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~~~~~H*A*P*P*Y   N*E*W   Y*E*A*R   T*O   A*L*L~~~~~
Be On the LÕÕK out for the details on the upcoming CONTEST
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     A. Sacramento Valley: Major Transmissions Discovered
     B. News of Strangeness In Denver, Calgary (From a Project Survivor)
, New          York City
     C. Tesla Technology Used For Diabolical Purposes
     D. Conceptual/Philosophical, Basis of Montauk Mind Control
Operations,               Connections To Other "MK" Projects, D.C.
Hammond on Monarch and              MK-ULTRA Programming
#2. Poem> Shades of Gray © copyright 12/11/98  By: Terry Kimbrell
#3. Nostradamus and Saddam Hussein  BY: John Mainert       johnniem@dial
#4. French Woman Reduced To Ashes and a Slippered Foot  BY: Susannah
      Herbert The Sidney Morning Herald: Saturday, December 12, 1998
#5. Millennium Bug Or Millennium Bomb ?? Submitted by; Rodger Stevenson
#6. Vampire Myths May Be Traced To Disfiguring Disease By Anthony
         Breznican, Associated Press Writer Copyright © 1998 Nando.net
      Copyright      © 1998 The Associated Press
#7. The Alien Reality According To Edgar Cayce   By; Karal Ayn Barnett ©
      http://www.jinglesweb.com/karal        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Due to the length of this artcile it will be a featured article in the
~~~~~H*A*P*P*Y   N*E*W   Y*E*A*R   T*O   A*L*L~~~~~
Be On the LÕÕK out for the details on the upcoming CONTEST
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     A. Sacramento Valley: Major Transmissions Discovered
     B. News of Strangeness In Denver, Calgary (From a Project Survivor)
, New          York City
     C. Tesla Technology Used For Diabolical Purposes
     D. Conceptual/Philosophical, Basis of Montauk Mind Control
Operations,               Connections To Other "MK" Projects, D.C.
Hammond on Monarch and              MK-ULTRA Programming
#2. Poem> Shades of Gray © copyright 12/11/98  By: Terry Kimbrell      
#3. Nostradamus and Saddam Hussein  BY: John Mainert       johnniem@dial
#4. French Woman Reduced To Ashes and a Slippered Foot  BY: Susannah
      Herbert The Sidney Morning Herald: Saturday, December 12, 1998
#5. Millennium Bug Or Millennium Bomb ?? Submitted by; Rodger Stevenson
#6. Vampire Myths May Be Traced To Disfiguring Disease By Anthony
         Breznican, Associated Press Writer Copyright © 1998 Nando.net 
      Copyright      © 1998 The Associated Press
#7. The Alien Reality According To Edgar Cayce   By; Karal Ayn Barnett ©
      http://www.jinglesweb.com/karal        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A. Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Due to the length of this artcile it will be a featured article in the
next upcomings issues! Series 6 of 10



In the summer of 1998 Preston Nichols was contracted to do some
scientific work for a private party in the Sierra Nevada Mountains east
of Sacramento California. Nichols became aware that Beale Air Force Base
, somewhat near his location, was emitting signature EM/RF frequencies
indicative of "Delta T" interdimensional/time travel operations in
progress. Furthermore Nichols
also noted the presence of extensive and pervasive "435 Mhz"
transmissions capable of implementing mind control, weather control and
other relativistic, high-energy physics functions such as
interdimensional/time travel operations. The transmission blanketed the
entire central Sacramento Valley region--even beyond some of the lower
mountains to the west. Only after several mountain ranges were passed
did the signal finally begin to diminish. Nichols reported
that he had never seen such a pervasive signal and believes that is
somehow propagated upon the water molecules in the air, enabling it to
"saturate" an area, especially a geographic basin area such as the
Sacramento Valley, in a way unlike other EM/RF transmissions.
Indications are that a ground based transmission is being deployed.
Nichols speculated that there is some kind
of link to HAARP operations going on, very likely but not exclusively to
the weather control aspects of HAARP.


