-Caveat Lector-


Coup D'Etat in America Database


An interesting excerpt from the site:

        [E. HOWARD] HUNT'S CIA assignment in 1953 was the overthrow of
President Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala - Project PB SUCCESS. HUNT worked
closely with DAVID PHILLIPS on this operation.

DAVID ATLEE PHILLIPS was born in Fort Worth, Texas, on October 31, 1922 - a
spook who was born on Halloween. He attended Texas Christian University and
worked as an actor until World War II intervened. PHILLIPS served as a nose
gunner in the Army Air Corps. He was shot down over Austria, but returned to
the Allied lines after twice escaping from German prison camps. In 1948
PHILLIPS married an airline stewardess and, with a $200 a month option on a
play he had written that was never produced, he and his bride decided to go
to Chile to live cheaply. In Chile he purchased Latin America's oldest
English-language newspaper, The South Pacific Mail. Because of this he was
approached by the CIA and asked to pose as Chief of Station in Santiago,
Chile, so that the CIA could observe the extent of KGB surveillance.
PHILLIPS told The Washington Post: "I was to be a 'dangle.' Word was to be
leaked out in Chile that I was chief of American intelligence there. Sure
enough, a KGB agent soon began to cultivate me. I was at the time being paid
$50 a month for my services. When that Soviet showed up it occurred to me I
should be getting more." [Washington Post 7.2.75] PHILLIPS career with the
CIA began in Chile on February 1, 1951 when he took a job as a contract
agent at $600 per month with a term that ended February 28, 1951. He again
entered on duty on January 25, 1952 and was paid $6,000 per year with a term
that ended on August 31, 1953. On March 4, 1954 PHILLIPS entered on duty as
a Contract Employee at $7200 per year. On August 1, 1954 his pay was
increased to $8360 per year with a term ending March 31, 1955. At this time
PHILLIPS was HUNT'S Deputy Chief for Propaganda and he left Chile to become,
according to Who's Who, "a lecturer on Latin America."

        Jacobo Arbenz, a professional Army officer, was the son of a Swiss
father who migrated to Guatemala. In 1944 Jacobo Arbenz took part in a
military coup against General Jorge Ubico. Dissatisfied with a successor of
Jorge Ubico, Jacobo Arbenz participated in another coup and became a member
of the subsequently installed Junta. Jacobo Arbenz was made the ranking
officer in the Guatemalan Army in 1949, after his chief rival was ambushed
and assassinated. The chauffeur of Jacobo Arbenz, and later his secretary,
was credited with the murder. Jacobo Arbenz ran for President in 1950.
During the election campaign his main rival, General Miguel Ydigoras
Fuentes, went into hiding under threat of arrest.

Five days before Jacobo Arbenz was elected President through massive vote
fraud in November 1950, Colonel Carlos Castillo-Armas headed an unsuccessful
revolt against him. Carlos Castillo-Armas was badly wounded and thrown into
prison. Jacobo Arbenz took office in March 1951. The following summer Carlos
Castillo-Armas tunneled his way out of prison and left the country.
President Arbenz declared a partial state of siege in 1951, allegedly to
control the dispatches of unfriendly foreign correspondents. Arbenz also
tried to institute land reforms; the United Fruit Company, the country's
biggest employer, was outraged when he expropriated 225,000 acres of its
property. The profits of United Fruit began to drop when labor unions
demanded $2.50 a day for each worker, instead of $1.36. [Business Week
4.30.55] During the early 1950's, United Fruit was a symbol of American
economic imperialism. The term "Banana Republic" had its roots in the
domination by United Fruit of Central and South American governments.

Jacobo Arbenz turned frequently to the Communists to maintain his power. By
1954 they were running Guatemala. President Eisenhower, Vice President NIXON
and the other National Security Council members called for the overthrow of
Jacobo Arbenz. In the Spring of 1954, the USSR began covertly supplying the
Guatemalan regime with arms, hidden aboard a Swedish freighter, in unmarked
boxes. When the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Allen Dulles,
received news of this shipment, the fate of Jacobo Arbenz was sealed.

