On 2/12/2014 6:17 PM, Tom Livingston wrote:
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Debbie Campbell
<d...@redkitecreative.com> wrote:
In this page:


I'd like to have the large image that's currently in #footer-container slide
up so that it's

1) on top of #container and #body-container

2) 'underlapping' the bottom of the page content a bit so some of the color
shows behind the content.

Hi Debbie,

Having a little trouble understanding what you're after. Do you have a
link to an image of the effect you are typing to achieve that we can

Yes - here's an example of what I'd like to have:


See how the bottom image is moved up behind/under the main content area so some of the blue/grey shows behind the text?

But this is what I don't want:


When the browser's at full width, the background image rides up too far and the top is cut off. This is Chrome.


And this is IE, in this one the background image is too far below the content and there's a big gap.

I hope that makes sense - I don't want a big gap between the content and bottom image, I want them to overlap just a bit, but not too much.

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