Hi, thanks for your help and thorough explanation! :-) 

I managed to fix the problem in another way, by simply shrinking the bar a few 
pixels to get the hover to cover all of it. Thank you anyway, once again.


> Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 15:48:05 +0200
> From: k-r...@t-online.de
> To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
> Subject: Re: [css-d] Hover effect doesn't cover the whole background
> Hi Olle,
> when I change the rule:
> #access ul {
>      display: inline-block;
> }
> to
> #access ul {
> display: block;
> }
> the gap disappers (tested only in Firefox). There might be side effects, 
> so the consequences of such a change have to be considered.
> When the ul is an inline-block, it surrounds the floated li elements 
> that it contains. With a zoom of 100% the li elements and the ul have a 
> height of 43px (according to Firebug), and the surrounding div has a 
> height of 50px, thus there is an extra gap of 7px below the ul just as 
> you mentioned.
> When the ul is a block, it doesn't surround the li elements any more, 
> but flattens to a height of 0px. And the extra gap of 7px is also gone.
> So the question is whether the "display: inline-block;" is actually 
> needed ror that ul for something else? Maybe not. If you still want the 
> ul to surround the li elements, maybe it is better to set the display of 
> the ul to "block" and to change the display of the li elements to 
> "inline-block".
> I hope this doesn't confuse any further but helps a little.
> Best regards
> Christian
> Am 06.04.2012 10:41, schrieb Olle Risberg:
> >
> >                     Hi!
> >
> > I'm using Wordpress to make a website and I'm stuck on this one. When 
> > hovering above an item in my navigation
> > bar (Home, About etc), I get a nice hover effect, the background is lit
> > up. However, it doesn't do this all the way down, there is a little
> > space at the bottom of the bar which isn't included in the hover-effect. 
> > Does
> > anyone know how to fix this?
> >
> >
> >
> > I've tried to use Firebug to find relevant CSS-stuff but I can't find
> >   what to change. I'm currently using a Twenty Eleven childtheme I
> > made/am making. You can see the site (which isn't at all finished, by the 
> > way) at threeseasonsmusic.com/wordpress
> >
> > Apologies if my vocabulary isn't very professional. Thank you for your help!
> >
> > Olle
> >
> >                                                     
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