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Single Currency

11 to Set Sail for Euroland

Jan. 1, 1999

PARIS – More than 17 centuries after the Romans attempted to establish
one currency for all of Europe, 11 European nations are poised to try
once again in a momentous leap of faith that monetary union will
transform the continent into an economic superpower.
On New Year's Day, Germany, France, Italy and eight other countries will
begin merging their currencies into a new money called the euro. The
merger won't mean the end of marks, francs, lire and the other national
currencies until 2002, when euro coins and bank notes make their debut.
But as of Friday, the 11 currencies will be immediately – and
irrevocably – linked to one another and to the untested euro, and the
look and feel of daily commerce across the continent will be
fundamentally altered.

If it works as designed, this massive undertaking – in its scale and
scope the most complex economic transformation ever attempted – will
create a truly united economic zone for the first time in European
history. To the dreamers of Europe, the single currency also is a step
toward the more illusory, and contentious, goal of political
unification. While a politically united continent remains a distant
dream, proponents believe the single currency will help Europeans put
aside their linguistic, cultural and political differences and become a
global economic rival to the United States.

"When we look back at this time 100 years from now, we will find this
was a step of historic proportions," said Ulrich Cartellieri, a member
of the supervisory board of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt. "There may be
hiccups, there may be problems, but it still will lead to a fantastic
economic dynamism in Europe."

The enterprise begins Friday, the day after finance ministers from 11 of
the European Union's 15 members – Austria, Belgium, Finland, France,
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain
– give their final approval to the exchange values between their
currencies and the euro. EU members Britain, Sweden, Denmark and Greece
will not be taking part, at least initially.

The move to the euro will be an odd transformation, for the first stage
of European Monetary Union does not involve cash. The 290 million
citizens of Euroland, as the single-currency zone has been dubbed, have
until 2002 before they begin paying for their baguettes and Sacher
tortes in euro cash.

Even so, the real economic transition happens now. On New Year's Day,
the 11 national currencies essentially become subdivisions of the euro.
The French franc will be more accurately described as 0.15 euros, the
German mark as half a euro, the Irish pound as 1.25 euros. The new
European Central Bank and its 17-member governing council will assume
monetary authority now held by 11 national central banks, deciding on
interest rates and inflation policy for all Euroland members.

Monetary union will have a swift impact on finance ministries, board
rooms and trading floors around the world as the single currency takes
its place alongside the dollar and yen as a global unit of exchange.

When business resumes after the New Year's holiday weekend, all stock
prices in the 11 countries will be quoted in euros, as will all
government borrowings. Banks, brokerage houses and other financial
institutions will operate in two currencies – the euro and their
national currency. Tens of thousands of employees of financial
institutions across the continent plan on working right up until the
start of the first trading day to complete what has been a herculean
task of adapting computer software programs to convert stock shares,
bonds, deposits and loans into euros in time for the markets' opening
bell on Jan. 4.

The effects of the transformation will spread through every level of
European business and society.

A Belgian food wholesaler buying Spanish tomatoes, for example, will no
longer have to worry about an increase in the value of the peseta
raising the price he must pay in Belgian francs. A Dutch investor
deciding whether to buy shares in Fiat can look at the company's bottom
line without worrying about whether a devalued lira will dilute his
dividends. A Finnish family planning a trip to Germany can compare fares
on Lufthansa and Finnair with ease.

When added to the EU's near-nonexistent border controls, currency union
will ease travel and commerce for millions of people across the
continent. "We'll be able to move about Europe just as we now take the
Metro," said Casey Slamani, 32, a Paris lawyer who travels extensively
for business and pleasure.

If the euro is more than cash, say those who dreamed it into existence,
it also is more than money.

The advent of the euro, it is widely believed on this side of the
Atlantic, will create from the euro countries a giant, efficient
economic engine whose global weight will far exceed the sum of their
economies and banking systems.

Alexandre Lamfalussy, a Belgian economics professor who headed the
precursor institution to the new European Central Bank, explains the
importance of the euro with an American analogy: Imagine the United
States with 15 regional currencies. That, in a sense, is what economic
Europe is today.

"Could you really be a free market with 15 different currencies?"
Lamfalussy said. "How could you engage in long-term planning if the
exchange rate between Texas and Massachusetts was subject to

To Christophe Lambert, head of a French advertising agency that thinks
on a European scale, the euro is one manifestation of a cultural and
political coming-together of nations that over the centuries have fought
countless destructive wars.

"We are witnessing a phenomenal acceleration of history that the euro
can only increase," said Lambert, president of CLM/BBDO. "Europe as a
political entity is going nowhere, but the Europe of people is coming
together incredibly quickly."

Indeed, while the euro is certain to define what Europe is, it also will
underscore what it is not. Euroland will have a single currency, a
central bank and a common monetary policy, but it will still be led by
11 separate governments overseeing 11 distinct economies. It will have a
central banker, but 11 finance ministers.

Monetary union will tightly mesh the Euroland countries economically,
but it will not create a budgetary or political superstructure to
oversee them. And while 11 nations can agree on the creation of the
euro, they have shown very little unanimity on what policy to pursue in
Iraq or, closer to home, Kosovo. A common foreign policy remains a
distant dream.

The euro also is not Europe. Four of the 15 EU nations are not joining
the single-currency club. In Britain, the government of Prime Minister
Tony Blair is interested in joining – albeit probably not until after
the next general election – and the City of London, Europe's historic
financial center, is busily preparing itself for the euro's launch. But
the British population has been skeptical about the continent's single
currency, and Britain will not join until voters approve in a

Sweden and Denmark are staying out for similar reasons of skepticism.
Greece would like to join but has not come close to getting its economy
into the shape required – relatively low inflation, budget deficit and
interest rates, and a stable currency – to meet the membership criteria.
Norway and Switzerland are not EU members and thus not eligible to join,
and neither wants to. Europe's newest democracies, such as Poland,
Hungary and the Czech Republic, will be outside Euroland even as their
economies continue to integrate more fully with Western Europe.

