---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 02:03:37 EST
Subject: Clinton's Fate Decided at Hilton Head

January 31, 1998

This morning the offices of Rumor Mill News Agency received a phone call from
a major source we had not heard from in years.

He spent about fifteen minutes on the telephone.  We spent about two hours
deciphering the hastily taken notes.  When RMNews agreed to publish
information coming from Sources within the intelligence Agency, we had to
agree to play by their rules.  Rule number one was to never record their
voices.  This makes it quite difficult when they are long winded.  But I have
learned to take very good short hand.  Then if I can read my own writing, I
can recreate the conversation.  My half of the conversation is recorded.  That
way, I am able to reconstruct almost perfectly, what I have been told.

I knew that I was not going to have the time today to write the article the
way I wanted it written.  That is why I wrote to Brian Redman and gave him the
information.  He wrote an excellent article.  I am attaching it.

Later that night, I turned on my favorite radio show and discovered that my
friend Dr. Stan Monteith, did not have a guest for his Radio Liberty New
Year's Eve radio show. Knowing that it is important to get out the information
given me by this man, I called in and did a two hour program.

We covered everything the Source talked about, and in addition, we went into
the two factions of the intelligence communities, the Federal Reserve Bank,
the royal families of Europe, the Canaris Conspiracy to assassinate Adolph
Hitler, the name "Desert Fox' and  Field Marshal Rommel, plus the real reason
for the savings and loan failures in the early eighties. In the two hours we
also threw in Cecil Rhoads and his Round Table, the Rothschilds, James Baker,
Frank Carlucci, Bill Clinton, George Bush and a whole host of other notable

 <A HREF="http://radioliberty.com/">Radio Liberty Home Page</A>  If you want
to purchase a copy of the tape, or if you want to start hearing, "The story
behind the story and the news behind the news", pull up the Radio Liberty Home
Page and listen in. They have Real Audio. and an 800 number. You will soon
find out, as I have, that Dr. Stanley Monteith is the best informed man in
America on the secret government and the plan to create a New World Order.

Tell the order taker you want a copy of the tape that was made December 31,
1998 with Rayelan (Russbacher). I don't know how much it is. I would guess it
will sell for $15.00. Send them an email and ask them.

I have inserted Brian Redman's story from CNNS (Conspiracy Nation News
Service), I have followed his article with my original letter to Brian, and I
have attached an article published by CNNS in which another researcher from
Aptos, CA has written about the Chinese connection. Bruce Adamson is a
researcher on the Kennedy Assassination. But he also has written a book on
Princess Diana, and he seems to be getting ready to write something on the
Chinese money and arms smuggling connection to the White House.

Subj:    Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head (fwd)
Date:   12/31/1998 7:06:41 PM Pacific Standard Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Redman)
To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rayellen Russbacher)


(CNNS, 12/31/98) -- One of the  King's  jobs is to smile and wave
to  the  public,  thereby  reassuring  most  of  them.   So,  the
"commoners" have lately been reassured with film footage of  Bill
Clinton  taking a moody walk along the beach, and of Bill Clinton
playing golf.

Not so reassuring is  the  latest  report  received by "Ru Mills"
(pseudonym) from one of her deep sources.

"Ru Mills" has  communicated  with  this news service (Conspiracy
Nation News Service) the fact that, today, she received  a  phone
call from a source who had seemingly disappeared.  Not heard from
for  years,  Ms.  Mills' source suddenly phoned her and let loose
with a barrage of new information.

Says Mills:  "My Source told me that the final decision regarding
the  POTUS  [President  Of  The  United  States] would be made at
Hilton Head this weekend.  You  know  the Hilton Head bash... the
one that gathers all the movers and shakers of the  domestic  New
World  Order crowd together, and gives them their marching orders
for the next year?"

Mills elaborates further that she asked her source "if that meant
the POTUS was  going  to  step  down.   He  laughed and said, 'Be
prepared for anything.' And again he went silent."

According to Mills' source, "We are at a time  in  history  where
things could begin to unravel very quickly."

Mills writes that she quoted an old Bob Dylan song to her source,
and that her source responded with his own  cryptic  revision  of
another Dylan tune.

  Come congressmen, senators, please heed the call,
  Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall.
  For he who gets hurt will be he who has stalled.
  The battle outside ragin'
  Will  soon shake your windows and rattle your walls,
  For the times they are a'changin'.

