-Caveat Lector-

 ------------ forwarded message ------------
 From: Carol Zimmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998
 Subj: [earthchanges] Drudge Report - Update??

 Hi Folks -

 Matt Drudge just happened to be on local Phoenix TV this
 evening.  He is visiting the area to speak at the Republican
 conference taking place this weekend.

 During the newscast interview, Matt Drudge mentioned the
 story he hoped to break Jan 3rd - 'if he can get it.'
 All he said was it would be big, that people had moved
 to safe houses, he (or someone else?) was waiting on
 the results of medical tests, and it was not necessarily
 a political story but more of a 'human' story.

 If I hear more, I'll post it.



 To: Leroy S. Mort

 substantial sums of money have been paid to Arkansas hooker
 to establish DNA link with Danny boy and Clinton.  Obviously
 a story will be told with great fanfare that Bill has not paid
 child support.  Chelsea will finally get to see her brother.

 From: agentx, 12/28/98 15:37:03 PST

 To: imastarr

 DNA matching is very possible.  Remember, they have Clinton's
 DNA profile from the blood test he took for Starr to verify the
 identity of the semen on Monica's dress.  All we need now is
 Danny's DNA and a match can be made.  Clinton's son Danny is
 the key -- if he'll agree to a DNA test then we can nail Clinton.
 Does anyone know if Clinton's specific DNA profile was released
 in any part of the Starr report??

 From: ClintonBeGone, 12/28/98 16:10:18 PST

 To: citizen

 If the story is Danny Williams, his approval rating will go
 up by 15-20 %.  The American public doesn't have the same
 ethical standards that we have.

 From: powell, 12/28/98 16:16:15 PST

 To: icwhatudo

 Danny Williams (Clinton) photo is at:


 Scroll down past his mom's picture, her name is Bobbie Williams,
 and then scroll to the right and see Danny. Put a photo of
 Bill Clinton up right next to it and see the strong resemblance.

 From: BuffyT, 09/04/98 23:37:00 EDT


 Stephanopoulos Used Threat to Stifle Clinton Son Story
 Carl Limbacher, December 28, 1998
 © 1998, NewsMax.com

 "I guarantee you that if you do this you'll never work in
 Democratic politics again."

 That was the threat issued by George Stephanopoulos to Steve
 Dinari, director of Ross Perot's Illinois campaign, when
 Dinari informed him that he was ready to go public with a
 credible allegation that Bill Clinton had fathered an
 illegitimate son.

 It was the day before the 1992 election. Stephanopoulos was
 in Clinton's Little Rock campaign headquarters nervously
 anticipating the next day's returns when a secretary told
 him that Dinari was on the phone and "he wants to talk to
 someone confidentially."

 Stephanopoulos' side of their conversation was captured on
 videotape by a film crew preparing a documentary on the 1992
 Clinton-Gore campaign, which was released the next year
 under the title "The War Room."

 Dinari informed Stephanopoulos, then campaign communications
 director, that he had names, addresses, and phone numbers of
 people who could back the story up. In a tense moment of
 election-eve panic, the Clinton wunderkind barked into the

 "It's completely bullshit! If you went on the radio and said
 that Bill Clinton is the father of an illegitimate black
 child, you will be laughed at. People will think you're
 crazy. ... You will be embarrassed before the national press
 corps. People will think, nobody will believe you, and
 people will think you're scum."

 Then Stephanopoulos changed tack, pointing out to Dinari
 that his cooperation on the Danny Williams bombshell would
 not go unnoticed: "If you don't do it, it will cause you
 some temporary pain with people who tomorrow aren't going to
 matter. And you have a campaign that understands that in a
 difficult time you did something right."

 With a video camera rolling just a few feet away,
 Stephanopoulos was quick to qualify his hint of possible
 favors for Dinari's silence, adding: "I mean, it doesn't
 mean anything. We can't do anything for you specifically or
 anything like that."

 Nine months earlier, Globe magazine carried a report on
 Little Rock prostitute Bobbie Ann Williams, who alleged that
 during one of 13 sexual encounters with then-Gov. Clinton in
 1984, she conceived her son, Danny. Photos as well as
 eyewitness accounts attest to Danny's resemblance to Clinton.

 Both Bobbie Ann and a corroborating witness, her sister
 Lucille Bolton, submitted to lie-detector tests to bolster
 their accounts. Both passed.

 Dinari was told by Stephanopoulos that the story had already
 been investigated and rejected by "every major national news
 organization," which, according to several sources close to
 the Danny Williams story, is altogether untrue.

 In interviews with NewsMax.com this fall, Bolton, who acts
 as family spokesperson, said that only Globe magazine had
 looked into the story in 1992 and that in the intervening
 six years NewsMax.com was "the only one I've talked to."

 Robert "Say" McIntosh, the Little Rock community activist
 responsible for publicizing the story locally, told
 NewsMax.com that the Arkansas Democrat Gazette as well as
 other news organizations he contacted refused to cover the
 explosive allegations.

 Bolton told NewsMax.com that Danny now "wants the truth to
 come out" and that his current guardian, Shirley Howard,
 would like to see the president submit to a paternity test.

 Stephanopoulos would use the same tactics four years later,
 when similarly damaging charges surfaced in a book by an
 FBI agent who had just retired from his post at the Clinton
 White House. Gary Aldrich's "Unlimited Access" featured
 allegations of illicit presidential sex and an insider's
 view of an unprecedented breakdown in White House security.

 Aldrich's bombshell book sent Clinton damage controllers
 into overdrive, with White House spinmeisters armtwisting
 network news executives to keep its author off the tube.
 Reportedly, threats to cancel upcoming interviews with
 Clinton and wife Hillary were issued by the White House
 communications team, which Stephanopoulos headed up.

 Only ABC News gave Aldrich a venue, even though his book was
 well on its way to the top of best-seller lists across the
 country. And ABC agreed to interview the 25-year FBI veteran
 on "This Week" only after the White House had persuaded the
 network to permit Stephanopoulos to follow with an immediate
 on-air rebuttal.

 After the broadcast, Stephanopoulos boasted, "We killed it"
 -- a reference to the damage he believed he'd done to
 Aldrich's credibility. But in the ensuing two years, the FBI
 agent-turned-best-selling-author has been substantially
 vindicated by revelations pouring out of the campaign
 finance and Monica Lewinksy probes.

 Will the White House revert to type now that the Danny
 Williams story has returned? Lucille Bolton reported that
 Danny's family has had peculiar run-ins with Little Rock
 police as well as with men identifying themselves as FBI
 agents -- just since the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke.

 As always, the Washington press corps remains obediently

 Also see:

 Danny Clinton's photos:





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