Critics contend real economic unity is impossible without political
unification. Euroland's 11 economies vary enormously in size and
strength, and are growing at various rates. They are led by governments
of different ideological persuasions pursuing – in some cases – somewhat
disparate policy objectives.

Throughout the past year of global economic upheaval, the European
economy has shown remarkable resiliency, which has helped smooth the
run-up to the euro's launch. But some doubt whether the 11 Euroland
countries will be able to hold together in the face of financial-market
or currency turmoil, or a severe recession, that strikes closer to home.

Others fear that the very benefits the euro is supposed to bring about –
greater efficiency and competition – will meet resistance in some
countries whose industries have for decades been protected from the
harshest of market forces.

Despite these potential problems down the road, monetary unification
already has achieved a remarkable convergence among the 11. The 1991
Maastricht Treaty – which set out the goal of currency union by 1999 –
committed euro applicants to applying fiscal rectitude and monetary
stability so their economies would be roughly in line by the time the
single currency arrived. In the space of a few years, they lowered
inflation and budget deficits, in some cases dramatically. A few budget
tricks were used as well, but the fiscal discipline helped revitalize
the European economy.

While many Europeans believe the United States is fearful that the euro
will dethrone the dollar as the world's reserve currency, Clinton
administration officials contend that the euro will be a boon for the
global economy because it will make Europe a stronger trading partner.

"If you look around the world today, everything is in the toilet except
Europe," said David Aaron, undersecretary for international trade for
the Department of Commerce. "If our exports are going to grow back, they
will have to go to Europe. I think the euro will have a really positive

For the most part, citizens of Euroland agree. In a Louis Harris poll
conducted in six euro countries in late November, six respondents out of
10 said the euro would be good for them and their daily lives. The
proportion varied by country. Seventy-three percent of the French were
favorable, for example, while support in Portugal reached 46 percent.
But in no country – including long-skeptical Germany – did doubters
outnumber believers.

"I think the euro is a good thing," said Monika Herbst, 52, who with her
husband owns a handicraft shop in Berlin. "We'll be able to pay with the
same currency everywhere in Europe. Wonderful! For traveling, it's a
clear advantage."

Herbst was unable to think of many ways the euro conversion will change
her life or her business before euro bank notes and coins are
introduced. Her store does not take credit cards or foreign checks, and
she does not plan to convert her bank account into euros. There is no
reason to yet.

For individuals and households, the coming of the euro will mean little
change to everyday activities. Individuals can write euro checks on
their bank accounts if they choose. Their credit cards already work in
other countries, but consumers will be able to compare prices more
easily. They will be able to see prices in both national currencies and
euros in many stores and on their bank statements.

For businesses, however, the transition will be immense. Nonfinancial
companies do not have to begin pricing in euros and alter accounting
practices immediately, though some will. Such well-known corporations as
DaimlerChrysler, Philips Electronics MV and Fiat SpA are making the
conversion over next weekend, as is every financial institution in the
11 single-currency countries. Many have had teams working on the
transition for more than a year.

At the Paris office of Barclays Bank PLC retail banking group, for
instance, the euro project began in 1996. Employee training culminated
in a euro trivia test for 300 employees that even included a final at
the Stade de France, the huge soccer stadium in Paris. A full-scale
rehearsal of the euro transition was run in early November, and on Nov.
11, the Armistice Day holiday, employees worked while the financial
markets were closed.

"We created a parallel bank that functioned in euro," said Jean-Bernard
Vincent, euro project director for Barclays' retail banking in France.
"We have every confidence that things will run smoothly in January." A
team of 40 to 50 people will work over New Year's weekend making the
final computer changeovers, he said.

The euro also will change the operating environment for European
business. Already, a spate of mergers within Europe and between European
and American companies has enabled companies to position themselves for
the greater openness of the euro world. The diminution of
currency-trading revenue for financial institutions operating in the
euro zone means they will have to cut costs and find new markets, most
likely in other countries.

Smaller businesses and professionals will take some time to convert. No
one except those in finance is required to until 2002, though many are
expected to change before then.

Rome dentist Marco De Felice, 41, for instance, expects his office will
go euro by next September. "If I see that in business the conversion is
beginning to take hold," he said, "I'll convert too."

The Washington Post, Dec. 27, 1998


ERWIN ROMMEL, The Desert Fox

Fooling the British with fake tanks

During World War II, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, known as the Desert
Fox, duped the superior forces of his enemies in North Africa and dealt
them a humiliating blow that made Winston Churchill grind his teeth in
frustration. Rommel was a devoted soldier and brilliant tactician who
perfected the art of seizing victory with only a few pawns. He did not
take pleasure in unnecessary killing, and showed great consideration
toward his prisoners, so that even his enemies came to respect him. The
first time the British experienced his fox-like cunning was in the
Libyan desert in 1941. He convinced them that they were being attacked
in force by using wooden frames to transform Volkswagens into a fleet of
bogus tanks.
* * *

It was late afternoon on March 31, 1941, when the German forces suddenly
attacked the English base at Mersa el Brega in the Libyan desert. An
enormous cloud of dust rose against the desert sunset. Bomber planes
swooped suddenly from the sky. Believing that the enemy had launched a
major offensive to break through their lines, the British troops
panicked and fled their base. Rommel had ordered his troops to place the
tanks at the front while the other vehicles raised as much dust as
possible. By other vehicles, he meant fake tanks---Volkswagens with
wooden frames covered with canvas. The first stage of his offensive was
a resounding success.

Rommel reached the North African front on Feb. 12. The main force of the
German Africa Corps had not yet arrived. The British estimated the
Germans could not stage a major offensive for some time, but Rommel was
to prove them wrong. As soon as he arrived at his post he set up a fake
tank factory in Tripoli. A German war photographer who saw the products
asked, "General, are those the tanks for our army corps?"

