If there was an intelligent method that would only feed the large image; when it was between the threshold (small <-> medium), typically on a phablet or tablet device, load it into the browsers cache and the user is good, unless there is a change to the image, or the user clears there cache, which I know some people are notorious for doing cache cleaning, upon browser close, which I do on my desktop browsers but you can't assume all, or you have to atleast hope, not all.

Tom Livingston wrote:
Don't use a huge image for mobile users just to avoid image degradation. There are other ways.

On Sunday, August 16, 2015, Crest Christopher <crestchristop...@gmail.com <mailto:crestchristop...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I understand sharpening can or will pixelate an image; it sounds
    as if you're saying, that I should display the largest image at
    the inbetween points, as in between, small and large ?

    Another idea that has come to mind is; if retina display requires
    an image double or triple it's actual size, if it was possible to
    use this technique on non-retina devices, basically eliminating
    pixelation since if you take an image and scale it down, you won't
    loose resolution which will retain quality and you still only need
    one image.

    MiB wrote:

        aug 16 2015 05:23 Crest Christopher<crestchristop...@gmail.com>:

            The problem is when those images are scaled; when an image
            is scaled between small and medium there is pixelation,
            how can one sharpen the images when, and only when there
            is a threshold between a small and medium image ? I've
            been searching online and the most I found dealt with the
            img tag, not background images.

        I’m not sure I understand the problem nor why you think some
        sharpening will work, but the problem is interesting. I’m
        thinking that increased sharpening will only make pixelation
        worse. What you could do is move the break points, so that the
        largest an image is shown is at a stretch level where
        pixelation isn’t very noticeable. The largest image is
        typically beyond your control as you never can control how big
        display users will show your design on, unless you use a max
        size which I wouldn’t do as a designer.


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Tom Livingston | Senior Front End Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | medialogic.com <http://medialogic.com>


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