okt 20 2014 11:25 Philip Taylor <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk>:

> MiB wrote:
>> What part of ”will explain it all” did you not like?
> The part where you consistently avoid my question.

So you admit being a troll? You’re not here to learn and share knowledge, like 
the a majority of the other members? 

I answered it, but not in the way you would have preferred. I refuse to believe 
you’re that daft you can’t comprehend that simple formula. Its simpleness does 
not limit its usefulness. I also refuse to believe you can’t read an article. 
Unless you really don’t want to know.

I’m not your research department. Your questions are based on you trying to 
create an unrealistic example totally uninteresting for real world work, as if 
you don’t know the first thing about CSS design and development. Which I must 
assume you know something about. You clearly have an hidden agenda and want to 
waste my time and the readers of this email discussion list.

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