A man now living in Calgary named John Tooker has had substantial recall
of personal involvement in the Montauk Project. Tooker believes that he
was in fact a participant during the Montauk Project operations in the
late 1970s and early 1980s, while in an altered state of mind and/or
some alternate, parallel reality or "timeline". Tooker says he was
rather a different person when he worked on advanced time-related
technologies at the Camp hero base; that is, literally-- that he may
have been subjected to some kind of age regression and/or transfer of
consciousness, along the lines of that reported by Al Bielek, and that
he was "Daniel John Waters" during this period a Camp Hero.

Mr. Tooker has reported on some extremely timely info about some VERY
odd goings on in Calgary, which sound amazingly similar to a lot of the
information coming in about Denver. (Denver has been named by some as
the "capital" for the western U.S. sector in the possibly impending New
World Order).

Given the fact that Calgary is in roughly the same geographical
relationship to the continental divide (the Rockies) as is Denver,
perhaps there is some esoteric/earth energy relationship as well, which
may make Calgary suitable for use as another Western North America NWO
"nerve center".

Tooker informed me that a Canadian Armed Forces base in Calgary,
although recently "closed" and decommissioned (here we go again) is in
fact still functioning, but has become extremely secretive about doing
so. This is based not only on direct observation but also eyewitness
testimony from a security guard who was working there; just recently,
this guard, who is a close friend of Tooker and has worked with him on
some research was summarily transferred from the location without

There was more notable weirdness--quite significant in my opinion--which
he told me of going on there; for instance, so-called cell phone
transmitter towers have been appearing everywhere in Calgary. A similar
state of affairs exists in New York City, where these transmitters have
been installed on nearly every street corner!

These so-called cell phone transmitters are being installed in
tremendous numbers all over the country now, and that while cell phone
communications may be one of the purposes of these towers, there is in
fact a covert purpose as well and that such transmitters are being
unquestionably used for mind modification/control of the general
population: most of the towers are operating at ten kilowatts of power
or higher--much more power than is needed for only cell
phone transmissions.

(My current residence is in a very sparsely populated mountain region of
Northern California, and sure enough, within the past two years one of
these transmitters was installed on a mountain quite nearby.)

Al Bielek, having left Denver after living there for about 18 months,
told me the city was literally crawling with "Montauk boys" and to some
extent "Montauk girls"; young people with Aryan (Germanic/Nordic) racial
characteristics programmed with the Montauk and "Monarch"-type
techniques to be sleeper agents to be utilized in the covert
government's astonishing array of brutal, vicious, psychotic, satanic
and murderous "operations" and "activities", and also during the
projected implementation of the so-called New World Order. Bielek had a
number of casual interactions with some of these people while in Denver.

Bizarrely, and remarkably like what Al Bielek was telling me about
Denver, Tooker said that the streets of Calgary have as of fairly
recently become inundated with a tremendous number of street people, the
great majority of whom fit the "requirements" for the typical "Montauk
Boys" to a T! Holy shit!

There is solid evidence, some in photographic form, of a tremendous,
many-leveled and multipurpose subterranean city easily one hundred
square miles beneath the finally completed Denver International Airport,
which houses a vast array of different underground facilities including
those necessary for a national government to operate, as well as
underground freeways and a subterranean rail line connecting this to
other subterranean complexes operated
by the covert government.

In addition to all this the floor of the main terminal at Denver Airport
is constructed of a material which is said to be impervious to particle
beam and EM pulse weapons. The floor and walls have a number of esoteric
Masonic symbols and phrases, as well as murals depicting global
destruction and apocalyptic themes. If the place was plastered with
Buddhist, Jewish or Christian symbolism, you can bet some
Constitutionalist or civil libertarian would be raising hell.

Obviously many more subterranean installations exist nationwide and

I have been told by Preston Nichols, which was corroborated by other
sources, that in fact large portions of Long Island have underground
facilities, (including of course Brookhaven Labs--a point confirmed to
Long Island reporter Jerry Cimisi by a private contractor who's worked
often on the Brookhaven facility), AND that these are connected to many
other such facilities nationwide (and worldwide) by an extensive and
elaborate super-high-speed underground rail system.

