James Woods, Hollywood EOB (WPost, 12.22.98)

                  Contrary to popular opinion, not all Hollywood Democrats are outraged at
                  President Clinton's impeachment. At least one believes it's long overdue.

                  Actor James Woods -- best known for his screen portrayals of lying,
                  scheming, rotten and generally evil types -- thinks that the president
                  deserved impeachment and, furthermore, that the Senate will end up
                  removing Clinton from office. 

                  Says Woods, 51, who litters his opinions with colorful but unprintable
                  language, "He's a certified liar, a card-carrying liar, and lying is the cancer
                  at the base of the spine of every crime ever committed." 

                  The actor doesn't agree that the pursuit of Clinton is politically motivated,
                  reports The Post's Sharon Waxman.

                  "Political?" he bellows into the phone. "It's absolutely political suicide." He
                  means for Republicans. "I don't even like Republicans by and large, but if
                  they're doing this, maybe they're doing it because they believe in it." 

                  Woods is actually angrier at Clinton for giving China access to militarily
                  sensitive technology, but says that the impeachment is like "getting Al
                  Capone for income tax evasion."

                  Woods admits to being flawed himself. "When I lie, I'm wrong," he says.
                  "I'm not a perfect person, but I have perfect ideals. This guy is a [expletive]
                  sociopath. I'm ashamed to be a Democrat."
And Woods is a good actor too!!

"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

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