        In his autobiography, Undercover, HUNT recalled that he recommended
the ouster of Jacobo Arbenz shortly after he was elected, but his superiors
at the CIA refused to act until Arbenz threatened the profits of United
Fruit. Then, according to HUNT, the lawyer who represented United Fruit,
Ernest Cuneo, pressured the CIA leadership into taking action against

PHILLIPS described the chain of command in the Arbenz operation as follows:
the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Allen Dulles; then Director
/Plans Richard Bissell; then Deputy Director/Plans Frank Wisner and his
subordinate Tracy Barnes; then Colonel J.C. King, Chief /Western Hemisphere
Division; then himself and HUNT.

        Tracy Barnes graduated from Harvard Law School and practiced with
Carter, Ledyard & Milburn. [Weyden Bay of Pigs p39] During the war, Tracy
Barnes joined the OSS and worked with Allen Dulles in attempting to arrange
a secret surrender of the Nazis in Italy in 1945. In February 1951 he joined
the CIA. He became Deputy Director of the Psychological Strategy Board
during the Korean war. Tracy Barnes served as Chief of Station of the CIA in
Frankfurt, Germany, from 1954 to 1956, and London Chief of Station from 1957
to 1959. Tracy Barnes was a relative of Nelson Rockefeller.

Nelson Rockefeller's Latin American interests had been endangered by Arbenz.
Nelson Rockefeller joined the Eisenhower Administration from 1953 to 1954 as
a Special Consultant, Assistant for Cold War Strategy.

Tracy Barnes chose HUNT and PHILLIPS for the Arbenz operation, which was
given a semi-autonomous status. HUNT was posted to Miami.

In 1954 the CIA approached Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes, then an anti-Arbenz
exile living in El Salvador. In My War With Communism, Miguel Ydigoras
Fuentes wrote: "A former United Fruit Company executive...came to see me
with two gentlemen whom he introduced as CIA agents. They said I was a
popular figure in Guatemala and they wanted to lend me their assistance to
overthrow Arbenz. When I asked for the conditions for the assistance I found
them unacceptable. Among other things I was asked to favor the United Fruit
Company..." Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes agreed to support the overthrow of
Jacobo Arbenz but, according to HUNT, "It had been decided at the State
Department that Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes was a 'right-wing reactionary'...and
so the CIA's support was put behind Colonel Carlos Castillo-Armas."

On January 29, 1954, Jacobo Arbenz charged that Carlos Castillo-Armas and
Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes were receiving assistance, in their joint effort to
overthrow him, from Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza. Anastasio Somoza
allowed anti-Arbenz forces to use an island off the Nicaraguan coast as a
base of operations. American soldiers-of-fortune, working as CIA contract
employees, were the flyers of the Guatemalan rebel air force. On the morning
of the planned invasion a meeting took place among President Eisenhower, the
Dulles brothers, and Joint Chiefs of Staff representatives, during which
President Eisenhower asked if they were sure the operation would succeed.
Assured that it would, President Eisenhower responded: "I'm prepared to take
any steps that are necessary to see that it succeeds." [Ross & Wise Inv.
Gov. p176]

On June 18, 1954, Carlos Castillo-Armas and his army crossed the Honduran
border into Guatemala. His CIA-sponsored air force had just bombed San Josa
large Guatemalan port city. The troops of Carlos Castillo-Armas dug in just
inside the Guatemalan border, where they waited for further air strikes.
After the forces of Jacobo Arbenz took out most of CIA's exile air force,
the CIA immediately resupplied them with new aircraft. Under constant air
attack, Jacobo Arbenz began to panic. On June 22, 1954, Guatemalan
Government forces began an unsuccessful drive to dislodge the forces of
Carlos Castillo-Armas. At the front, CIA-recruited members of the Army of
Jacobo Arbenz, at the request of DAVID PHILLIPS, sent back messages to him
that they were being overwhelmed by the troops of Carlos Castillo-Armas.
PHILLIPS also set up a clandestine radio station in Mexico, the "Voice of
Liberation" which pretended to be broadcasting from within Guatemala and
orchestrated false reports about legions of rebels who didn't exist and
major battles that never took place. Under such a propaganda barrage, on
June 25, 1954, Jacobo Arbenz resigned and took asylum in the Mexican
Embassy. On July 8, 1954, a Guatemalan military junta elected Carlos
Castillo-Armas President. In August Castillo-Armas suspended all civil
liberties. Soon he restored to United Fruit the land seized by Jacobo

