On 12/23/2011 5:43 PM, Elli Vizcaino wrote:

Fwiw, the webfont renders just fine in Windows or OS X as far as I can
Fine as in legible, sure but not identically. The appearance of fonts on Mac OS 
tend to be slightly on the bolder side.

Elli Vizcaino

It is a given that fonts render denser in OS X.

The webfont [@font-face] is AngelinaRegular in the given example. It is a fairly consistent weight cross OSes and cross browsers. You can change the "look and feel" of it -- or any other open source "free-font" -- only by changing its color. Attempts to change the weight is an exercise in futility.

My suggestion is to use one webfont. It does not necessarily need to be Angelina, and use a color -- rather than font-weight -- change for emphasis.

The other way around it is to *buy one appropriate* webfont that has more than one font-weight. Either way, Font Squirrel may be your best bet for finding and setting whatever it is you finally come up with...

Good luck and best wishes,

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