"Yes," came the reply. "Except they're fake." Rommel repeatedly told his
troops, "The most important thing is to convince our enemies that we
have great numbers." In mid-March, a month after his arrival, he paraded
his tank division in Tripoli. Rommel's aide, 2nd Lt. Heinz Schmidt, was
at first amazed by the number of tanks. As he watched, however, he
noticed that one tank with a scratch kept reappearing. The same tanks
were being driven repeatedly past the crowds to dumbfound any spies
within the local populace.

The dust cloud that convinced the British army that they were being
attacked by overwhelming numbers was created by cars dragging brooms and
chains that followed behind the tanks. Rommel now switched to pursuit.
Within a mere two weeks, he forced the British from Cyrenaica, territory
which they had spent two painstaking months wresting from Italian
troops, and drove them out of most of Libya and back into Egypt. During
this campaign, Rommel came across a pair of dustproof goggles in an
occupied British base. Clapping them on the top of his visor, he claimed
them as war booty. These became the Desert Fox's trademark.

* * *

Rommel was born in 1891, the son of a teacher in southern Germany.
Embarking upon a career as a soldier, he distinguished himself in
northern Italy during World War I. By taking a circuitous route over the
mountains, he took his enemy by surprise, capturing 8,000 Italian
soldiers with just 300 German troops. For this brilliant maneuver he won
the highest decoration. Yet he was barred from becoming a key commander.

The German Army was controlled by members of the Prussian aristocracy
and elite officers within the General Staff. Rommel belonged to neither.
But Adolf Hitler, who had been scorned by the military elite himself,
had his eye on him. He promoted the talented Rommel to high rank. A full
colonel at the time of the invasion of Czechoslovakia in March 1939,
Rommel rose rapidly through the ranks to become the youngest field
marshal in the German Army, in June 1942 at the age of 50.

In February 1940, Hitler followed Rommel's request to be appointed
commander of a Panzer Division. The military elite were concerned that
he did not have enough expertise in the operation of tanks. Rommel's 7th
Panzer division, however, was always in the front lines during the blitz
invasion of France. Rommel had already perceived that tanks would play a
decisive role in modern warfare and he made full use of radio
communications. Whereas British headquarters only had wireless
connections with some of its tanks, Rommel equipped his tanks with
radios so that they could communicate among themselves. This difference
gave Rommel the ability to attack unexpectedly and vanish without a

Rommel was pleased with Hitler's praise and promotions, but he distanced
himself from politics and did not join the Nazi party. His only son,
Manfred Rommel, 69, who served as the mayor of Stuttgart until recently,
remarks, "My father was a simple man, not an intellectual. But he loved
mathematics, and always strove for clarity." Once, when he was 15,
Manfred parroted racist Nazi theories to his father and was sharply
reprimanded. "Don't speak such nonsense in front of me."

Rommel did not present his family to Hitler or key Nazi officers, and he
had little interest in socializing. Once, at his wife's insistence, he
attended a ball in Vienna. Gorgeously dressed women surrounded him,
admiring the great war hero. Although he only needed to exchange a few
civilities, instead he bellowed, "Let me pass!", dampening his fans'

Nor did he have patience with formalities. Manfred recalls, "My father
enjoyed hunting. Once he wanted to take me with him but it was a school
day. Brushing aside my mother's protests, he sent a message to the
school that I was ill and took me hunting anyway." Rommel cared a great
deal for his family. He sent his wife as many as 1,000 letters from the
front lines. David Fraser, an American historian, comments, "His inner
absorption was in his soldiering and in his family."

* * *

After overthrowing the fortress of Tobruk in June 1942, Rommel pushed on
as far as El Alamein, about 250 kilometers from Cairo. The British
Embassy staff in that city paled at the news and hastily burned the
embassy's secret documents. Anwar Sadat, subsequently president of
Egypt, was serving as a captain in the Egyptian Army, then under British
command. In his autobiography he reveals that with Rommel's army so
close, he and many young officers dreamed of using the German Army's
strength to expel the British and overthrow the corrupt Egyptian royal
government. The citizens of Cairo demonstrated in front of British
troops, exhorting Rommel to press onward. Whether he willed it or not,
his prowess in battle ignited the fires of Arab pride. Churchill was
heard to mutter Rommel's name through gritted teeth.

Rommel was always with the soldiers at the front. They trusted him and
acted as his hands and feet. During the attack on Tobruk, his troops
were brought to a halt by a mine field. Rommel silently climbed down
from the command vehicle and began digging out a land mine with his bare
hands. The other officers followed his example and the path was soon
cleared. Rolf Muninger, 77, who was Private 1st Class with headquarters
staff, recalls, "When Rommel was there, we thought that nothing was

Once they captured a troop of Jewish soldiers. Orders from Berlin stated
that Jewish soldiers were not to be taken as prisoners but were to be
shot on the spot. Rommel burned the orders. Even the British soldiers
held Rommel in respect, to the extent that British headquarters had to
issue a decree that Rommel was not to be viewed as superhuman.

* * *

Rommel died on Oct. 14, 1944. The cause of death was announced as "war
wounds" and he was given a state funeral. The following year, just
before the German surrender, an American military paper revealed that
Rommel's death had been suicide by poison, forced by Hitler.

On Oct. 23, 1942, the British commenced an overwhelming counter
offensive on El Alamein. Judging that they had no hope of victory,
Rommel requested permission to retreat. Hitler's telegraphed reply,
however, was callous. "Victory or death. There are no other paths."

Rommel was astounded. "The Fuhrer is a criminal. Does he intend to fight
until our country is annihilated?" He ordered his troops to retreat on
his own authority.

In the summer of 1944, the war entered its final stage. The Soviet army
was relentlessly approaching from the East. The Allied forces had landed
at Normandy. Rommel, who had been transferred to the front line in
France, felt that there was no justice and no hope of victory in this
war. If victory was impossible, then they should stop fighting
immediately and make peace with the West in order to prevent the advance
of communism into Europe. At a meeting with the Supreme Commander of the
Western Front, he tried to appeal to Hitler to surrender, but Hitler
flew into a rage and ordered him to leave. This was the last time they
ever met.

