2014-08-04 8:28, Karl DeSaulniers wrote:

Can you use "in" for inches in css or is that just jQuery that does that?

Yes, "in" has been a unit defined in CSS from the very beginning. Current spec:

1in equals 2.54cm (exactly). This corresponds to the current definition of the inch in metrology.

However, "in", "cm", and "mm" need not correspond to the physical unit of inch and to the submultiples centimeter and millimeter of the physical unit meter. Their mutual relationships are fixed, but their relations to physical units vary, according to whether CSS units are anchored to physical units or to the reference pixel. This is described

So if you set some dimension to 1in, it might be one inch, or it might be somewhat different. However, it is the same as you get by setting the dimension to 2.54cm.


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