2014-12-17, 23:34, Gates, Jeff wrote:

I’ve already tried #cart-contents legend { visibility:
hidden; } and it didn’t work. Actually, that was the first thing I tried.

Where did you put that rule? Does *anything* work where you placed it?

To see the entire code go to
http://americanart.si.edu/support/donate/index.cfm, then click on any of
the Donate buttons to bring you to our third party shopping cart. Then
click the green CHECK OUT button on the lower right to take you to the
page I’m trying to alter.

I did that, and modified the page CSS on the fly by adding the rule, using Firefox Web Developer Extension, and it worked: the legend disappears.

So my guess is that you placed the rule e.g. in an external style sheet that just does not get loaded due to some error in referring to it.


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