Greetings fellow list readers - referring to the question as to why the
whales are late in showing up in Hawaiian waters, might the following (an
earlier posting) have something to do with it? I mean if young whales are
born in the seas around Russian coastlines - and radioactive waste
containers earlier dumped by the Communist regime are now leaking in those
areas - could our mammalian friends be a little too sick for travel?

I'm obvoiusly unqualified to say for certain that  radioactive
contamination of Russian seas has even the flimsiest connection with why
they're late showing up in Hawaii but, if nothing else, I can't imagine
that kind of poison is really very healthful for them.

Or, instead,  maybe they just can't stand the U.S. Navy's attempts to blow
them apart with 230 db sound "detonations" via their LFAS (Low Frequency
Active Sonar ... sounds relatively innocent, doesn't it?) program as
outlined in the post titled "Aloha from Hawaii" following the radioactive
waste post below. As mentioned in that post, LFAS' maximum undersea sound
level "blast" of 230 dB is about 10,000 times that generated by a 747 at
takeoff (you know, at maximum all-out thrust). And, with any "luck" at all,
they hope to be able to explode human beings inside nearby intruder
submarines. Maybe floating "hazard" signs should be scattered over the
oceans, worded along the lines of "Caution: Monsters At Work!"  -
unfortunately, whales and dolphins and our finned friends can't read too
well.(Pardon me while I barf!)

Glad I don't have to live in the sea ...

Robert (Bob) Selover

-------------Original "Oceanic Radioactive Waste"

DATE:   12/26/98 6:41 PM

<snipped out a ton of "header/lead-in" stuff>

-----Original Message-----
Date: Friday, December 25, 1998 10:20 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Radioactive Sewers Back Up

<more snipping>

Report: Russia Radiation Level High

MOSCOW (AP) -- Radioactive waste dumped by the Soviet Union in Arctic seas
leaking through its containers, causing radiation levels to reach up to 100
times normal in some areas, officials said Friday.

Russia's Emergency Situations Ministry said radiation levels in waters off
Novaya Zemlya archipelago exceed the norm dozens of times, and in the
Stepovoi Gulf by 100 times, the ITAR-Tass news agency reported.

Radiation levels in the Barents Sea are also above normal, the ministry

Several containers that the Soviet Union used in Arctic radioactive dumps
the 1960s have become depressurized and toxic waste is leaking out, the
ministry said.

Chemical weapons dumps in the Baltic Sea are also causing contamination
heavy metals and arsenic, the ministry said, citing a study it conducted
the past three years.

Sediment concentrations of heavy metals in several areas of the Baltic Sea
10 to 100 times above normal levels, and arsenic levels are also high, the
ministry said, according to ITAR-Tass.

-------------------End of "Oceanic Radioactive Waste"

-----Beginning of "Aloha From Hawaii" (U.S. Navy LFAS Program/Effects)

DATE:   3/12/98 10:04 PM

<snipped out more header/lead-in stuff>

Re:     Aloha from Hawai'i,
Note:  Reply to:
 Axiom/Prophets Conferences National and International Subscribers

We strongly feel that the following information deserves your attention and
action.  These activities of the United States Navy need to be haulted
immediately, and the public needs to know exactly why this is going on.

Take a moment, read the information, and please do what you can.

Aloha, Robin & Cody Johnson

Aloha from Hawai'i,

As we email this to you a baby whale lies abandoned and dying undoubtedly
as a result of the LFAS testing.  It cannot survive without its mother.
This is the second such death in two weeks in the same Hawai'i waters where
the US Navy is testing the Low Frequency Active Sonar.

You have a choice, a Conscious Choice to peacefully protest:

Please email your protest to those on the list below and circulate this
email to everyone you know this week.  The goal this week is to email
500,000 protests.  Your voice can contribute to make it happen.  It
concerns the lively hood of the whales and dolphins that are being killed
by the US Navy in the waters of Hawai'i and waters around the planet.  It
concerns the livelyhood of our oceans, the mammals and fish that inhabit
them and ultimately our planet.

This is a regional and international issue.  Please send protests to the
media, your local politicians and congressmen.  Some suggested email
addresses are included below.  _________________________________________
The Plot Thickens:

The last week with the LFAS is beginning to read like an excellent script
for a movie.  Hey you folks in Hollywood listen up.  It has all the topical
flavors with personal and political twists that so easily take us in
another direction and mask the real issues at hand - the livelyhood of life
on this planet.

This is a lesson of discernment for all of us to take a stand and to be
heard, you can make a difference here right now by sending out your

Last week thousands of email and fax protests went out.  This week it needs
to be hundreds of thousands.  The killing has to stop.  And thanks for your
efforts last week it has brought these issues to many peoples attention.
By forwarding this appeal last week thousands have petitioned our local
politicians all the way to the Vice President and the President of the
United States.

But sadly that was not enough, a baby whale lies abandoned and dying
because the US Navy has got permission to kill our whales and apparently
200 dolphins in the Mediterranean.  What does it take to put a stop to
this?  Hopefully this week's goal of 500,000 email protests will have them
sit up and take action.

The events in the last week have brought news that the LFAS is a much
larger problem than locally in Hawai'i.  As reported in the Guardian
newspaper March 3rd out of England and also in the Sydney daily newspaper,
13 Cuvier's beaked whales were found stranded off Greece the next day after
LFAS broadcast by the US Navy.  And in the last few weeks (I am not sure of
the time period) 200 dolphins have been found blown up in the Mediterranean

For more information on source materials for the above go to

This is very serious business.  Read the following and petition your local
media and politicians.

