything about ignoring it. Just mentioned it cuz site visitors who visit using one of the OS/browser combos that shows the font the way the designer likes it won't know that it has problems on some other combo.

I'm boring when it comes to fonts. Can I read it comfortably without having to zoom it out-out-out-out-out-out? Fine, that's all I need from a font.

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