> On Nov 16, 2013, at 4:05 PM, Chris Rockwell <ch...@chrisrockwell.com> wrote:
>>> Except that to position the link inside the table cell isn't the only
>>> solution, Why not on a new row for instance? Why must the link belong on
>>> the exact same row? I don't see that.
>> Should the link not appear in the cell in which the content it relates to
>> resides?  

It may or it may not.

>> Putting it in a new row would take the link out of context and,
>> arguably, be a misuse of the table row - adding a row for styling purposes.
Not quite. Not every row must be of the same type in a all tables. It depends 
on the content.

I'm not trying to solve Saras design problem here, I'm talking generally. 
Chances are that if you actually NEED to present the link visually apart from 
the rest of the cell content, it may very well logically belong on a row with 
just links. I disagree this must be done for style purposes. 

The semantic relation is still clear on the vertical axis to the cell content 
above. It really depends on the actual content, doesn't it?

>> It would be acceptable (and semantically correct) to add a new row if the
>> links contained in the cells within that row were applicable to the entire
>> column (or adding a new cell if applicable to entire row) but if a link
>> only relates to the contents in that cell, I would argue it should be in
>> that cell.

Yes, that may be the case, but then again not. If it is then you can also use 
structured markup for the cell content and style it as any box. Yes, issues 
like this may turn up. One can choose to resolve to javascript if so inclined. 
I won't. 

I'm going to do a lot of product tables in the project I'm starting tomorrow so 
I'm sure this will creep up. 

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