  The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast.
  The slow one now will later be fast.
  As the present now will later be past,
  The order is rapidly fading.
  And the first one now will later be last,
  For the times they are a'changing.

Reportedly, Sherman Skolnick agrees  with  Ru  Mills on a partial
interpretation:  "The slow one" seems to refer to Dennis Hastert,
slated as next Speaker of the House.

This  news  service  (CNNS)  has  enough  respect  for  Ru Mills'
background to deem information received from her to be worthy  of
consideration.  Her information often proves to be, subsequently,
correct  or at least on-target.  For example, Mills was the first
to break  the  story  on  warring  factions  --  "Faction  1" and
"Faction 2" -- within the intelligence community.

Now,  in  her  latest  communique,  Mills'  source  has  revealed
something  so  inherently  obvious  that the wonder is it was not
discerned until now.  He is quoted as saying, "The Euro goes into
effect today.  Once this  happens,  kiss  good-bye to the Federal
Reserve."  With the advent of  the  "Euro,"  a  unified  European
currency,   the  U.S.  dollar/Federal  Reserve  Notes  face  real
competition as the world's reserve currency of choice.

The key development in the  dethronement  of Bill Clinton and all
he represents, according to Mills' source, is linked to  the  Cox
Report  which has dramatically lifted the veil on secret dealings
between U.S.  political/industrial  elites  and  Red China.  "The
report of the sale of U.S. technology to China has done  it  all.
It   will   unravel   the   treason   of  the  Bush  and  Clinton
administrations.  People forget the  Bush  family are the biggest
investors in China.  Don't  think  this  transfer  of  technology
started with Clinton.  It started with Bush."

Mills further quotes her source as follows:

  We  couldn't  bring  it  out  earlier because there weren't
  enough honest Democrats or Republicans in Congress.  Do you
  remember back when  we  were  delivering brown envelopes to
  all those members of congress?  And  do  you  remember  how
  many  of  them  suddenly  decided not to run, due to family
  matters?  It  has  taken  us  years  to  get  all  the dirt
  accumulated.  Bill Clinton was our biggest ally in  all  of

  In his zeal to  cover  his  butt and obstruct justice, Bill
  Clinton  has  turned  many Democrats away from him and into
  our arms.  And what do we show them when they ask?  We show
  them  the  truth.   We let them know the whole story, about
  how Bush and Clinton have been two sides of the  same  coin
  since the mid 80's.

  Clinton   decided  that  he  was  going  to  blackmail  the
  Republicans by trotting  out  Ollie  North's old Enterprise
  Group and indicting them all on treason and  drug  dealing.
  Too bad he picked the wrong men to blackmail.  He chose men
  who  were  rogues,  not  loyal  members of the Elite Racket
  Club.  The rogues joined with  Faction  2, and soon it will
  all be history.

And Mills' source  warns:   "Be  prepared  for  anything.   Heart
attacks, plane crashes, indictments, treason.  Maybe even Hillary
Clinton as Vice President."

But nothing is written in stone, says the source:  "Everything is
subject to rewrite.  But we've  got  them pushed to the wall.  If
they try to get out by continuing to mock the Constitution,  that
will  mean  that  all  the  dirt  behind  the  China deal will be
released.  Treason is still  punishable  by  death.  And it won't
just be the heads of Loral and Hughes who face  this  punishment.
There were people all the way up the chain that helped them."

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

INFORMATION PLEASE:  Conspiracy Nation  News  Service (CNNS) is a
co-operative effort.  Without the hints/rumors provided  by  many
excellent  sources,  we could not exist.  Have YOU heard anything
lately  that  might  be  important?   Pass  it  along  to  us  at
  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
clues  on  same  to:   Brian  Redman,  310  S.  Prairie   (#202),
Champaign,  IL  61820.   Or you can go to a pay phone and call in
your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

RMNews Source says: Senators, Congressman... don't block up the Hall
Date:     12/31/1998 11:43:17 AM Pacific Standard Time
From:Ru Mills

RMNews Source says: Senators, Congressman... don't block up the Hall
Date:     12/31/1998 11:42:42 AM Pacific Standard Time
December 31, 1998


Happy New Year!!! Let's pray it is not another 1939. Sixty years ago Hitler
began his conquest of Europe in earnest. And that eventually led to WWII. I
pray 1999 doesn't go down in history the same way.

