On Oct 18, 2012, at 13:06 , mem wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm trying to make a certain video responsive. 
> width: 100% or max-width:100% and height: auto; will do.
> Now, the problem is, in order to maintain the aspect ratio, if the screen is 
> to wide, the height is so height that we will have a scroll, hence, not being 
> able to see the video at all.
> Is there a way that you may know about, so that we can archive something like 
> this
> video {
> max-width: 100%;
> height: auto;
> }
> BUT avoiding the scroll bar to appear, without using overflow:hidden; ?

this doesn't seem to be possible, for logical reasons.
If we wish to keep the aspect ratio, then, if the width augments, the height 

We may try to force it, just to see where we can get, and make something like: 
width: 100% height: 100% …
but I've test this earlier and width didn't get the totality of the containers 

I believe this is undoable… 

k. regards,

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