Judith ABR


 Here are a few of Mae Brussell's salient quotes from her article, "Why
Was Patricia Hearst Kidnapped?,"1974, The Realist's Conspiracy
Newsletter, which may have a bearing upon larger conspiracy issues and
government black projects.  Brussell's published works, in compilations,
are available through conspiracy magazine Prevailing Winds (Box 23511,
Santa Barbara, CA 93121 (805) 899-3433.(805) 899-4773 F, subscription
rate $20/four issues) and original copies of The Realist can be found
through bookstores nationally that advertise
Especially see the last quote included in this review by Dr. J. Delgado
as part of Congressional testimony about psychosurgery.

 According to James McCord's book, A Piece of Tape, the question, "why
was Patricia Hearst kidnapped?" was the question asked by John Dean of
L. Patrick Gray, who was in charge of handling the Watergate
investigation.  Gray's answer was "Charles Bates -- the same FBI
official in charge of handling the SLA investigation."  Mae Brussell's
main theory about who was responsible for handling the kidnapping of
Patty Hearst was that it was an FBI undercover operation, the SLA were
prisoners and political dissidents turned FBI agents, and Heart was
brainwashed and mind controlled by the FBI.  This is complex thinking on
Brussell's part, however, her notion that the FBI were intentionally
staging community crimes for the purposes of controlling the fears and
thoughts of an nation is a notion which underlies all significant
conspiracy work.  And these theories are proving true to many who
research conspiracy themes.  The next logical jump is to assume that a
larger power source is, through psychosurgery and psychochemicals and
biochemicals, intentionally controlling all aspects of what is rapidly
becoming a dysfunctional society in the United States.  The FBI uses and
forces the "best and brightest" political dissidents, then, to stage
crimes.  The kidnapping of Hearst, therefore, could have been an
abduction effort, very possibly orchestrated to convert her into an
agent by someone else who wanted this to occur.

 Pervading Mae Brussell's in depth article are her overall theories
about the FBI's role in controlling the country and it is these quotes
from this article which are included below to aid researchers who may
want to use these in their writings.

 ""You only need to have a tape recorder to set up a revolutionary
movement today."  FBI Director, Charles Bates, San Francisco." [pre-1974
quote] p. 1 (...)

 "SLA-BC (Before Cremation)

 A small band if people brought together in the San Francisco Bay Area,
California.  Through various manipulations, military intelligence
infiltrated radical groups, specifically the prison's Black Guerilla
Family, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, United Farm Workers, China
Defense Fund, Venceremos and the Women's Movement.  These targets of the
FBI and police were to be associated with the importation of persons
from out of state.  Some local women were incorporated in the group to
lend authenticity."  p. 1 (...)


 More "liberation armies," fictitious messages, forged documents,
infiltrators and spies will surface.  Legitimate reform groups will
continue to be discredited by acts of violence committed in their
names.  Peaceful rallies will be destroyed by intelligence agents.  The
organized disruption of the anti-war movement and rock concerts that
took place during the 60s will escalate.  The kidnappings and bombings
will be blamed on the SLA, or "dedicated to the memory of the six slain
SLA members."  These planned acts of violence will include chemical
warfare.  (p.1) (...)

 [Brussell saw the Hearst kidnapping as hearlding a whole new era in
U.S. history, that of an interior guerilla war handled and maintained by
the FBI for the express purpose of controlling the U.S. public and

 "The kidnapping of Patricia Campbell Hearst was as vital to the
creation of the Symbionese Liberation Army as the murder of Austrian
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was to the beginning of WWI.  Both the
kidnapping and the murder were used as an excuse to declare war.  The
ensuing battles had been carefully prepared and anticipated by the
merchants of death.

 The end goal of the SLAl - WWIII - is to plunge the Third World masses
into starvation and slavery.  We have accomplished this through the CIA
in 77 countries.  The Third World inside the United States is the next
selected victim.

 The SLA was nurtured inside the American prison system.  This will
provide the excuse to isolate prisons from future visitors, creating
private Dachaus and another Auschwitz.

 The SLA was created in order to spread terror and fear across the
country.  There will be a forced response upon existing radicals.
Domestic chaos will result. "  p. 2 (...)

 "Under the guise of "reforms," the door is now open for increased
infiltration and disruption of progressive movements.

 The Watergate affair provides only a small glimpse of how the White
House, Pentagon, CIA, FBI, local police departments and intelligence
agencies rig elections, manipulate candidates and violate rights of
citizens.  Wiretaps, smear campaigns,, illegal entry, forgery,
interception and opening of mail, provocations, planned kidnappings,
blackmail, leaks, poisonings, and assassinations are acceptable tactics
to the "team members."

 The Justice Department, Attorney Generals, government prosecutors, and
investigators are used to protect these domestic espoinage operations
and cover up the serious crimes that are committed."  p. 2 (...)

 "The Sharon Tate-La Bianca massacres were the first organized assault
by the military upon the hippie generation.  The SLA is part of that
pattern."  p. 17 (...)

 "Massive funding from the Federal government, NASA and intelligence
agencies will escalate the transformation of human beings into zombies.

 Nazi doctors and well-trained American psychiatrists are already using
electrode implants, transponders, powerful drugs and similar devices on

 Many of the current rash of "senseless killings," "massacres" and
"zombie type murders" are committed by individuals who have been in Army
hospitals, mental hospitals or prison hospitals, where their heads have
been literally taken over surgically to create terror in the community.

 Sirhan Sirhan was hypnotized to forget the persons who associated with
and controlled him before he became the patsy in the Robert Kennedy
murder."  p. 17(...)

 "Prison conspiracies are directly related to national conspiracies.

 Many political leaders have spent years in prison...the price they paid
for understanding the causes of slavery and oppression.

 Potential leaders are nurtured inside the prison system.

 When the national policy-makers sent down orders to destroy future
black political leaders, violent assaults began taking place inside the
prisons, as well as on the streets.

 With the determination to transform prisoners into helpless will-less
zombies, the fewer living witnesses the better.

 If prison interviews and prison visitors are carefully controlled, the
truth can never be told.  That is why selected CIA and police agents
were allowed to form the Black Cultural Association inside Vacaville
Medical Facility.

 Every legitamte prison study group is infiltrated by "the Man" by CIA
informers and agents."  p. 17 (...)

 "A carefully guarded secret has been the massive brain exzperimentation
and hypnosis programs taking place in prisons and mental hospitals
during the past 15 years.  (...)

 The U.S. have financed psychosurgical experiments in Boston by Drs.
Mark, Ervin and Sweet that are now spreading around the country.  Plans
exist that could turn large masses of the population into zombies to be
used for future slave labor and kamikaze war troops.  Prisoners are the
experimental scapegoats.
 Dr. Jose Delgado, funded by NASA and Navy Intelligence, is an expert in
controlling behavior through implanted electrodes.  Because this is
being done at the present time at Vacaville Medical Facility and
Atascadero Hospital in California, it is important to relate Delgado's
underlying philosophy, which is used to justify this radical procedure,
to the SLA:

 "We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our
society.  The purpose of physical control of the mind.  Everyone who
deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.

 The individual may think that the most important reality is his own
existence, but this is only his personal point of view.  This lacks
historical perspective.

 Man does not have the right to develop his own mind.  This kind of
liberal orientation has great appeal.  We must electrically contol the
brain.  Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric
stimulation of the brain."

  Dr. J. Delgado
  Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974." p. 27


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