On July 20, an assassination attempt was made on Hitler. Some members of
the resistance movement who were exposed as the perpetrators were said
to have given Rommel's name as Hitler's successor. On Oct. 14, a
messenger from Hitler came to call. Rommel told his family that he was
being accused of treason. "I have been given the opportunity to take
poison. They have promised not to harm my family or subordinates if I do
so." Rommel took the poison handed to him by the messenger in his car,
parked in some woods about 300 meters from his house. It is difficult to
prove the extent of his involvement in the insurrection. But for the
German people who have borne the shame of Nazism in the postwar era, the
fact that Rommel resisted Hitler is surely a great comfort.

Asahi Shimbun, Dec. 27, 1998

Year 2000

A Race for Security & Against Time

The code war

In a windowless room two stories below ground level, Lyudmila Zavlyanova
sits in what could be a scene from the Cold War. People are hunched in
front of computers in cramped cubicles, speaking to one another in
hushed tones in Russian.
But they are in New Jersey and this is an entirely different kind of
global struggle: the code war.

Mrs. Zavlyanova and about 40 other immigrants from the former Soviet
Union are in the sub-basement of the Newark headquarters of Public
Service Electric and Gas Co., New Jersey's largest utility. They are
here not because they understand Russian but rather Cobol, a computer
language that runs many of the United States' mainframe computers but is
so old that relatively few American programmers know it.

Mrs. Zavlyanova, a 27-year-old from New York, is one of tens of
thousands of programmers throughout the world racing to head off the
havoc that could ensue because many of the computers that underpin
today's wired society do not understand that a year can begin with a
number other than 19.

She and her colleagues have spent the better part of this year
painstakingly sifting through a program consisting of 7 million lines of
code that, to the uninitiated, resembles gibberish.

And that is just to fix one program. In all, Public Service has 728
programs with a total of 46 million lines written in 27 programming
languages. How well they are fixed or replaced could determine whether
the lights and heat stay on in New Jersey come Jan. 1, 2000.

That might seem far away. But the Y2K problem, as it is known in
computer jargon, is already draining hundreds of billions of dollars
from companies and governments struggling to tame what some call the
millennium bug.

The direst situations that are predicted -- financial chaos, societal
strife, food shortages and persistent, widespread blackouts -- are
highly improbable. But it is not hard to find reputable alarmists --
computer experts who say they will not fly or schedule surgery at the
onset of the year 2000, or even an economist who predicts that the
computer bug could set off a recession.

The first wave of disruptions has already hit, with 40 percent of the
largest U.S. and European companies experiencing at least minor
breakdowns because some software has already had to deal with dates in
2000 and beyond. Many retailers have had difficulty processing credit
cards that expired in 2000 or later, for example. At BankBoston, some
ATM cards were seized because cash machines responded as if the cards
had expired in 1900.

Another spate of disruptions could begin on the first day of 1999,
because a host of other computer programs -- like those used to prepare
budgets, schedule appointments and pay unemployment benefits -- deal
with dates up to one year in the future.

All the threat stems from the fact, by now well known, that computer
programs frequently use two digits to represent years, like 98 for 1998.
So when 1999 ends, computers might appear baffled about what comes next
or might respond as if 00 means 1900 instead of 2000.

Afflicted machines could crash or, just as dangerously, spew out
erroneous data. With computers running everything from power grids to
bank machines to air traffic control, the range of services that could
be affected is vast.

The problem has proved more intractable and expensive to fix than most
experts had expected. The Gartner Group, a consulting firm, estimates
that the Y2K problem will cost the world $1 trillion to $2 trillion, as
much as $300 for every man, woman and child on the planet.

"It's the biggest business problem in human history," said Capers Jones,
a software expert and year 2000 alarmist.

Year 2000 activity swirls far beyond computer programmers like Mrs.
Zavlyanova, sweeping up lawyers, insurance companies, government
regulators and even many ordinary citizens.

Other electronic equipment besides computers may also be vulnerable. So
engineers everywhere are clambering over pipes, behind walls and into
closets in a giant scavenger hunt for computer chips that control
factories, oil platforms, aircraft, traffic lights and building-security

New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, for instance, is determining
whether 16,000 medical devices -- electrocardiographs, infusion pumps,
defibrillators and even beds -- will work correctly in the next century.

The Y2K problem is also becoming a cultural phenomenon, appearing in
comic strips and Hollywood screenplays. For those prone to believe that
the apocalypse is coming with the start of the new millennium, the
millennium bug looks like the means to the end, a digital echo of Noah's

For many more people the Y2K problem plays on a sense of unease that
society is growing dependent on a lattice of technology that is now so
far-reaching, interconnected and complex that no one completely
understands it, not even the priesthood that writes its digital code.

Many moves toward economic efficiency -- automation, just-in-time
delivery of parts to factories, globalization -- have been aided by
computers. Yet those same practices now make the economy more vulnerable
to computer malfunctions.

Several potential Y2K problems have been discovered during simulations.
When Chrysler Corp. set the clocks on the electronic equipment at one of
its factories ahead to 2000, for example, the security system locked all
the doors. Such problems can be readily fixed, one at a time.

The fear, though, is that the early days of 2000 could bring a huge
flood of them. Many experts say there is simply too much software left
to fix and too many microchips to check before the immovable deadline.
Still, they say, there is time to reduce the impact by fixing what is
possible and making contingency plans for failures that cannot be

The school board in Albuquerque, N.M., recently voted to keep the city's
public schools closed in the first week of January 2000 to make sure
that the district has time to repair unexpected breakdowns.

Experts say caution is in order, but not panic.

"The level of disaster is still fundamentally our choice," Howard Rubin,
an information technology consultant, said.

Town Criers: Escapist Movement Expects the Worst

The year 2000 problem raises vexing questions for consumers. Most home
appliances and cars should work fine, manufacturers say, though many
people will have to test and fix personal computers.