        Jacobo Arbenz lived in exile until June 27, 1971, when he was found
dead in his bathtub in Mexico City at age 57. Officials listed the cause of
death as drowning due to a heart attack. Jacobo Arbenz had been under
treatment for a stomach ailment. [Immerman, R. CIA in Guatemala pp. 139-140;
NYT 1.28.71] La Prensa, the newspaper of Buenos Aires, reported: "The death
of Jacobo Arbenz still has not become clear. Jacobo Arbenz was found
asphyxiated and drowned in his bathtub, covered by boiling water. According
to the police, the body was horribly burned by hot water and an autopsy was
needed to determine the cause of death. The police indicated that Arbenz did
not spend much time in the bathtub and the door to the bathroom was locked.
They had to break it down to enter."

In 1955 Allen Dulles dispatched the former adversary of Arbenz, Ambassador
John E. Peurifoy, to Bangkok, Thailand. There, John E. Peurifoy and his son
were killed in a head-on collision with a heavy truck in 1956. HOWARD HUNT
believed his death was the revenge of the Communists. [Immerman, R. CIA in
Guatemala p253]

Author Thomas Powers reported that two Guatemalans who worked closely with
DAVID PHILLIPS on a clandestine radio transmitter, known as the Voice of
Liberation, were assassinated in 1957.

ChGuevara took asylum with Jacobo Arbenz. It took him a month to get out of
Guatemala. Author Thomas Powers reported: "PHILLIPS was in Guatemala
searching through captured documents, and opened a CIA file on Guevara."

        In Give Us This Day HUNT related that the CIA had initially favored
a pre-eminent jurist and coffee grower, Juan Cordova Cerna, to head the
post-Arbenz regime: "I thought back to the period before the overthrow of
Colonel Arbenz when the CIA was treating with three exiled leaders: Colonel
Castillo Armas, Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna, and Colonel Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes.
As a distinguished and respected jurist, Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna had my
personal vote as provisional president; our paramilitary people, however,
were impressed with Castillo Armas' qualities as a military leader, and
State had vetoed Ydigoras Fuentes as authoritarian. I remembered meeting
secretly with Juan Cordova Cerna in a room in the Mexico City YMCA, and how
at a critical time in the pre-invasion maneuvering, he had been forced to
enter the Ochsner Clinic for cancer surgery. With his hospitalization, the
possibility of civilian leadership ended, and Colonel Armas was selected to
carry though. Chance, then, as it so often does, played the decisive role in
the destiny of a nation." In Undercover, HUNT recounted that Dr. Juan
Cordova Cerna "reluctantly had left Guatemala for New Orleans. There, it was
discovered that he suffered from throat cancer and treatment was begun at
the Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans." [HUNT Undercover p97] PHILLIPS wrote:
"One facet of CIA planning had gone awry in a development beyond control -
the moderate civilian who was groomed to become the interim President
contracted a fatal illness." [PHILLIPS Nightwatch p53] PHILLIPS was asked
"Do you have any knowledge about how Juan Cordova came to contract the
disease, cancer?" He answered: "No, I do not know."

