-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 12/08/98) -- In  a  CNNS  (Conspiracy Nation News Service)
press  release  dated  11/23/98  ("USA  'Just  Itching'  To  Bomb
Iraq!"), we warned that the United  States  was  aroused  into  a
pre-climax  near-orgasmic  state which could only be satisfied by
dropping bombs and missiles on Iraq.

Now, a report in  The  Nation magazine ("Killing Iraq", 12/14/98)
confirms earlier fears that  the  U.S.,  at  this  point  in  its
arousal,  is unlikely to just take a cold shower and forget about
it.  Based on  our  earlier  report  and  the  latest report from
Nation magazine, a U.S. military strike on Iraq  seems  to  be  a
foreplayed conclusion.

CONFIRMED:  CNNS  headlined,  on  11/23/98,  that  USA  was "just
itching" to bomb Iraq.
   Writes John Pilger in The Nation:  The Clinton  Administration
"is itching to bomb Iraq."

CONFIRMED:   CNNS  observed,  on  11/23/98,  that  "just when the
starving and dying people of Iraq were poised to overthrow Saddam
Hussein, here comes USA to  provide  a reason for them to instead
rally 'round Saddam against the foreign infidels."
   Writes  Pilger  in  The  Nation:  "...sanctions [against Iraq]
also strengthen Saddam  Hussein,  as  the  Kurds and Shiites, his
bitter opponents, repeatedly point out."

CONFIRMED:  That the common people of Iraq  have  been  dying  in
horrendous  numbers  over  the  years,  as  a result of sanctions
manipulated primarily by USA, as mentioned by CNNS (11/23/98).
   Writes  Pilger  in  The Nation, using a recent book by British
historian Geoff Simons as his  source:  "Eight years of sanctions
have killed 2 million Iraqis... including perhaps as  many  as  a
million children."

CONFIRMED:  That the now inevitable  attack on Iraq is motivated,
in large part, by the wishes  of  BIG  OIL,  alarmed  at  falling
prices  and  wanting  to  cut  Iraqi oil out of the market.  CNNS
failed to mention this in  its original article, but Kenn Thomas,
author of several books and editor of  Steamshovel  Press,  later
contacted  CNNS  and  pointed  out  this  BIG  OIL  angle  on the
   Writes Pilger in The Nation:  Part of America's obsession with
Iraq is due to "the more  immediate  practical  need  to  protect
Saudi  oil prices, and the Saudi economy, from the competition of
cheaper Iraqi oil."

LIKELY:  That dropping millions of dollars worth of bombs on Iraq
will deplete USA  weapons  inventories, thus benefiting "defense"
contractors, as reported by CNNS on 11/23/98.
   Mr. Pilger, in  his  otherwise  excellent  article,  fails  to
mention  THE  MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX as a key beneficiary of
the planned massive bombing of Iraq.

RECOMMENDED:   The  book, "The Scourging of Iraq:  Sanctions, Law
and Natural Justice,"  by  Geoff  Simons.  (Pilger recommends the
book in his  article  in  Nation  magazine.)   According  to  Mr.
Simons, writes Pilger, the sanctions against Iraq have killed TWO
MILLION  IRAQIS.   Given that the World War II Holocaust killed 6
million Jews, "TEAM USA"  is  on  its  way  to capturing the GOLD

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  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
clues  on  same  to:   Brian  Redman,  310  S.  Prairie   (#202),
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your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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