But a few people have gone even further. Nervous residents in more than
200 U.S. cities have formed community preparedness groups, advising
neighbors and urging local officials to make contingency plans, like
setting up emergency food banks, shelters and neighborhood-based power
generation. Many groups passed out leaflets at shopping centers before
Christmas with Y2K-inspired shopping suggestions, like first-aid kits,
firewood and batteries.

"The best chance I would have would be to be in a community that is well
prepared," said Jay Golter, 42, a financial analyst at a federal agency
who went to a PTA meeting at his son's school in Springfield, Va., last
January and invited the other parents to a strategy session on the Y2K
problem. When the day came, no one showed up. But gradually concern took
root, and the Northern Virginia Year 2000 Community Action Group now
boasts more than 200 members.

In Boulder, Colo., where people who are worried about the year 2000
problem are organizing neighborhood by neighborhood, some 70 residents
of the 80304 zip code gathered in a school recently to listen to Kathy
Garcia, a specialist in group dynamics.

"We are asking people to prepare for four months, enough to get you
through the winter," Ms. Garcia said, detailing how her family spent
$600 setting aside a supply of rice, beans and other staples. The group
then discussed plans to ask grocers to stock foods that would be needed
in a crisis. They fretted about how to ask neighbors, without seeming
intrusive, about special medical needs, so hospitals could be asked to
prepare. Then they broke into pairs to practice approaching strangers to
discuss the Y2K problem.

Efforts are under way to foster more cooperation nationally among the
community groups, which are already loosely linked through the Cassandra
Project, a group in Louisville, Colo., that operates a widely used Web
site dedicated to Y2K concerns.

Some alarmists scoff at the notion that such organizing will stave off
the societal breakdown they see coming from large-scale computer
failures. So in a throwback to the bomb-shelter mania of decades past,
they are moving to rural areas, drilling wells, setting up generators
and even buying guns to fend off the hordes they fear will come from the
broken cities in search of food.

Entrepreneurs are catering to the survivalists, selling everything from
seeds to wooden "survival domes," or even trying to develop entire

God's Wilderness, in Finland, Minn., bills itself as a relocation site
for Christians, offering land complete with cabin, well, pump, stove,
greenhouse, shed and outhouse. David and Johanna Hecker, who own the
site, say on their Web page that they knew nothing about Y2K worries
until they tried to sell some land and got inquiries from people looking
for a place to escape.

But many experts say that preparations like stockpiling food and
withdrawing savings are unnecessary and will only invite burglars and
rats. In addition, business leaders and public officials have already
begun to worry that such hoarding could produce the very chaos that some
doomsayers had predicted from computer breakdowns.

The American Red Cross, for instance, recently suggested that people
fill the gas tanks of their cars just before Jan. 1, 2000. But the
gasoline distribution network may not be able to handle such demand, as
was proved by the 1979 oil crisis when millions of Americans waited in
lines, drove up prices and in some cases got into fights in the mistaken
belief that oil imports were drying up.

Bankers are especially worried about possible major withdrawals.

The Federal Reserve Board has already said it will set aside an extra
$50 billion of currency reserves at the end of 1999.

"When we get down to 1999, the retail public is going to panic and want
cash, and we better have it for them," said David Iacino, head of the
year 2000 program at BankBoston.

Penny Wise: How a Money-Saver Became So Costly

The millennium bug is not really a bug at all, in the sense of a coding
error. Using two digits to represent the year was considered a clever
way in the 1950s and 1960s to save expensive computer memory.

Leon Kappelman, co-chairman of the year 2000 working group for the
Society for Information Management, estimates that use of two-digit
years in a program written in the 1960s would have saved more than $1
million per billion bytes of data stored over the following 30 years.
Those savings would more than offset the cost of fixing the code now to
handle the change to 2000.

But through force of habit, programmers continued to use two-digit years
well into the 1990s, even as data-storage costs dropped to
one-ten-thousandth of their 1960s level. Denver's $4.3 billion
international airport, styled as the airport of the future when it
opened only three years ago, is spending millions to ensure that its
safety and flight information systems are free of Y2K bugs.

>From the start, some programmers foresaw problems in 2000, but the
danger seemed theoretical. Computer technology was changing so rapidly
it was assumed that programs with two-digit years would be retired long
before 2000. Instead, it was the programmers, not the programs, who
retired first.

Even when companies realized the problem, they procrastinated about
fixing it. Data-processing managers, constantly swamped by demands for
new programs, did not dare propose devoting resources to a problem that
would not hit for many years. Some assumed that a quick fix would be
invented as the deadline neared.

The information-processing department at Bank of America awarded a
plaque in the late 1980s to the first manager with a program that
encountered a year 2000 problem. But the bank did not start fixing its
code until 1996.

Now, even those who saw the trouble coming are finding how deep-rooted
two-digit coding is. Ronald Asala, director of technology services at
Zurich American Insurance Group in Schaumburg, Ill., remembers ordering
programmers who were writing claims-processing software in 1986 and 1987
to use four-digit years.

"I would have sworn on a stack of Bibles that the system was
Y2K-compliant," Asala said. But a recent test found 18 two-digit
functions, two of which would have stopped the program cold.

The Code War: A Battle Fought Line by Line

If writing a new program is software's equivalent of carpentry, Y2K work
is more like asbestos removal. It is a job as tedious as replacing all
the light bulbs in Las Vegas but not as easy, because much of the
software was written years ago by programmers who have quit or retired.

The repair project undertaken by Public Service Electric and Gas is a
case in point.

Mrs. Zavlyanova works for Keane Inc., a contractor for the utility.
Because programmers are in short supply, Keane offered $1,000 bonuses to
employees who recruited their friends, and word quickly spread through
the Soviet immigrant community.

These programmers are fixing the software that keeps track of bills and
other data related to the utility's 2 million electricity customers. An
error in any one of the 7 million lines of this program could cause
problems in billing and service.