Re: Hilton Head, South Carolina

A source called this morning. It is the first time that I have spoken with one
of them on the telephone since GKR left me. That tells me something, I am not
sure what.

It either tells me that he was feeding me disinformation and he wanted to make
sure that the enemies who tap my telephone overheard what he had  to say...

Or, it meant that Faction 2 has won the battle and he no longer cared what
people over heard... you pick which one. I haven't the foggiest. This is why I
am not putting this information out in a story. I really hate putting out
disinformation when I suspect hat it might be. But then, If I put it out with
this introduction.... then maybe... but I haven't decided, yet.

My Source told me that the final decision regarding the POTUS would be made a
Hilton Head this weekend. You know the Hilton Head bash... the one that
gathers all the movers and shakers of the domestic New World Order crowd
together, and gives them their marching orders for the next year?

(My source has taken to calling the President POTUS President of the United
States, and Hillary, FLOTUS, First Lady of the United States. He started that
about two months ago, I thought it was just to save space on this one line
faxes, but that is what he calls them, POTUS ans FLOTUS, or P&F, for short.)

I asked him if that meant the  POTUS was going to step down. He laughed and
said, "Be prepared for anything". And again he went silent.

I had just read my new batch of intelligence publications, the Enquirer, the
Star and the Globe, and I knew that one of the psychics that works for one of
these magazines had prophesied that both the POTUS and FLOTUS are going to
have serious health problems. The prophecy said that the POTUS might even
suffer heart problems. At the time I was reading the "prophecy", I couldn't
help but remember that the famous psychic Jean Dixon had prophesied that
Kennedy wouldn't serve out his second term due to health problems. After I
married the CIA, I found out that Jean Dixon was on their payroll.

I believe the magazine I read the prediction in was the Star. I would have to
go downstairs to confirm this. If it is the Star, that is one that is
controlled by Faction 2 of the CIA. Needless to say, when my Source called
this morning, that article was still fresh in my mind, so I asked him "Does
this mean we could see the president resigning due to some illness?" I was
also remembering Representative Tom Campbell's call for the president's
removal by the 25th Amendment.

My Source laughed and said, "Expect anything!"

I was beginning to get frustrated at this point. Then he said, "We are at a
time in history where things could begin to unravel very quickly."

My mind was racing to try to stay a step ahead of him. What was he talking
about?  He is one of the men who has given me the information on the return of
the Cold War as well as  the revolution here in the United States that returns
us to the Happy Days of the 1950's. He is the same one who confirmed another
Source's prediction that the DOW would fall drastically once it hit 10,000. I
quickly put together all of these facts and asked, "Does this mean that we are
on the Eve of Destruction?" I quoted an old Bob Dylan song that he had often
quoted to me.

He replied, singing:

"Come Congressmen, Senators, please heed the call, don't stand in the doorway,
don't block up the hall. For he who gets hurt will be he who has stalled. The
battle outside ragin' will soon shake your windows and rattle your walls for
the times they are achangin' .

"The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast, the slow one now will later be
fast, as the present now will later be past, the order is rapidly fading, and
the first one now will later be last, for the time they are a changing."

I rapidly made notes as to which stanzas from the Dylan song he was quoting.

I said, are you saying the New World Order is rapidly fading?

He replied, "The Euro goes into effect today. Once this happens, kiss good-bye
to the Federal Reserve."

I asked, "Does this mean the market will crash so the Fed shareholders can get
their money out and leave the little people holding the empty bag."

"Not until they run the market up to about 10,000." He said. "but don't plan
on it hitting 10,000. That is the magic number the Head Feds are putting out
to the Worker Bee Feds.  The Head Feds are going  to screw everyone, even
their loyal workers. If those idiots on Capitol Hill don't wake up and realize
that they are going to be abandoned by their wealthy sponsors, they are going
to end up hung from the street lights."

"When the market crashes, does this mean rioting in the streets will begin?" I

"It won't have a chance to get there," he replied. "The nation will be in such
chaos that no one will think about marching on Washington. there will be bombs
and other things going off. Hopefully most will be discovered before they go
off, And while this is happening, you will see the rich and greedy begin to
leave this country. They have to go away for fifty or so years, and begin to
recoup their plan. It looks like our group has bought us another 50 years
before we are on the eve of destruction again."

