*** HAARP ***
High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project

(View From Atop HAARP's Antenna. Not The White Building In The Distance Is OP

        A military base outside of Fairbanks Alaska is the site of a massive
construction project. This site, called Gakona, has been picked as the setup
place for the HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project).  This
project's goal is to build a huge ionospheric heater. Nearly five years about
environmental activists got word of this construction and HAARP came into
public view.  This location was probably a bit farther away then researcher
would have wanted it to be, but the site was freed up after a cold war project
was canceled there. All this provoked near-hysteria among a few radio hams and
environmentalists in Alaska. Several unsettling articles and books were
written. When these were completely dismissed by mainstream media in the
contiguous 48 states, HAARP made the Most Censored News Stories list for 1994.
It was not to be talked about. But the problem is not going away, it's

        The HAARP project is something like the Tesla deathray. In fact, that's
almost exactly what it is. It's main purpose is to be used as some form of
defense probably in connection with Reagan's SDI, the ultimate militarization
of space, and the most disproportionately expensive research program in the
history of the human race.  The main worry over HAARP is the environmental
effect. Alaska is one of the last places where we have not ruined yet, but
that's quickly changing with the oil spills and other things that are going on
there. So how is HAARP going to affect the Alaskan wilderness? Unfortunately
as well as frighteningly there is no answer for those questions. Another
question that cannot be answered is the question of what HAARP's purpose
really is.

        HAARP beams a small "ray" of energy up into the atmosphere, and the reason
it's been called a death ray is because if anything is in it's way it would be
instantly destroyed. Hum ... so that means that if the small ray is bounced
off satellites in orbit around earth it could hit anywhere in the world
causing mass destruction. Gee, this reminds me of 1908 when Nikola Tesla
tested a device in Long Island, New York and half way around the world a
massive explosion destroyed Tunguska, a part of Russia's Siberia.  Other
research, especially in Alaska, seemed to demonstrate that the ionosphere has
a greater connection to thunderstorms than once believed. This gave increased
credibility to claims that the Eastlund supermachine
could modify the weather, anywhere in the hemisphere, at will, for better or

        On the subject of weather, have you noticed the strange developments in
weather lately? Warm where it should be snowing ... snowing where it should be
mild... Tornados in California ... what's next? Something that could modify
weather could be a cause of this ... couldn't it? Well, it gets better so if
you're not in for some really interesting connections turn back now.

(Over Head View Of HAARP)

        So, now we are up for looking into the connections between the HAARP and some
of the strange project which Nikola Tesla devoted most of this life to.  While
Tesla is viewed with other great inventors of our time he's visions were years
ahead of theirs. Thought Tesla died broke his inventions were being used all
over the world. Some of his ideas were so advanced that they were taken for
back magic, or at least mad science. Tesla's later years are still
unexplained. Much of what he did is not known. His "death ray" may have been a
particle beam that he tried to sell to the US Military as an antiaircraft
weapon. And conspiracy buffs will never let us forget that after his death in
1943 much of Tesla's papers were taken by the US military!

        The real idea for the HAARP/Tesla connection doesn't come from any death ray
machine, but rather from Tesla's idea to provide free power to the world via
the "Tesla Coil." Although the evidence for the HAARP being connected with
either Tesla's "death ray" or his "Tesla coil" is high many still believe that
HAARP is just a radio transmitter. Truth or not the HAARP project has gone
down in the history of conspiracies. Weather it is a huge death ray, or just a
large transmitter the project is now gaining the attention of not only the
public, but many people in Washington. So now all that's left to do is sit
back and watch the reactions. Our job here is done. We have provided to you
with information, now it's time to make your own decision. Go in peace.
(C) SGRA 1998
this is journalism -
mention does not imply agreement
no opinions are Primenet's
not all are mine

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