Mrs. Zavlyanova and her colleagues are the final backstop in a search
through every line of code for places that contain two-digit years.
Sometimes such work is straightforward because programmers refer to
dates using abbreviations like YR or DT. But in other cases the
designations are quirkier and not obvious, like the names of movie
characters or the programmer's acquaintances.

One day this summer, Mrs. Zavlyanova was inspecting a tiny 523-line
segment. A special computer program had already quickly scanned all 523
lines, picking out 18 with numbers that could be dates.

One of those lines contained the name of a 25-digit serial number.
Suspicious, Mrs. Zavlyanova zeroed in on this segment and there it was:
a millennium bug! Six of the digits in the serial number referred to a
date: two for the month, two for the day and only two for the year.

Now the question was how to repair it. The utility wanted to expand the
serial number to 27 digits, adding two digits to represent the year.

But such an expansion was not as easy as it sounded, because it would
throw off the position of the other numbers. A number that was in
position 15, which might have stood for, say, a customer's geographic
location, would move to position 17, which the program might react to as
if it refers to the meter reader's route number. So expanding the serial
number could require changes to many other lines in the program.

Before she undertook this task, however, Mrs. Zavlyanova checked and
found that another programmer who had encountered the serial number in
another part of the program had already expanded it. But that programmer
apparently made an error, so more work would be needed.

"Y2K work isn't as easy as a lot of people think," said Mrs. Zavlyanova,
who has on her desk a certificate praising her as a top performer.
"There are all kinds of complications that come up."

PSE&G is not fixing all its software. About 125 programs are being
replaced by new software that is free of Y2K problems. One program is
being scrapped because the company cannot find any programmers who know
the language in which it was written. Another 25 percent to 30 percent
of the programs are being retired because the company found that no one
was using them anymore.

"There's stuff that would print out downstairs and it would go to
someone and that person would be gone," said Vincent Scatuccio Jr., who
is in charge of software repair.

One of the few silver linings of the Y2K problem, Scatuccio noted, is
the chance to clear the cobwebs from a company's data-processing

To save time, PSE&G is not expanding years to four digits in most
programs, but is instead using a technique called windowing. Years are
left as two digits but the computer is instructed to interpret 00 to 49
as being 2000 to 2049, and 50 to 99 as 1950 to 1999. Of course, if the
program is still in use in 2050, it will have to be fixed again.

As for crucial software that helps balance electricity supply and
demand, the utility is saving millions of dollars by not fixing it at
all, because the company plans to buy new software eventually. Until
then, it is simply setting the clock back so that the program will
function as if it is 1972 instead of 2000; the dates in 1972 fall on the
same days of the week as in 2000.

The bottom line, however, is this: Despite these shortcuts, despite
budgeting $91.6 million for Y2K work and despite starting its cleanup
more than two years ago -- earlier than most utilities -- PSE&G will not
finish on time. So, like many companies, it is resorting to triage,
fixing the most important programs first and worrying about minor ones

Double Checking: 'Trust Nothing, Test Everything'

On a recent Sunday, when most of the executives and tellers of AmSouth
Bank in Birmingham, Ala., were relaxing with their families, computer
specialists from the bank gathered in a run-down former auditorium they
called the "war room" and traveled through time.

They set the date on a multistate network of computers ahead to the year
2000 and put the powerful machines through their paces, crunching fake
loan applications and money transfers. In another room, bank employees
repeatedly inserted and withdrew colorful play money from automated
teller machines, watching the balances on their receipts rise and fall.

The elaborate process was part of a test to make sure AmSouth bank's
computers will work in 2000. Experts say that even after software is
fixed, it should be tested, because some dates might have been missed.
In addition, the correction of one problem often introduces another. The
Internal Revenue Service mistakenly sent default notices to 1,000
taxpayers because of an error made in fixing the millennium bug.

Year 2000 consultants say that testing could take up more than half of a
Y2K budget. Yet many companies, pressed for time, are skimping on

"You've got to take a 'trust nothing, test everything' attitude," said
Asala of Zurich American, chastened by his encounter with the faulty
Zurich code he had assumed was clean.

That warning extends to software from outside vendors, who can never
fully test their products for all the ways they are used by customers.

"We have found 10 major Y2K problems with applications vendors told us
they had tested and found compliant," Asala said, adding that Zurich
American's problem programs included software from giants like IBM and
Computer Associates, companies that Asala credits with doing a good job
on Y2K problems.

Smart testing requires cooperation between business partners because
computers routinely interact with other machines outside the company,
but it is not always possible. Bell Atlantic, whose wires carry billions
of dollars in financial transactions, said it had more banks wanting to
test with it than it could accommodate.

There is a human toll too. Because computers are usually in use during
the day, testing often must be done at odd hours, which is why the
computer specialists at AmSouth Bank did their work at night and over a
weekend for five days in October, with workers subsisting on snacks and

Diane Lambert, a systems manager, said she considered herself lucky if
she could say yes when her 14-year-old daughter called asking, "Mama,
will you be home before midnight tonight?"

Jan. 1, 2000, was not the only date tested. One day the computers were
made to believe it was Jan. 3, the first business day of 2000. Another
time it was Feb. 29, a leap day. Then it was March 31, 2000, the day the
books would close for the first quarter.

While programmers worked in the war room, technicians in Chicago were
busy executing mock money transfers to AmSouth's big clients. Employees
at AmSouth's phone service center in Pensacola, Fla., at a
check-processing office in Atlanta and at a branch in a Birmingham
suburb were all participating.

The far-flung electronic menagerie was also linked to a computer center
in North Bergen, N.J., that is usually rented to companies whose own
computers are disabled by a natural disaster. Comdisco, the owner of
this disaster recovery site, has found a sideline in leasing such sites
for Y2K testing.

AmSouth's test went well. The only glitch found was one that would have
prevented AmSouth from signing up new bank-by-phone customers on Feb.
29, 2000. Sara Simon, the technician who had originally installed the
program, identified the error within two hours. It was quickly
corrected, setting off a round of cheers.

But no testing program can cover all the possibilities.