"What are you doing in Hilton Head?"

"We don't have to do anything. The report of the sale of U.S. technology to
China has done it all. It will unravel the treason of the Bush and Clinton
administrations. People forget the Bush family are the biggest investors in
China. Don't think this transfer of technology started with Clinton. It
started with Bush.

"We couldn't bring it out earlier because there weren't enough honest
Democrats or Republicans in Congress. Do you remember back when we were
delivering brown envelops to all those members of congress? And do you
remember how many of them suddenly decided not to run, due to family matters?
It has taken us years to get all the dirt accumulated. Bill Clinton was our
biggest ally in all of this."

"What do you mean by that?" I  asked.

"In his zeal to cover his butt and obstruct justice, he has turned many
Democrats away from him and into our arms. And what do we show them when they
ask? We show them the truth. We let them know the whole story, about how Bush
and Clinton have been two sides of the same coin since the mid 80's.

"Clinton decided that he was going to blackmail the Republicans by trotting
out Ollie's old Enterprise  Group and indicting them all on treason and drug
dealing. Too bad he picked the wrong men to blackmail. He chose men who were
rogues, not loyal members of the Elite Racket Club. The rogues joined with
Faction 2, and soon it will all be history."

I still didn't know what he was talking about. "How is it going to play out?"
I asked.

"Be prepared for anything. Heart attacks, plane crashes, indictments,
treason. Maybe even Hillary Clinton as Vice President."

I still hadn't gotten any hard facts from him that I felt I could print. I was
just about to ask about the impeachment trial when he said.

"I gotta go. Just remember, nothing is written in stone yet. Everything is
subject to rewrite. But we got them pushed to the wall. If they try to get out
by continuing to mock the Constitution, that will mean that all the dirt
behind the China deal will be released. Treason is still punishable by death.
And it won't just be the heads of Loral and Hughes who face this punishment.
There were people all the way up the chain that helped them."

"how many were..." I started to ask.

"Gotta go, be prepared for anything, and remember the information we gave you
two years ago in the letter from your European fan. A lot of what we said then
is about to come true." He didn't even say good-bye. I heard a tone, and then
a dead line. I held the phone for a while to see if anything funny would
happen. Nothing did. The dial tone never came back, and I got tired of
listening and came up here to reconstruct the conversation from my notes.

I still am looking for the letter from my European fan. I know it is in the
old bound Edition of RMNews, but I haven't found it yet. I am going to send
this to you. When I find the letter to which he was referring, wither I will
call you and read it to you, or I will transcribe it and email it to you. If
you have the back issues of RMNews, I think it was published in the September
or November 96 issue. But I am not positive.

I haven't given enough thought to this yet to have figured out anything. I
wanted to get it written down before I forgot too much.

Post Script written after the radio program. There is much more in the radio
program about this message than I had time to go into in a column. Contact
Radio Liberty and buy the tape. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't forget to download the attachment on China and John Huang. You will also
find information of the crash of  Ron Brown's  airplane in Bosnia, and you
will become acquainted with another excellant researcher who has also been a
guest on Dr. Stan's radio program many times.