Nichols also told me that the Lower Hudson Valley region, where so many
hundreds of thousands have had "UFO" sightings, contacts, and like
experiences, has major underground installations--vast in fact. This is
borne out by Ellen Crystal's research in the Pine Valley, NY region,
where she documents numerous instances of craft disappearing underground
and the sounds of tremendous subterranean construction activity; also by
Larry Warren (principal
Bentwaters AFB/Rendelsham RAF UFO witness), who said that the Plattsburg
, NY area (Upper Hudson Valley) was the site of an enormous subterranean
government military installation; as well Mr. Warren was has been in an
underground base in Egypt while in the service, which he says was about
as big as NY State! (Bentwaters itself, of course, is situated above a
huge underground.)

In yet another correspondence to me from Judith, she comments on a
recent trip she made through several northeastern states in 1997.

"Back to the underground. According to conspiracy theories,
experimentation may be going on there-- possibly underground living
quarters--do you know anything more, proven or theory, about what may be
actually happening? I took a 4 day trip through DC, MD, OH, PA--driving
in July--I saw some very unusual situations there. First, unexplained
spikey dust all over the forests in MD & PA. In PA, on the turnpike in
about the center of the state, I ran across this weird area, where again
, the vibes were very high, the traffic was mesmerized in there, you go
through 3 tunnels in and 3 tunnels OUT of there. There were an
inordinate amount of 18-wheelers in there with NO identifying names or
signs on the sides. There were thousands of cars in there, lined up
bumper to bumper, not moving and it was a major freeway, for reasons
unknown. I got out of my car and found that the steep embankment there
was throbbing--you could hear the sounds of machinery below the surface.
It was spooky--but obviously something was going on down below. Of
course, PA is mining country, but this seemed too close to the surface..
.I spoke to a doctor who knew the area and knew PA. He had heard of this
particular stretch of PA and knew that whatever was going on was highly
            --_ Judith


A gentleman from Pennsylvania named Ron Hannivig contacted me after
reading HAARP's Covert Agendas with some startling testimony about the U
.S. (shadow) government's long interest in and experience with the
fundamentals underlying much of what HAARP technology is based upon long
before there was HAARP--which to great extent is the awe-inspiring
technology developed by of the "father" of our modern AC electrical
power system, Nicola Tesla.

Hannivig reports that he personally worked on the construction of a
"Tesla EM Tx site" in West Australia during the 1960s; a location
roughly on the other side of the world from Montauk.

According to Mr. Hannivig, there are a number of such sites worldwide,
which would correlate with what others have discovered about HAARP.

>From Ron Hannivig--

"Been reviewing your work regarding the ongoing activity out on Long
Island, NY ... by way of messages being forwarded to my attention - and
thought you might be interested in considering my findings.

"From what I can gather - at the time, the area around Montauk Point,
Long Island, NY was a prime portal - a "wormhole", in the time/space
conundrum. By the way ... it is understood there is another such
"wormhole" located not too far from Montauk - in Block Island Sound ...
very near Fishers Island, NY (this island is actually in NY - however,
it's located right off the coast of New London/Mystic, CT). This
wormhole appears at a pinpoint location ... and been trying to verify
the report/s for about a year.

"Back in the mid 1960's - I had worked during the construction phase of
a massive Tesla EM Tx (electromagnetic transmission) site located upon
The North West Cape of the Exmouth peninsular, West Australia ... and
was there the day it was officially turned over to The US Navy. It was
subsequently named the Harold Holt US Navy Communications Base...named
after the former Prime Minister of Australia - who mysteriously drowned
while he was in office. At the time of his drowning - I was in West
Australia, and nobody I knew believed it was an accident.

"Today - we (my Australians contacts and myself) believe Prime Minister
Holt had been seriously questioning the true mission of this American US
Navy base upon Australian soil - and as a result, was rubbed-out.

"The prime requirement of these Tesla EM Tx sites are their location
relative to MN (magnetic north) and those selected targets to be zapped
by an electromagnetic slug (of sheer energy) ... setup an
electromagnetic force field ... cause holographic type illusions to
simulate UFO type activity ... fully distort the time/space conundrum ..
. Of course, this list can continue on, to include mind altering
experiments, etc... Furthermore, this same great arc alignment includes
a fourth plot point - which is the interpolated timely position of MN ..
. a prime factor in implementing this quantum type technology. Four plot
points representing interconnecting events, all of them falling upon a
common great arc ... becomes prima facie evidence.