"That's why I call it the year 2000 lottery," said Donald Estes, a
testing expert in Lexington, Mass. "Some will do a lot and still get
hit. Some won't do enough and luck out."

The Hidden Problem: At the Mercy of Microchips

If the year 2000 cleanup involved fixing only business software it would
be hard enough. But the potential for Y2K problems also lurks in the
tiny computers that have permeated all corners of modern life. The flow
of chemicals in a refinery, the injection of fuel into automobile
engines, even the flushing of some toilets is controlled electronically.

Sometimes the controller is a single chip, like one in a factory that
merely opens or closes a valve based on readings from a temperature
sensor. In other cases, an entire computer with more complex software is

Experts say that only a small percentage of such systems -- called
embedded systems because the computer or chip is embedded in some other
piece of equipment -- will have date problems. But with billions of such
chips in use, even a small percentage is enough to scare Y2K experts.

British Petroleum's giant Grangemouth refinery complex identified 2,132
embedded systems and found that 15 would fail in a way that would shut
down operations if they were not fixed, said Ian Jenson, the project

The embedded-chip dimension of the Y2K problem surprised many companies.
International Paper Co. doubled its estimate of its year 2000 repair
costs to $135 million, largely because it belatedly identified
vulnerable electronic controls in its mills.

The investigations have turned up some good news. Despite popular fears
about airplanes falling from the sky, for instance, Boeing Co. has
concluded that there are only three embedded Y2K defects in its
aircraft, all easily dealt with and related to navigation data.

But medical equipment remains a major area of concern. The Veterans
Health Administration found a $150,000 machine used in radiation therapy
for cancer that could theoretically calculate wrong dosages after 2000.
The machine uses the date to calculate the age of the patient and the
strength of the radiation, which decays over time. In the 1980s, several
patients were killed because of software errors in a different radiation

At New York Hospital, Louis Wetstein, a 31-year-old biomedical engineer,
is trying to determine the status of the hospital's 16,000 medical
devices, about 2,500 of which contain microprocessors. Robots and
electronic machines perform tests on vials of patients' blood without
human intervention. Infusion pumps deliver medication with a precision
beyond human capability. Even the beds contain microprocessors, which
adjust the bed's position and weigh the patient.

To test an electrocardiograph machine, Wetstein and colleagues first
hooked it up to another electronic device that simulates a heartbeat.
Then they set the electrocardiograph's internal clock to 23:58 on
31-DEC-99 and waited two minutes.

The machine continued into 2000 without missing a beat, printing the
squiggly lines of an electrocardiogram on a strip of paper and recording
00 as the year. A four-digit year would be ideal, but this was not bad.

Then the clock was set back again to just before midnight for a second
test. But this time the machine was shut off. When it was turned back on
two minutes later, the printout still read 23:59. The machine was stuck
in the last century. The date on the printout made no sense at all --
03-MAR-A6, with A6 being an error code.

Nevertheless, the machine was still able to record heart rhythms,
because it did not need to know the date to do that.

Wetstein said he had found similar record-keeping problems with some
defibrillators and ventilators, but had never found a problem that would
cause the equipment to stop functioning.

"Medical equipment is not designed to stop working," Wetstein said. "It
is designed to keep working. The failure is not to shut down."

Still, incorrect date-stamping could pose legal problems or contribute
to incorrect diagnoses. At New York Hospital, electrocardiograms are
stored in a computer so doctors can log on from their homes or offices.
But if the dates were wrong, doctors might conceivably not be able to
find the EKG or might look at the wrong one.

Moreover, some experts say, even if a machine does not need to have the
date to perform its job, it might be built with off-the-shelf components
that do keep track of the date and might shut themselves off if they
cannot handle the transition to 2000.

So to be safe, some companies are checking everything, and there is
disagreement on the risks.

"I would have surgery at midnight," Wetstein said confidently, referring
to the start of 2000.

But the head of the hospital's overall Y2K effort, Susan Auman, whose
background is in data processing, was more cautious, saying: "I wouldn't
schedule surgery. I wouldn't fly."

Enter the Lawyers: Efforts Stymied by Fear of Lawsuits

One reason to test everything is to avoid being sued. The Y2K problem
has attracted armies of lawyers, who have done more than anything else
to elevate it from a concern of programmers to one of top management.

The lawyers are needed to deal with regulators like the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission, which
are requiring companies to prepare Y2K plans and to disclose their
progress. In other cases, top management is worried about being sued if
computer malfunctions disrupt business enough to make the stock plummet
or hurt a customer.

The year 2000 problem has led some law firms to set up specialized Y2K

"It's the bug that finally gives lawyers the opportunity to rule the
world," Evelyn Ashley, an Atlanta lawyer, said at one of the several Y2K
panels at this year's American Bar Association meeting in Toronto.

Some 30 lawsuits have been filed already, mainly focusing on whether
software companies like Intuit and Symantec are obligated to provide
free upgrades to programs that cannot handle the date change. Other
questions being raised in court include whether insurance policies will
cover damage caused by the year 2000 problem.

But if legal fears have pushed companies to take the Y2K situation more
seriously, they have also made it harder to solve the problem, because
companies are afraid to disclose information about problems they have.

The lawyers' defensive instincts are generating volleys of letters from
companies to their suppliers, asking whether the suppliers will be ready
for 2000. Sometimes the letters come with a threat to cut the supplier
off if it is not moving fast enough.

The initial mailing from a group set up by five big automakers surveyed
39,000 auto-parts manufacturers, because an entire assembly line could
be idled if even one crucial part were not delivered. The airline
industry has hired a consulting firm to survey the air traffic control,
fuel supply, luggage handling and other systems at all 550 airports in
the United States.

"Everyone is sending letters to everyone," Iacino of BankBoston said.
"We're like ants in an anthill. We're all stepping on one another."

But the same lawyers who advise customers to query their suppliers are
advising the suppliers not to answer the queries, or to answer them only
vaguely. That is because statements about a company's readiness can be
used against it in court.

