(c) Dec 6, 1998 by Laura Lee Lanning*Shipton
The main url for this site is
Disclaimer:  PG educated open mind   Because this is a different view point on Religion then is found from straight scripture.  This means that kids better check with their parents before reading farther.
               Education, Religion and Propaganda
                                        Part 1

    Working rich normally realize how they got there and that most anyone could "potentially" have a chance to get to the same place.  That what they have is a responsibility and Obligation.  Many (of them) do not think of what they have as toys, but as tools!  If you are capable of using these tools (as carrots) to motivate others to study and work to get to that level too, that is the ultimate!  To teach people to read so that they are capable of educating them selves.

     To put this on a personal basis.  I check with my conscience on many things that I do.  Example:  I am great at phonics and eventually would like to help at the public library with the people that are learning to read.  Why don't I - Not counting kids, school, and finances?  Because I see things in the "school to work law" that will make me a commodity (my mind and education) that can be directed (bought and sold) by the government if it goes into effect.  That can make me unable to direct my life because if the Texas Constitution (which is based on the US Constitution) is able to be re-written (like they have talked about and want to currently do) - If I even want to go to school, and have my children schooled, then I will have to bow to however the government decides that they are able to make the most money from my education.  "Sold to the highest bidder."

    A year ago I aspired to go to the Department of Education as a person that was financially independent - as a science fiction writer - then on to Astronomy with Physics, still writing science fiction.  I should be past Linear Algebra, yet I have not been able to take time to go past the College Algebra that I learned a year ago because I am trying to make my voice heard.  Waco of the 1980's was clean enough that the the major people / members of Baylor and the Catholic Church were willing to go into the night clubs, and there was no stigma (except economic need - have and have not - that you had to work) attached to working at one of the clubs.  Gradually they left (were driven out) and that protection / insight left with them.  They may have turned there noses up at some of the patrons, but they respected the Management (etc.) and realized that people were human.   When some people tried to keep the US from finding out that the fact that sugar "seems to be" the main reason that some alcohol is addictive, and by keeping us from researching and finding that in England a pub owner that adds sugar to his brew is (a little more than) discredited they helped take this town down.

    Why?  Genetics, like Hitler.  By being able to say that alcohol addiction has a genetic basis you open the door to things like eugenics and trying to say that ethnic things are genetic.  Homosexualism - Genetic?  Get real.  But if you know about Iceland being predominantly Female and China being predominantly male you start to look and wonder.

  Demasculization of Animals, Humans next?

    Then to the current scoop on chemicals
    World Wildlife Fund - chemicals in the environment -
    Demasculization of Animals, Humans next?
    This mostly relates to the connection between pesticides and BSE, These include Organophosphate sheep dip "Diazinon, Propetamphos, Chlorfenvinphos, Carbophenothion;
and via a third party, went on to Cufomate, which he had used as a warble fly dressing. I later explored all the OPs which had been used in the Gulf War."

---------------Why would people want to put this on a genetic basis?----------------
from:   Rockefeller Drug Censor Empire

 The Drug Story

*****end of urls*****

    So where would this leave us eventually?  Eventually?
How about today!
Courting homosexuals?  How about keeping some from realizing that they have no chance of having offspring.  What better way then for many of them to not even want offspring?  Also, saying that it is genetic?  Homosexualism genetic?  What if this were common knowledge (if the males and Churches) were to stop Idolizing Maleness and realize that the human male is a endangered item.
--my comment, (I like the fact that there are males - Viva La Difference!@$^))*%##@^*)(-!!!!!...
If that is being dominated then what else is that testosterone good for?  Worry about me wanting to be a male and have to carry that ____ that they have to keep on adjusting?  Get Real.  I am used to my upper architecture, though I would like to be able to run without a black eye.  Oh well, I could
always lose some weight since that area is about 70 percent or more fat.  So what does that say about America idolizing the Breasts?  We like fat?

    The other item, As a female I will (have already but that is another story) probably have to have a child.  Well with a concerned male, one that is attuned to me to the extent that he could almost read my mind, being pregnant is only so much of your life.  At least I did not have to spend the time from my birth adjusting that wee bit of flesh.  Um, like I said - a concerned male, and I already have him thank you.  What of sex?  If someone has it between their ears, education comes before marriage rights anyway.  A meeting of minds, a understanding to respect someone for what they know and what they do not know is more important.

    Now that I have gotten past the lead up, why are so many things based on Religion, and why is Religion there.  If you look at the major turning point in any country you will be able to tell when they went from hunter / gather TO farmer / animal husbandry.  How?  Because that was when they learned how babies were conceived and that maleness was not necessarily a life long trait.  That a functioning female could turn into a functioning male.  Examples: Chickens and Fish.  So, Adam came from Eve?  Whoops!  That was what the lead in was for!  The warmer the country, and the closer to the ocean they are seems to be a difference.  Those people may know about the male sea horse being the one that carries the eggs (in his pouch), or the male fish that take care of the babies.  Maybe it's because they have a better definition of the difference between male and female.

