
I am not sure others saw this or the web URL, however, the NY Times has
been running a number of articles on the CIA since Nov 28th or so.  See
below the URL and info about these -- you may need to "register" with
NYT, login, password, to get into the articles and special CIA
discussion groups.  Judith

This special report is based on the New York Times Television
documentary, "The Real C.I.A.: Enemies, Secrets and Spies." With text by

Tim Weiner, the Times Washington correspondent who narrated the
report, it includes video clips from the documentary and articles from
the New York Times archives.

Dining With the Devil
The Future of the C.I.A.

 Issue in Depth:
 U.S. Offensive
 Against Terrorism

 Issue in Depth:
 Bombings in East

 Congress Decides
 to Conduct Study
 of Need for C.I.A.
 (Sept. 28, 1994)

 Looking for the
 Enemy; For C.I.A.,
 History Is the Big
 (Jan. 1, 1995)

 C.I.A. Says Agents
 Deceived Superiors
 On Guatemala Role
 (July 26, 1995)

 Re-examines Hiring
 of Ex-Terrorist as
 (Aug. 21, 1995)

 The C.I.A.'s most
 Important Mission:
 (Dec. 10, 1995)

 Report Faults
 C.I.A. on Hiring of
 Informers in
 (Dec. 10, 1995)

 The C.I.A. Seeks
 Out Informers On
 Terrorism, and
 Finds Them
 (Dec. 10, 1995)

                 In the 1990's, with the cold
                 war ended, the C.I.A. faces
                 different enemies -- terrorists,
                 criminal gangs, and rogue
                 nations trying to build nuclear,
                 biological and chemical
                 weapons. To know these
                 enemies, the C.I.A. must try to
                 recruit terrorists and criminals
                 and weapons dealers. It's like
                 dining with the devil -- and to
                 do that, you'd better bring a
                 very long spoon, as the
                 C.I.A.'s former in-house
                 inspector general, Fred Hitz,
                 tells us.

                 The current chief of intelligence
                 at the C.I.A., John
                 McLaughlin, says the agency is
                 hot on the trail of Osama bin
                 Laden, the suspected
                 mastermind of the bombing of
                 two American embassies in
                 Africa last August -- and a
                 veteran of the Afghan war. But
                 without a spy in bin Laden's
                 camp, that search will be a
                 long one.

                 Spies have been with us ever
                 since Joshua took Jericho, and
                 they are likely to be around for
                 millennia to come. But many
                 Americans wonder whether
                 we need a C.I.A. at all.

                 The fact is that secrecy and
                 deception are central to what
                 the C.I.A. is and does. They
                 are essential to running an
                 overseas intelligence service.
                 But secrecy and deception are
                 powerful tools -- and, in the
                 wrong hands, dangerous
                 weapons. The challenge for
                 the C.I.A. after the cold war is
                 trying to promote American
                 interests -- secretly,
                 deceptively -- without abusing
                 American values.

                   Join a Discussion on The
                 Future of the C.I.A. hosted by
                 Tim Weiner.

                                          Dining With the Devil

                                          Aldrich Ames is

                                          President Bush talks
                                          about the future of the

                                          Osama bin Laden

  Spying on
 the Enemy:
              The Invisible
                                             Dining With
                                             the Devil:

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