On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 3:49 PM, John <j...@coffeeonmars.com> wrote:
> On Sep 16, 2014, at 7:35 PM, Eric <e...@minerbits.com> wrote:
>> Did you read on this list that the REM unit is only for type? - It's a 
>> relative unit like any other relative unit. I use it for everything except 
>> element widths (they get %s) and line-height that should be unitless.
> No, I mean that in my gathering information about proper use of rems, I’m 
> looking far and wide (online, people I know) and there is a disagreement as 
> to how rem units should be used.
> As I take this site responsive, I’m going with % also.
> Thank you,
> John
> ______________________________________________________________________

I haven't heard any arguments about not using rem for anything but
font-size until this thread. I've only heard that it's no different
than using em, except for the lack of the compounding issue associated
with em. And that's a really good thing.


Tom Livingston | Senior Front-End Developer | Media Logic |
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