    Basic science (now days if Bush Sr., Jr.'s, Dole and Clinton don't make us go back to the stone age) teaches that the sexual organs (in a fetus) decide to go up OR down.  That means that testes and ovaries start as the same item.  That when they go up, that the testicle sack, is the Labia in a

The Penis?  I think you can figure that one out.  Just a rearrangement of some plumbing and there you are - which ever sex you (currently) are.  Where are we now?  Theory of Evolution.
How about the teaching of the Theory of Evolution.  How would you rationalize that with the fact that for some religions they believe that God created the Earth in six days and that on the seventh he rested.

*****another essay*****
some of this has already been posted to my web page
which is the previous url

The point is that from the beginning there were some
of different beliefs.  In the bible it also referred
to some that lapped the water and others that cupped
their hands to drink.  From what I can guess the pig was
one of the few food animals that was also willing to be
cannibalistic - so when Kosher went into play it (the pig) was
Why?  When the Jews would not even eat blood, would they
be willing to eat anything like that in a recycled way?

To jump thread for a minute - interesting that the Black
American was the price of a good race horse (in a time
that horse thieves were hung) but you could pick up a
orphan (and indenture that child till they
were twenty) for the price of a pig!

Many of the religions believed in Human sacrifice.  Education
of their followers might have meant that they would have lost
them.  True or a fable - what was written is that John the
Baptist (who baptized Jesus) and seemed very close to him,
was beheaded.  I assume that Jesus would have realize that
the other religions were looking sideways at him.  Yet he
says "This is MY Blood and Flesh" talk about anther type
of sacrifice.  If they wanted to sacrifice - then symbolically
sacrifice him Unto Eternity!  Also it talked about some in the
Jewish religion that would take over and cover up the true
meaning of the traditions by making them very elaborate.
This was a time that things were dividing and a try to
keep what had been alive.  To both Jews and Christians.
The bible.  To me the New Testament was written as
a book that was applicable to each tribe that they were
trying to bring on-line.  To bring out of Human Sacrifice.
Those tribes were not required to follow the Jewish way,
just to believe in Education and the Ten Commandments.
He lead by example and his example was education.
No matter if he was real or not.
The story of the Money Changers could well have been
that he threw out those that also sold human sacrifices to
the other tribes and were trying to Launder their money
though the Jews.

This would have been throwing down the gauntlet to those that
ruled by human sacrifice.  They would have seen the fact that they
did not have to sacrifice their sons and daughters.  Jesus knew
that he would be "betrayed", or less say told on.  If your going out
why not leave a foot note as to why?  Do be taken out in the way
that John the Baptist was?  He Pushed It, on purpose.

Consider this guy that they wrote about.  He was able to debate the
holy books at what age???  He required a lot from his followers.  He
could have set himself up as some kind of leader.  He was a task
master and a educator.  He and his disciples debated these points
endlessly.  He wrestled with Angels many times.  The Jewish Religion
was less than ten percent of the worlds religions at that time.  Many
others still believed in many forms of sacrifice including human.

Many religions have people that they respect for getting rid of
things.  Confucius taught the Orientals to bury their dead.

In the 1630 book "The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations
of Captaine John Smith in Europe, Asia, Africa and America" it talks

(Got this from my college history book, "Readings for U.S. History
2nd Edition" Senior Editor Dr. Michael A. White by Kendall/Hunt of
Dubuque, Iowa (c) 1992- the story was called
"John Smith Before Jamestown")

about 1601
    "John Smith was now about to plunge into the nightmare world
of eastern Europe:  where Catholics fought Protestants, or Turks,
and Protestants fought Turks, or Catholics, or renegade mercenaries,
or all three: where Germans fought Hungarians or Turks or Both:
where Hungarians were sometimes both Austrian allies and Turkish

    "This was a world where the Austrian emperor of the Holy
Roman Empire, Rudolph II, relieved his chronic insanity with
periodic fits of uncontrollable rage; where Sigismund Bathory,
Prince of Transylvania, of a family long-tainted with madness,
abdicated and reclaimed his throne no fewer than three times'
where his cousin Elizabeth, with the tran-sylvanian penchant
so reminiscent of Count Dracula, indulged in beauty baths that
ultimately took the blood, and lives, of 650 young women."

    "It was a place where incessant warfare and banditry
brought desolation, famine, familial cannibalism, and other
unspeakable horrors; where lucky prisoners wee enslaved,
the less lucky butchered, and the luckless skinned alive."