Happy New Year to all of you,

Publisher of Rumor Mill News
and Pigeon Point Publishing

(fwd)</FONT><FONT  SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10></B><BR>
Date:   12/31/1998 5:49:20 PM Pacific Standard Time<BR>
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brian Redman)<BR>
To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rayellen Russbacher)<BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#0000ff" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10><BR>
I just glanced through the article below, but it looks good.<BR>
Interesting how "John Huang" said in reverse order sounds<BR>
like "Wang Jun."<BR>
---------- Forwarded message ----------<BR>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 15:29:50 -0800<BR>
From: "Bruce C. Adamson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><BR>
           IMPORTANT FLASH FROM WEBSITE (ciajfk.com)<BR>
                  INCLUDING CHINA<BR>
              by Bruce Campbell Adamson<BR>
              copyrighted December 1998<BR>
Was Adamson correct when he focused in on Wang Jun being tied to the Right<BR>
wing conspiracy, Ron Brown's demise and the Santa Cruz Jack Jacobson<BR>
bombing December 21, 1996?  See Adamson's Diana The Queen of Hearts and the<BR>
CIA/MI6 Princedom of Darkness, copyrighted 1998.<BR>
The corrupt side of the CIA as a distraction brought in John Huang which<BR>
sounded phonetically Wang Jun in reverse.  Wang Jun is a very close friend<BR>
of Henry Kissinger and George Bush.  Both Bush and Kissinger were in the<BR>
CIA 1950s/1960s and knew Lee Harvey Oswald's closest friend and CIA agent,<BR>
(George de Mohrenschildt) very well.<BR>
FLASH Wang Jun the Chinese Gun smuggler visited the White House on Feb.<BR>
6th, 1996 and had tea with Bill Clinton and Secretary of Commerce Ron<BR>
Brown.  Was Jun sent into the White House by right wing Republicans only to<BR>
make Clinton?  On April 3, 1996 Ron Brown's plane went down over Yugoslavia<BR>
mysterious and about 32 of Clinton's administration were killed.  No<BR>
autopsy's were performed on the civilians.  An army pathologist Cogswell<BR>
claimed that Ron Brown had received a gun shot to his head.<BR>
Before this accident Clinton had been on the extreme left, fighting to have<BR>
gays in the military,etc.  Yet, his hard line political stance changed<BR>
immediately following Brown's demise.  Hillary Clinton had been on the very<BR>
same plane a week before.  Was someone telling President Clinton, "Gee<BR>
Bill, we like you and if we wanted to we could have taken out Hillary, but<BR>
Billy boy, we like you and Hillary?"<BR>
Last night, I spoke to the parents of one of the victims of the Ron Brown<BR>
crash, Adam Darling.<BR>
(Author's note: Mr. Darling does not know if there is s distant cousin<BR>
relation to the CIA agent Frank Darling who was murdered in front of the<BR>
CIA in January of 1993 by Mir Aimal Kasi.  He said there may be a possible<BR>
cousin relationship but he did not know if there was.  See Steamshovel<BR>
Press # 16, 1998).<BR>
Mr. Darling said that he was a long time friend of Bill Clinton's from<BR>
Arkansas, through the parents of his wife.  They knew Clinton way back.<BR>
Hillary Clinton attended the funeral of Adam Darling in April of 1996.<BR>
Darling has continued his friendship with President Clinton today and feels<BR>
that Kenneth Starr never really had anything on Clinton.<BR>
Darling is suspicious on how the Air Force handled the crash. Darling won't<BR>
commit to a conspiracy theory in the Brown plane crash.  Yet, Darling<BR>
cannot ignore Cogswell's report or the fact that the flight controller<BR>
allegedly committed suicide. Or that sixteen top brass, generals and<BR>
colonels were disciplined for ordering Ron Brown's plane to fly into a<BR>
terrible storm when the flight distance was only 20 minutes away.<BR>
I spoke to a VIP pilot for Eisenhower "Mr. Russell" in Aptos, California<BR>
shortly after the crash, who was also suspicious.  Russell said that this<BR>
was not normal protocol, for one would have waited to let the storm pass<BR>
before making the 20 minute flight in the first place.  Or if they did make<BR>
the flight they would have remained at 2100 thousand feet until it was O.K.<BR>
and clear to land.  For his son Adam Darling a young man had a promising<BR>
political future under the Clinton's ahead when his life was cut short.<BR>
(Author's note: The rumor that the debris was scattered over 17 miles is<BR>
simply not true).<BR>
        Mr. and Mrs. Darling were shocked when I told them that Wang Jun<BR>
who had visited the White House and had been running a Chinse gun smuggling<BR>
and explosive operation out of Santa Cruz, California was in reality the<BR>
head of the Chinese Communist Secret Police. The company's Wang owned was<BR>
Poly Tech Inc.<BR>
        After Jun was arrested on smuggling automatic machine guns he was<BR>