"Therefore, given this alignment - relative to MN ... the generating
facility for the activity on Long Island, NY would actually be located
on the other side of the world. Distance is not a real factor ... it's
the alignment, relative to the elusive positions of MN. Finally ... if I
had not actually worked at this massive West Australia Tesla EM Tx
facility - I would likely not have been able to make
this connection. Any questions, please feel free to ask. The dedicated
target of The Tesla facility I know to be at Exmouth is just south of
Long Island, NY."
            --_ Ron Hannivig

I do believe Mr. Hannivig has a fairly solid grasp of the nature and
purpose of these sites in general, although I found some of the
scenarios painted as to the potential and/or planned uses for these
sites and the "Tesla" technology to be unlikely and a little extreme.
Hannivig indicated that in his firm opinion the Tesla technology as
implemented through HAARP would be utilized to trigger a major undersea
seismic event in the Atlantic during summer 1998. Hannivig pinpointed a
target date of August 24, 1998. Coincidentally or not, this date has
been mentioned a number of times this year by a number of "psychics" as
a date when a massive cataclysm some kind would occur, resulting in a
tidal wave striking the Eastern coast of North America, and also an
exceptionally large hurricane, "Bonnie", did indeed begin to pose a
substantial threat to the
Eastern seaboard on this very date (no tsunamis or similar cataclysms
generated however).

I ran Hannivig's ideas past Preston Nichols and I find myself in
agreement with his general assessment of Hannivig's ideas: that is,
although such a scenario is technically possible, there is way too much
the overt  government/"Establishment" and the covert government/New
World Order would stand to lose--far to much of the country's and the
world's industry, banking, commerce, wealth and power, as well as great
numbers of military, governmental and scientific facilities are
centralized or located along the Atlantic seaboard of the US for such a
move to be seriously considered or enacted.

Hannivig noted that the Tesla EM/Tx site which would likely implement
this would be on the opposite side of the globe--in Australia. Yet on
July 18 1998 at least three significant tsunamis caused by a seismic
event occurred in the South Pacific, and as many as 8,000 people--mostly
children--may have perished on Papua/New Guinea's north coast, in
addition to which entire villages and a large portion of the whole
culture, a way of life, were utterly decimated. The story of this
immense human tragedy completely vanished from sight and consciousness
within days and was subsequently unilaterally avoided by the mass media.
..for some strange reason.

My thought was this. Given the undeniable and relentlessly "Nazi"-like,
pro "Aryan" mindset and worldview of so many in the covert government.
Perhaps the scenario Ron Hannivig envisioned was fairly correct--but in
reverse. In other words, perhaps the HAARP facilities on Long Island
were utilized to trigger the undersea quake which caused the devastating
and deadly tsunamis in New Guinea. After all, nothing vital to
Establishment or covert (global) government interests in terms of global
resources or power base was lost and no white people perished: only
thousands of brown-skinned people's lives were lost.

Mr. Hannivig has commented in reply that the Papua/New Guinea tsunamis
could have been artificially triggered. One would have to plot the
trajectories in terms of the relations to Magnetic North to determine
where the Navy's HAARP/Tesla sites would need to be in order to have
triggers the undersea tremors off New Guinea, and if in fact there are
such transmitter sites at these locations.


Serious students of mind control may know of this talk by Dr. D.C.
Hammond on artificially induced Multiple Personality Disorder--i.e., the
deliberate fracturing of a person's personality and consciousness
coupled with mind "programming": by means of ritualistic psychosexual
abuse as well as drugs and EM/RF signals. These operations are often
carried out by "satanic" cults directly linked to intelligence/military
covert government agencies for the purpose of creating Monarch-type
agents. I am including in this report a portion of some of his comments
on this topic. I found it to be one of the most lucid and understandable
explanations of the entire system and how (tragically well) it works and
has worked, on a truly unbelievable number of people nationwide.

Dr. Hammond has worked closely with a substantial number of victims of
government (intelligence)-run mind control operations and has a solid
grasp of both the overall extent and scope of the programs and also the
impact of these kinds of activities upon the personal lives of those
unfortunate enough to have been subjected to them.