    Plus it was cold in Europe!  If I were a self respecting black
father or mother in which the trail of my children's manhood
may have meant being killed by my own son, which is a part
of some tribes - I am not sure of Africa countries back then.
Would I have sent them to that barbarous place?  African
gold is well known and before America the main wearing
apparel in Europe seemed to be animal skins - Yet by using
the tale of Robin Hood you could imagine that even before
Hoods time that animals were prized.  So who made it
economically feasible for America to be settled and made
a market for cotton?  Was that stuff warm in a drafty castle?
Yet, it could be dyed and this list has shown that knowledge
of dye (color) in that time, and now, was money.

    It seems as if those people of dye have gone into
pharmaceuticals.  So, keeping this war alive - the different
religions, has been advantageous.  Also, if you study sugar
"Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking" by Aveline Kushi
(c) 1985 Warner NY
She refers to the fact
    "During the Middle Ages, when refined sugar first became
processed and entered Europe, it was locked away in
apothecary shops for centuries as a dangerous drug.  The
widespread availability and consumption of sugar in the
modern world is a primary cause of degenerative disease
and mental and emotional disorders.  In addition to the
natural sweeteners mentioned above, there are a variety
of other sweeteners available in the natural foods store
that some people use as an alternative to white sugar.
However, in my experience even these are too refined
for even occasional use."

"Sugar Blues" by William Dufty (c) 1993 by Warner
    Books Inc. NY
            This is good but he bases the whole slave trade on
sugar - He needed to go farther back.

    When you consider that Hitler did away with the minstrels,
story tellers, keepers of history - education.  The Gypsies
and the Jews.  He burned books but he had to get rid of the
memories, and the stories that warned of cannibalism and
human sacrifice.  He was not after religion so much but
after the belief of education.  He wanted to be worshiped
as a phallic god, and have every one else was no more than
chattel to him.  He used the skins of Jews and others to tan
for lampshades and more, he used their hair to make coats,
what did that kind of guy do to the bodies?

    Even now education comes before Marital Rights in the
Jewish religion.  There are no bastards in that belief which
to me means that they are required to take care of any issue,
and that would mean education.  When you realize that during
the Holocaust that education was the property of the
government and that many Jews were not allowed to have
bar mitzvahs you can see how they are trying to rewrite
history even now.

But TO me!

   Different Ways Of Looking At Common Beliefs.

 I am interested in how people can see definitions / interpretations
in their beliefs that "could" point to education being a part of
their beliefs!  And I am not a atheist.  I believe that Religion is
Education and History BUT that there is a Higher Deity.

1)    God created the earth in six days and on the seventh
day God rested.  On the seventh day we rest.  We study
God's word.  We worship.  We are educated.  Education
was a day of rest.  Many times the Bible was the only book
in the house.  Religion was Education.  When did it become
work that we consider some people burn out, or drop out
from?  "Separation of Church and State" did not mean
"Separation of Education and State."  These links are
about Lawyers not being as well educated.
    Help Return The Law To A Learned Profession -
    The Civil Bible -
   TnCrimLaw's Online Library -
Please go to
3) Myths in Education and Home Schooling   (I do not endorse
home schooling "Per Se" but I also have not been able to find
this information on the public school sites.  (New 19 Nov 98)
By this basis every Religion should have a day of education.
    Myth 4 Americans are Well educated (New 29 Nov 98)

    Another question!  Did it say "Separation of Church and State"
or "Separation of Religion and State?"  Expressly if Religion was

    Whoops for some I have just taken away the main reason for
not being promiscuous.  OR have I?
What is a partnership?  Maybe I should start off with asking
what is sex?  What is your basic definition of sex?  A sport or
a art?  For the answer to this one let us check out the
government and what they spend our tax dollars on as well as the
basic definition of art and sport.  Does the government
underwrite football as a art?  No.  Does it underwrite Wrestling
as a art?  No.  Both of these are contact sports and they do
not come under the heading of Art.  Does it underwrite Ice Skating?
No.  but Ice Skating is very close to a art!  The interest that we
have in Partners that Ice Dance is amazing, or is it?  It is not what you
do once you get there, that is something that is easy to find out.  It
is in the dance - how you get there that is a art.

    Now comes the kicker, did you know that your federal
government underwrites X-rated movies as a art form?
Lesbians saying why they should not kill their lovers
(wish I could remember that whole thing) and
other forms of "sex."  It is not that I have issue with
who is doing what to whom - as long as they are consenting
adults and that they respect the fact that I am not interested in
it.  What I do take exception to is the fact that this contact
SPORT is being underwritten by our ART foundation as a ART.

