On 6/11/13 1:27 PM, J.C. Berry wrote:
Hello all,
I have four divs:

First one is 100% width
Second 80% / Third 20% floated
Fourth 100%

I have a jQuery equal column heights script assigned to the second and
third columns. The problem is with my print CSS:
The third div (floated right column) is display:none - but its print height
is the same as it is in the screen CSS. The print width of the second div
is 100%, and the second div height is set to the third div height. All this
produces a big gap below the second div (above the fourth). I just need
that right, third column height to not be a factor when the second has
varying amounts of content. Possible?

Sorry, I don't get it. If ANY element has "display: none;" how can it have a

Can you show us? (And have you tried table display properties to make your
columns the same height?)

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