feb 17 2014 18:05 Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh <sandy.pittendr...@gmail.com>:

> So
> at higher big picture level some discussion about how CSS fits into the
> overall scheme of things still seems appropriate.


> Using Javascript cookies and (initially) a double GET to determine the
> state of the current user agent makes the most sense to me--so custom CSS,
> custom image sizes and even custom HTML can be sent back down the pipe.

I like Googles variheader concept.

> CSS only "mobile first" approaches violate basic theory of programming
> rules because mobile first inescapably couples itself to both small mobile
> displays
I disagree for the most part, but obviously this depends on the actual 
difference in user patterns and user objectives on different devices. I have 
embraced that the customers of my clients want to do everything on all types of 
devices. But envy site is different.  

> plus the vastly different requirements of bigger desktop displays.
> Writing codes with semi-secret two role agendas is seldom a good idea.

This does not make sense. Secret two role agendas? It’s different styles for 
equivalent content. For some content, like audio/video you may have to server 
different content and consequently different markup. I fail to see the problem 
with that though.
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