Dear friends of DRCNet: Just a quick note to let list members know about a few things: 1) Those of you in the San Francisco area or within traveling range this coming Saturday night, January 9th, are encouraged to attend the 11th annual Digital Be-In. The Be- In is the cyberspace countercultural event of the year, and three years ago hosted the launch of the famed "Blue Ribbon Campaign" for free speech on the Internet. This year, the Be-In will launch an online Drug Peace campaign, calling on leaders in the multimedia and computer industries to join the movement for drug policy change. We at DRCNet are proud to be an Associate Sponsor of this year's Digital Be-In -- come check out our table! John Perry Barlow, co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a well known social commentator and online industry pundit, is the featured speaker; other speakers will include DRCNet Executive Director David Borden, Mike Gray (author of Drug Crazy), Chris Conrad, Bruce Eisner, Ralph Metzner, Jane Piper and Dale Gieringer. The event will also feature musical and other performances, and "organic treats and intelligent drinks." The Be-In will take place on January 9, 1999, from 7:00pm to 2:00am, at the SOMARTS Gallery, 929 Brannan Street @ 9th Street, in conjunction with Macworld Expo in San Francisco. Tickets are $15 in advance or $20 at the door. As an Associate Sponsor, we have 20 tickets available. We are hoping to sell them to our members, to help defray the cost of sponsorship attendance. You can reserve your ticket from DRCNet by wiring in your $15 by credit card through our secure form at <>, or by sending an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the words "TICKET REQUEST" in the subject; please include your name and phone number in the message. We will let you know whether you got one of our 20; if not, you'll need to purchase your ticket through one of the outlets listed below. DRCNet ticket holders will be able to pick up their tickets at the door; those paying by check should bring their checks with them to the event rather than sending them by mail. Otherwise, you can order advance tickets at BASS outlets, online at <>, at Distractions (1552 Haight St.), Cosmic Disc (1754 Polk St.), Rasputin Records (2401 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley), or Mixology (1670 Mendocino Ave., Santa Rosa), or $20 at the door. Press passes are available. For further information, call the Verbum Events Info Line at (415) 777-9199, or visit <>. THE BE-IN IS STILL ACCEPTING SPONSORS, WHO WILL RECEIVE EXHIBITION SPACE, PUBLICITY ASSOCIATED WITH THE EVENT AND OTHER BENEFITS. ASSOCIATE SPONSORSHIP IS $500, EVENT SPONSORSHIP IS $3,000, AND EVENT SPONSORSHIP IS $10,000. YOUR SPONSORSHIP DOLLARS WILL HELP TO PUBLICIZE THE BE-IN AND THE DRUG PEACE CAMPAIGN. For information, contact Michael Gosney at (415) 777-9901, fax to (415) 777-9929, or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2) The CBS news program 60 Minutes had an outstanding report on the Swiss heroin maintenance program earlier this evening. You can view a preview video clip on the CBS web site at -- click on the "news" menu button at the top of the page, then on the "programs" menu button at the top of the page, then the "60 Minutes" button at the side of the page, and you'll be at the 60 Minutes section of the site. Scroll down to the third report, and click on the preview to view the first half minute or so of the show. To send 60 Minutes positive feedback, follow the "feedback" link, or mail your comments to: 60 Minutes, 524 West 57th St., New York, New York 10019, or call (212) 975- 3247. The drug warriors will likely be doing the same, so it's important that our side makes its voices heard. To order a transcript, call (800) 777-TEXT, or to order a videotape, call (800) 848-3256. 3) Thanks to the many of you who have donated to DRCNet in recent weeks, and who are expecting copies of Shattered Lives: Portraits from America's Drug War. We had hoped to send your copies out late last year, but due to a UPS snafu, our boxes are still in transit or perhaps in limbo. We hope to have them in house this week, and will get them out to you ASAP once they arrive. 4) DRCNet subscribership passed the 8,000 mark late last year -- thank you for being part of the movement for drug policy change! The Week Online with DRCNet will return to its usual schedule later this week. David Borden Executive Director Drug Reform Coordination Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]