allowed to leave the USA and remains in China. Surely these weapons were<BR>
used to cause havoc within these United States. James Angleton had always<BR>
suspected Jun's good friend Henry Kissinger of being a Communist mole<BR>
infiltrating the CIA.  Under the Nixon administration Kissinger and Bush<BR>
met in China prior to Bush's taking over as Director of the CIA.<BR>
        Wang Jun was not only entertained by President Clinton at the White<BR>
House, he was also a vistor when President George Bush was in office.<BR>
        Both Kissinger and Bush were also involved in the Indonesian Bre-x<BR>
gold scandal of 1996-97.  Kissinger and Associates were responsible for<BR>
investigating gold in 1991 but would not be held responsible as advisers to<BR>
Freeport-MacRowan in New Orleans if they made any errors.  They did and<BR>
their stock holders lost more than 4 billion dollars when Bre-x salted<BR>
their Indonesian gold mines.  Two lawsuits are pending in Houston and New<BR>
York against Bre-X.<BR>
We know today that Kissinger and Associates plan to earn 200 billion<BR>
dollars by the year 2000, a budget ten times larger than the Central<BR>
Intelligence Agency. Surely this money is not invested in the Bohemian Club<BR>
where Kissinger often frequents with his chauffeur driven helicopter.<BR>
Kissinger also sits on the board at Revlon with Nancy Reagan and Vernon<BR>
Jordan. But what really shook the Darlings was that Kissinger's "Very good<BR>
friend," Wang Jun had been represented by Kenneth W. Starr the prosecuter<BR>
who had allowed criminally obtained evidence into the tainted<BR>
Lewinsky/Pentagon/CIA entrapment case.<BR>
According to Spotlight, Dec. 21, 1998, Wang Jun is Starr's private client<BR>
through his law practice at the firm of Kirland and Ellis. It does not take<BR>
a genious to figure out that this has been the real reason why Kenneth W.<BR>
Starr/Janet Reno did not go after President Bill Clinton for his illegal<BR>
Chinese political contributions.<BR>
Remember that John Huang was only brought in by the conspiring renegade<BR>
CIA's media connections to distract the attention of the American public<BR>
away from the real story, on how Wang Jun the Chinese gun smuggler and<BR>
explosive tycoon had infiltrated our government at the White House.<BR>
I believe that Clinton was telling the truth on December 21, 1996, when  he<BR>
said that he did not know Wang Jun was a Chinese gun smuggler when he<BR>
visited with him and Ron Brown at the White House on February 6,1996.<BR>
In May of 1996, (a month after Ron Brown's plane went down under suspicious<BR>
circumstances) it was reported that Wang Jun told Federal authorities that<BR>
he could get an unlimited supply of explosives and surface-to-air missiles.<BR>
But two days later, one is left wondering who cowardly planted the<BR>
Christmas package in front of Jack Jacobson's law office on December the<BR>
23rd, 1996 which had a bomb in it. Jacobson's kids had been with their<BR>
father just twenty minutes prior to his opening the deadly surprise.<BR>
(Author's note: On December 8th a half a block away from Jacobson's law<BR>
office Adamson was being followed by a Federal looking car with a man who<BR>
had a radio in it right across the street 1 block away from Jacobson's law<BR>
office.  This man walked right into Darco Printing and followed me right<BR>
out without a purchase. Adamson has written ten volumes on the JFK<BR>
assassination which incriminates the CIA.)<BR>
This author does not believe that Clinton was behind the bombing, but the<BR>
bombing in Santa Cruz could have been orchestrated to distract the<BR>
attention away from Bill Clinton's visit from Wang Jun.<BR>
The definite conspiracy against Jacobson remains unsolved.  Just as the<BR>
murder of Mary Mahoney who was an eyewitness to Clinton giving U.S.<BR>
financial, industrial and military secrets to Wang Jun. Miss Mahoney was<BR>
murdered last year in July of 1997 at a Starbucks coffee shop.  Where was<BR>
Kenneth W. Starr when we needed him?<BR>
Low on funds get volumes for free? By visiting your local library and<BR>
placing an order for the entire set of The de Mohrenschildt Story and refer<BR>
them to the Books in Print.<BR>
"Everything that we are today exists today because of the past.  If<BR>
historians don't get the story right, then our lives today are based upon<BR>
lies." Bruce Campbell Adamson Nov. 1997.<BR>
Visit my web site (http://www.ciajfk.com).<BR>
"Eliminate stress at the Post Office, send email."<BR>
</FONT><FONT  COLOR="#0f0f0f" BACK="#fffffe" SIZE=3 PTSIZE=10><BR>
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Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 19:49:16 -0600 (CST)<BR>
From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><BR>
To: Rayellen Russbacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]><BR>
MIME-Version: 1.0<BR>
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