Le 31 oct. 2012 à 19:43, Barney Carroll <barney.carr...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> [….]

> To demonstrate, here's a `transform`-based
> version of the same thing, which does the same thing as the previous
> fiddle, and works on all browsers that support translate3d…
> http://jsfiddle.net/barney/EJ7ve
> If you examine this on iPhone (again, by appending `/show`), you'll notice
> improved frame rate on iPhones. The same goes for Firefox running on
> Android, and arguably on Chrome and the default browser on Android too,
> except that here, the `translateX` offset of -100% somehow refers to the
> space occupied by all three tabs, so the wrapper slides just enough such
> that none of the tabs are visible. This is odd, since transform percentages
> are specified as relating to the full box model of the element being
> transformed — and computed style unambiguously describes the wrapper width
> as being the same as its parent (not, as the result implies, stretched
> 3-fold to accomodate the tabs).
> Can we describe this as a bug?

If I understand correctly (no Android based device to test over here), Android 
default browser treats the inner width of .tabs as the total of your 3 
‘columns’ for the purpose of the translate3d transform ? And then only in 
portrait mode. Does G Chrome for Android work correctly ?

That sounds yucky indeed. I don’t have any solution…. Does specifying
.tabs { width: 100%; }
help anything ?

I also wonder if this has something todo with the way you write viewport meta 
(the correct way, using a column (,) as a separator). I seem to remember that 
had Android being buggy with that - they ‘accidentally’ allowed the use of a 
semi-column (;) instead, and have ‘better’ support for it (Mobile Safari drops 
everything after the 1st semi-column).

PS - with Safari 6.01 on Mountain Lion, the text rendering after performing the 
translate3d transform looks quite poop - smoothing gone bad ? I’ve never seen 
that before. G Chrome isn’t great either, but not as bad as Safari.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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