Le 1 nov. 2012 à 19:24, Barney Carroll <barney.carr...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> […]

> No dice!

sad face :-(

No idea then…

> PS - with Safari 6.01 on Mountain Lion, the text rendering after performing
>> the translate3d transform looks quite poop - smoothing gone bad ? I’ve
>> never seen that before. G Chrome isn’t great either, but not as bad as
>> Safari.
> Something really strange has been going on with WebKit's text rendering for
> quite some time. I'm using Chrome on Windows at the moment and currently
> there are no issues here, but I've seen the effect you're describing. I
> believe it's a result of the transition, not the translation. I set up a
> test case a while back here: http://jsfiddle.net/barney/8MFu4/ (actually,
> that demo is full of strange things — text rendering is the tip of the
> iceberg). I found that iOS Safari & OSX Chrome could be fixed by setting
> `-webkit-backface-visibility` (to any value). Sadly the hack wasn't
> production-viable because in OSX Safari 6 it could sometimes trigger the
> bug.

On Safari 6, Mountain Lion, the only issue I see is the 'backface-visibility' 
one; on iOS 6, there is a weird screen reflow on the @font-face block of text 
during the transition. And your fix doesn't seem to help (tested with iPodTouch 
4 only). Chrome-dev channel seems OK anyway after a very quick look (harfbuzz 
may help in this case ?)

Did you report it ?

(word in the street has it that Apple is doing lots of overhauling on CoreText 
for OSX.next ‘domestic street cat’)

Philippe Wittenbergh

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