The legal gridlock has caused alarm. "We've got to get this litigation
monkey off our back so we can do our job," said Philip Rock, who is
supervising Y2K work at the Bell Atlantic operations center in
Framingham, Mass.

Several medical groups and members of Congress have publicly rebuked
makers of medical devices for not disclosing information about potential

Responding to concerns, Congress hastily enacted a law in October to
shield companies from lawsuits based on wrong information they provide,
as long as the disclosure is neither reckless nor fraudulent. But
lawyers are advising that the law's protections are limited, which has
discouraged companies from dropping their guard.

The Y2K Economy: New Strategies and New Jobs

Lawyers are only part of a whole new niche in the economy created by
vast spending on the Y2K problem. So many companies offer fix-it
services or software that stock indices have been created to track them.

Programmer shortages, though not as great as was initially feared, have
pushed salaries of Cobol experts to $75 an hour in some cities. To
retain its best programmers, Bank of America is offering bonuses of up
to $75,000, half not payable until May 2000. Some of the work has been
shifted to India and other countries where programmers are cheaper.

Retired or laid-off Cobol programmers are getting second chances.
Randall Bart, 41, of Torrance, Calif., who specializes in Unisys
mainframe software, could not get another programming job after being
laid off in 1988. "I had dead-end experience," Bart said. He worked as a
poker dealer, among other odd jobs. But this year, he found work as a
programmer again, fixing millennium bugs on the Unisys computer of a pen

"Come 2001, I'll still have experience that people don't want," he said.
"But at least I'll have made some money by then."

Investors are already moving away from some companies seen as vulnerable
to year 2000 problems. The stock of Executive Risk Insurance of
Hartford, Conn., dropped sharply in July after Moody's, the
credit-rating agency, said the company could face huge claims from
clients that experience business breakdowns in 2000.

On a broader scale, Global 2000, an international committee of major
banks, is planning to issue a report card on the readiness of different
countries in February, a move that politicians fear could cause capital
flight from lagging nations.

The millennium bug is also helping reshape corporate strategies.
Corestates Financial Corp. of Philadelphia said the escalating cost of
technology, including year 2000 repair, was one reason it agreed to be
acquired this year by First Union Corp. of Charlotte, N.C.

Some 18,000 Massachusetts Medicaid patients were recently forced out of
the Tufts Health Plan because Tufts decided it could not reprogram its
computers to handle changes in Medicaid while also fixing Y2K problems.

"It was a very difficult decision for us because serving the Medicaid
population is part of our mission," said Richard Shoup, Tufts' chief
information officer. "But this is about business survival."

Jan. 1, 2000: Ready or Not, Deadline Nears

As midnight approaches on Dec. 31, 1999, some people will be happily
participating in the greatest New Year's celebration of the last 1,000
years. Others will be bracing for disaster. But the final accounting
will not necessarily come quickly. Indeed, Gartner Group projects that
less than 10 percent of the disruptions will strike in the first two
weeks of 2000.

Edward Yardeni, the chief economist for Deutsche Bank Securities in New
York who built a strong following on Wall Street by correctly
forecasting the stock-market boom of the 1990s, has said that there is a
70 percent probability that the millennium bug will cause a worldwide
recession equivalent to the one that followed the 1973 oil shock.

Enough computers will fail, Yardeni argues, that economies will not be
able to maintain their current level of output. Many other economists,
however, think the economic impact will be more transient, like that of
a hurricane.

The clashing prognosticators agree that, like the weather phenomenon El
Nino, Y2K will be blamed for some problems in which it has no role. But
also like El Nino, Y2K problems are certain to cause real disruptions.
Many companies and government agencies are simply too far behind to
finish in time. And some that seem to be on schedule will fall behind,
because software projects are notorious for missing deadlines.

Some big companies are confident that they will be ready.

"I'll probably be here that night because they'll probably want me here,
but I'll be here yawning," said Rock of Bell Atlantic.

Robert Green, Y2K manager for Public Service Electric and Gas, had a
similarly calm forecast. "Hopefully on December 31, 1999," he said, "the
only ball dropping will be at Times Square."

Cap Gemini, the consulting firm, found in a survey of 1,680
multinational companies that spending on the year 2000 problem had
doubled in the six months ending in October, a positive sign.

Still, the U.S. companies had spent only 61 percent and Europeans 48
percent of their year 2000 budgets, meaning that a huge chunk of work
still lies ahead. As of the end of the third quarter, Chevron Corp. had
spent only $40 million of its projected $200 million to $300 million.
And companies are finding the problem more costly than they thought.
Merrill Lynch & Co. raised its budget in the last six months by $100
million, to $400 million.

The estimated cost to fix the federal government systems has almost
tripled, to $6.4 billion from $2.3 billion in March 1997, with numerous
agencies, including the Defense Department, rated by congressional
overseers as hopelessly behind schedule.

Even if the big companies are ready in time and the federal government
catches up, surveys have shown that many small businesses, as well as
federal, state and local government agencies, are way behind. So are
many foreign countries.

A minister in Jamaica said it would take that Caribbean nation until
2004 to be ready for the year 2000. Economic crises are diverting
attention in Russia and Asia, while European companies must grapple not
only with Y2K problems but also with the reprogramming needed for the
new currency, the euro.

Peter de Jager, the Canadian consultant who is perhaps the best-known
year 2000 Paul Revere, now predicts that the world will probably muddle
through without the catastrophe he once foresaw. It might not be a
glorious goal, but many Y2K experts would be delighted if it were
attained. After all, the world is now so dependent on computers that
there is no going back.

"We cannot go back, because the infrastructure that undergirded our
entire society 25 years ago has been dismantled," Sen. Robert Bennett,
R-Utah, who is chairman of the special committee on the year 2000
problem, said this summer. "The skills are gone, the people are gone,
the equipment is gone. Like it or not, we have no choice in this
situation but to plow forward and, one way or the other, make it work."

The New York Times, Dec. 27, 1998
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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