         Did Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna really have HUNT'S personal vote? HUNT
wrote: "It had been decided at the State Department Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes
was a right-wing reactionary." In the past, HUNT favored political figures
who had been labeled "right-wing reactionaries" by the State Department. For
example, he described his friend Pedro Diaz Lanz as one of those labeled a
right-wing reactionary. Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna would not have conformed to
HUNT'S vision of a post-Arbenz government. Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna, a
candidate for election in 1950, was a former legal advisor for the United
Fruit Company. Washington lobbyist Tom Corcoran, an associate of Ernest
Cuneo, called Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna "the liberal" among the exiles.
ChGuevara wrote his followers: "Keep in contact and be united with groups
around Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna...because they represent valuable allies and
should not be despised." [Fuentes, My War with Communism p146] After Miguel
Ydigoras Fuentes, HUNT'S next logical choice should have been Castillo

Had HUNT poisoned Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna during their meeting, to thwart the
wish of the State Department to make him the head of the post-Arbenz
Guatemalan government? Could the cancer of Juan Cordova Cerna have had some
relation to the Ochsner Clinic? Was the Clinic unwittingly or wittingly
CIA-penetrated? No credible evidence of this exists as of 1996, however some
interesting documents have been released regarding Alton Ochsner.

        Dr. Alton Ochsner (born May 4, 1896; died August 1981), the founder
of the Ochsner Clinic, had prestigious credentials and was the past
president of the American Cancer Society. Alton Ochsner was part of the New
Orleans anti-Communist community which included David Ferrie and his
associate, William Guy Banister. Ochsner was linked to FBI Agent WARREN C.
DeBRUEYS through the New Orleans Crime Commission in 1967. Alton Ochsner was
linked to OSWALD through these men. Carlos De La Vega, a Cuban exile, was
director of Latin American Relations of the Ochsner Foundation. Carlos De La
Vega was under a special State Department contract to act as a bodyguard for
foreign dignitaries. [Memo Martin to Garrison 3.31.67] Dr. Alton Ochsner was
a consultant to the U.S. Air Force "on the medical side of subversive
matters," and a personal friend of the Somoza family. [Scott, Beyond
Conspiracy p649]

In April 1993, Dr. Alton Ochsner's son, Alton Ochsner Jr., was asked: "Did
your dad know guys like Ferrie and that crew? Freedom fighter types?" He
replied: "Yeah, he knew about anybody who might have been labeled an
anti-communist. My dad was a strong anti-communist and he believed in all
these things. He knew all the local people who were on trial or involved in
the Garrison investigation. Now he and Ed Butler thought OSWALD was involved
in a communist conspiracy. I don't think they thought this was the CIA at
that time.

"My daddy was an ambassador without portfolio to Central America, and
particularly Nicaragua. He went down there...he was a professor of surgery
at Tulane and some of the most distinguished Latin American citizens were
the doctors. Some trained under him at Tulane, so he had a close connection
with them. Some became government leaders. And he went down there several
times, not as an ambassador, but as a doctor...he probably knew, or met, the
fellow that came up to the Ochsner Clinic [Dr. Juan Cordova Cerna]. He came
up to the clinic because of my dad's connection with those people, but I
don't know specifically who took care of that patient or whether my dad was
actually doing it..."

Dr. Ochsner was asked if his father had ever been approached by the CIA:
"Yeah, some Argentinean colonel contacted my dad and said there was a
Argentinean, he wouldn't say his name, that needed my dad's medical
attention. He asked him to come down and see him, because for political
reasons the man couldn't leave the country. Shortly before my dad saw that
fella, the CIA visited my dad, and said 'Are you going down to see Peron?'
And he said, 'I don't know who I am going to see'...He went down there and
it was Juan Peron, he had a vascular occlusion of his leg. He needed a
particular kind of surgery the Argentineans hadn't perfected. My dad was
hesitant to do it in Argentina and, unfortunately, it was not politically
right for Peron to leave Argentina. He entertained my dad royally."

        The CIA reported: "Dr. Ochsner was of contact interest in October
1947 and November 1948. He has been a cleared source since May 13, 1955. The
last official contact with Dr. Ochsner personally occurred on January 8,
1962, and with the Ochsner Clinic on November 8, 1963." Another CIA document

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