The Sound Equation:

Last week I tracked down Sir Peter Guy Manners' assistant Dr Dudley Finch,
they were both in Florida treating patients and presenting their work to
the medical establishment.  Through their expertise they can predict
precisely the type of damage that is done with LFAS sound.  They are the
only experts in the world (that I know) who have many decades of medical
experience of the use of sound in altering the physiology of living tissue.
 If you have any sound clips of the LFAS please forward to me for their

Sir Peter wrote: "...the likely effects (of LFAS) on marine animals in our
opinion could be disastrous, causing cell and tissue damage as well as
effecting the brain and nervous system"

For more information on the "sound equation" go to

Our scientists and medical experts need to contact Sir Peter because the
sound does not necessarily effect the living tissue in ways that can be
conventionally measured or observed and will not always show up in
autopsies. It effects the energy and the structure of the cells.  Hence the
whales are beaching sometimes, as in the Greece incident, alive probably
from lower intensities exposures and at other times blown apart from higher
intensities as in the recent case of the dolphins.

One would normally assume that the louder the sound the worse the damage.
However, that is not always the case.  It is the combination of the
frequencies that do the damage, or if used appropriately good.  Sir Peter
can break up tumors non surgically with sound, or in my work we use sound
vibroacoustically through the body to relieve stress.  I believe the Navy
has this data and is classified, not only could they use the sound to knock
out say the electrical system of a submarine, but by switching frequencies
and depending on the distance to the sub they could kill everyone on board,
or maim or stun.  Just like a dolphin or some whales stun their prey with
their sonar.  Except the US Navy can broadcast at 230 dB, 10,000 times
louder than a 747 taking off.

Last Saturday March 7th we heard the LFAS sound broadcast at hourly
intervals for several seconds.  We heard three broadcasts.  That day, we
were about 10 miles (my guestimate) from the sending vessel so the levels
were below the local background levels of the whales singing and grunting
around our boat.  We did get a recording, and I will post it as soon as I
get a copy.  They were using frequencies around middle "C" and stepping up
the frequencies.  There appeared to be some change in the whale's sounds,
if anything their song activity appeared to increase after the 8(?) second
broadcast.  However, you can be assured with all the public interest they
are being very mindful about the power and the frequencies they use.

The earliest report of the Navy using the LFAS dates back to the early
1980's so you can bet that they have compiled lots of data already, so why
the testing in Hawai'i?

It occurs to us that the testing here is to determine the thresholds they
can broadcast to stun and enemy sub or UFO or whatever the situation may
be. They are using the birthing waters here to test those thresholds and
show to the conservationists, environmentalists and research folks that
LFAS is safe, but the dying baby whale tells us its a lie.

So again the time for a public outcry is right NOW!

Delay Tactics:

Last week there was a continuation of the hearing in Honolulu brought
forward by lawyer Paul Achitoff for the Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund.
Presently, Judge Helen Gillmor is considering her action and will make a
decision this week.  It is already too late.  Have you ever looked into the
eye of a dying baby whale?

So again the time for your protest is right NOW!!

These political delay tactics and maneuvers are all so common.  We urge you
to send another round of protests to the addresses below, it made a huge
difference last week and we urge you to follow up again today...take action
right now.

The New York times is considering an article on the LFAS and may be out
today, swimmers have been in the water around the sending vessel last week
and now the coast guard cutter is hovering around to harass the protesters.
It is getting nasty.  Is it going to take the death of a human to get the
public attention?  Hopefully not.

Your email protest could prevent all of that and peacefully resolve the
issue now.

What can you do?

The time is NOW. Send protests to the media, your local politicians and
environmentalist groups.  Then, send this email to everyone you know.  In
the header of your email or fax put "Whales and Dolphins dead and dying
from LFAS".

And words to the effect:

"This is an urgent appeal to stop the US Navy killing of whales and
with LFAS.  Recent reports in the European press have linked the US Navy to
killing whales and possibly 200 dolphins in the Mediterranean. Please stop
this and the current LFAS testing in the Hawaiin waters".

Signed:  Your name

Send to:

President Bill Clinton mailto:

Vice-President Al Gore mailto:

Govenor of Hawaii: Ben Cayetano mailto: phone 808.586.0034 fax

State Senator: David Tarnas mailto: phone
808.586.8510 fax 808.587.0390

Dept Land and Natural Resources State of Hawaii Chairman Mike Wilson
mailto: phone 808.587.0400 fax 808.587.0390

Joseph Johnson Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (703) 919-8959

Also:"Williamson, Richard" mailto:

Senators: Danial Inouye mailto: DC fax
202.224.6747 Honolulu fax 808.541.2549

Danial Akaka DC fax 202.224.2126 Honolulu fax 808. 545.4683

Congressmen: Neil Abercrombie mailto: DC fax
202.225.4580 Honolulu phone 808.541.2570 Hono fax 808.533.0133

Diana H. Josephson,  Principle Deputy (I&E) -  Ph. (703) 693-4527,  mailto:

Elsie Munsell,  DASN ES -  Ph. (703) 614-1303,  mailto:

Robert (Robin) Pirie,  ASN (I&E) -  Ph. (703) 695-4533,  mailto:

Dr. Kurt Riegel,  Director of Environmental Technology -  Ph. (703)
695-3363,  mailto:

Lew Shotton,  Director of Environmental Planning & Natural Resources -  Ph.
(703) 614-1295,  mailto:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) mailto:

Patsy Mink DC fax 202.225.4987 Hono phone 808.541.1986 Hono fax 808.

White House Office of Enviromental Quality Kate McGinty White House 1600
Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20006 phone 202.456.6224 fax 202.456.2710

National Marine Fisheries Services Office of protected species Ann Terbush
1335 East West Highway Silver Springs, MD 20910 fax 301.713.0376

And in service to the livelyhood of life on the planet and in the Universe
Benedick _______________________________________________ Axiom - Subscribe or Unsubscribe List:


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