"At the end of World War II, before it even ended, Allen Dulles and
people from our Intelligence Community were already in Switzerland
making contact to get out Nazi scientists. As World War II ends, they
not only get out rocket scientists, but they also get out some Nazi
doctors who have been doing mind-control research in the camps. They
brought them to the United States.

"What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start
this, in basic forms, it appears, by about two and a half after the
child's already been made dissociative. They'll make him dissociative
not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting
a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, "You do not go in
until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it."
They start in rudimentary forms at about two and a half and kick
into high gear, it appears, around six or six and a half, continue
through adolescence with periodic reinforcements in adulthood. Basically
in the programming the child will be put typically on a gurney. They
will have an IV in one hand or arm. They'll be strapped down, typically
naked. There'll be wires attached to their head to monitor
electroencephalograph patterns. They will see
a pulsing light, most often described as red, occasionally white or blue
.    They'll be given, most commonly I believe, Demerol. Sometimes it'll
be other drugs as well depending on the kind of programming. They have
it, I think, down to a science where they've learned you give so much
every twenty-five minutes until the programming is done. They then will
describe a pain on one ear, their right ear generally, where it appears
a needle has been placed, and they will hear
weird, disorienting sounds in that ear while they see photic stimulation
to drive the brain into a brainwave pattern with a pulsing light at a
certain frequency not unlike the goggles that are now available through
Sharper Image and some of those kinds of stores. Then, after a suitable
period when they're in a certain brainwave state, they will begin
programming, programming oriented to
self-destruction and debasement of the person. In a patient at this
point in time about eight years old who has gone through a great deal
early programming took place on a military installation. That's not

"I've treated and been involved with cases who are part of this original
mind control project as well as having their programming on military
reservations in many cases.    We find a lot of connections with the CIA
. This patient now was in a Cult school, a private Cult school where
several of these sessions occurred a week. She would go into a room, get
all hooked up. They would do all of these sorts of things. When she was
in the proper altered state, now they were no
longer having to monitor it with electroencephalographs, she also had
already had placed on her electrodes, one in the vagina, for example,
four on the head. Sometimes they'll be on other parts of the body. They
will then begin and they would say to her, "You are angry with someone
in the group." She'd say, "No, I'm not" and they'd violently shock her.
They would say the same thing until she complied and didn't make any
negative response. Then they would continue. "And because you are angry
with someone in the group," or "When you are angry with someone in the
group, you will hurt yourself. Do you understand?" She said, "No" and
they shocked her. They repeated again, "Do you understand?" "Well, yes,
but I don't want to." Shock her again until they
get compliance. Then they keep adding to it. "And you will hurt yourself
by cutting yourself. Do you understand?" Maybe she'd say yes, but they
might say, "We don't believe you" and shock her anyway. "Go back and go
over it again." They would continue in this sort of fashion.    She said
typically it seemed as though they'd go about thirty minutes, take a
break for a smoke or something, come back. They may review what they'd
done and stopped or they might review
what they'd done and go on to new material. She said the sessions might
go half an hour, they might go three hours. She estimated three times a

"Programming under the influence of drugs in a certain brainwave state
and with these noises in one ear and them speaking in the other ear,
usually the left ear, associated with right hemisphere non-dominant
brain functioning, and with them talking, therefore, and requiring
intense concentration, intense focusing. Because often they'll have to
memorize and say certain things back, word-perfect, to avoid punishment,
shock, and other kinds of things that are occurring. This is basically
how a lot of programming goes on. Some of it'll also use other typical
brainwashing kinds of techniques. There will be very standardized types
of hypnotic things done at times. There'll be sensory deprivation which
we know increases suggestibility in anyone. Total sensory deprivation,
suggestibility has significantly increased, from the research. It's not
uncommon for them to use a great deal of that, including formal sensory-
deprivation chambers before they do
certain of these things.

"Now the problem is there are many different layers of alternate
personalities with this stuff. What we have up here are innumerable
alters...we found out that all of this great work had done nothing but
deal with the alters up here and had not touched the mind-control
programming. In fact it was not only intact, but we found one who was
having her therapy monitored every session by her mother, out-of-state,
over the telephone, and that she still had intact suggestions that had
been given to her to kill her therapist at a certain future time.

        Louise A. Lowry
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