    Now to get picky about this.  True artists normally want
a audience and to create a following so that they will make
money.  They have agents so that as they become more popular
someone else will be there to handle the bookings and to
read the contracts so that their rights are upheld.  They also
have insurance in case they are hurt and can not work.  So
they do take exception to being hurt or maimed - it might make
what they have (themselves) less marketable.  Sex movies and
I am talking about all of them here, not just the ones that the
government is underwriting, should follow the same rules
(for actors and actresses) as any other movie.

    Basic rules seem to be
1) do not harm living things
2) since you are a marketable item, take care of yourself.

    The fact that these are followed can be seen in such movies
as Arachnidphobia and Ben.  In Arachnidphobia the (dog gone) spiders
were not allowed to be hurt and in Ben every scene with Rats had
to be OK'ed.  The animals had agents?  Maybe they had those
to, but they definitely had the SPCA and Human Society as well
as the insurance company that the film had hired.

    I recently received a e-mail advertising a movie about a
woman that had broken a record.  Something about a 100
men in 24 hours.  Granted it implied that she was taking care
of more that one at a time but I did the math and wondered.
A actress in a movie is careful of her assets and if a horse is
in a movie they check for saddle chaffing.  Should we require
less of these movies which seem to show how some (should)
have sex?  She had to possibly be chaffed, wonder if her
agent was even worried?  The Eviel Kanevel of the sex world?
Well we do not underwrite him as art either.  Let's get back to
that chaffing.  If her agent is not going to watch out for her
interests then maybe we need to have the SPCA do it.  We
should have our artists aspire to at least be at the level of
animals.  Even if they are not being treated as humans they
can at least have the protection that we would afford a
Spider or a Rat...since you could get hurt in even normal sex.
Would be nice if they were treated as humans, they might
even act like ones.  Now as to the Lesbian and Homosexual
movies that our art dollars are subsidizing too.  Well, the SPCA
might be applicable there as well.  I imagine that there is some
abuse and chaffing that might need to be looked
into and checked on.

    Well, if sex is a sport then the practice of this sport is not
what a normal partnership is about.  Unless you consider
partnership and collaboration a sport to.  I personally
consider those things to be arts.  It should take a lot longer
to get to that horizontal dance, then it does to do it.  If that
is the case, then where do you practice if you want a relationship
to work?  It is not in the bedroom, even the best sport has a
schematic or choreographer and if you can not work as a partner
ship outside of the bedroom then your partnership in the bedroom
will probably suffer as well.  Still and all (most) males are used
to practicing the physical aspects of things.  Also many would be
good players on the field but lousy coaches or owners of a team.
When you get married, do you want a player from the field or
someone that is able to see the plays that are happening and
capable of working with you to win the game (the marriage)
in and OUT of the bedroom?  That is a artist as well as a

*****end of essay*****

End of Part One

      I Covered the nations that Idolize the male form.
They are afraid that the females will leave.  Many
would not.  Why not?  The difference between
prejudice and preference.  Because of education
/ tradition / history.  Some Religions / Ideas are in,
but the major ones will be the ones that teach
education / tradition / history.
Yet how do you teach history (without teaching the
prejudice too) when it has been so
blood thirsty?  Why has it been blood thirsty?
Because the sexes were not defined in some areas.
The closer you are to nature and to the other sex
the more education takes over and the less you
are able to be dictated to.  The more you understand
of the ways of nature (and of the earth) the more
you can understand of yourself.

    Many people were educated in Germany.  I believe that
Jews were not "The Chosen People" in any way except
through time they have been chosen to be scrap goats.
Why?  Because the made education and health a tradition
of the Religion.  Because their Religion / Belief / Traditions /
Ideas required them to live by the Ten Commandments and to
not Idolize (have any graven image - or in the truest sense of the
original form - to have Idols, this would include idolizing what
was in their pants - Sex) even the basic belief says that Education
comes before Marital Rights.

    The Religion was / is a touch stone between the Matriarchal
and Patriarchal beliefs.  A blessing and a curse for ones that follow

that kind of thinking - this means that others besides the Jews
follow this line of thought.  Let's follow this for a moment.  By this way
of thinking the U.S. constitution is the next evolution of that line of
thinking.  That would also mean that the war between the states
was not over slaves as such.  It was a continuation of the original
war that George Washington fought.  By putting in "Black" education
Jessie Jackson allowed the worse possible thing to happen that
could happen.  He allowed parts of history to be covered up or
not taught since they were apparently "Not Politically Correct" -
You do not reinvent the wheel, You add on to it.  He helped
(them) make the battle for the United States (from George
Washington on) take on a meaningless quality.  I do not believe
this was his intent.

    If you look at that era and what had been taught
recently (around 1925) you might understand how
(around the 1960's) and why he might have believed he was
helping his constituency.  Example:  The Scoops Trail.

Exert from:  The American Nation by John A. Garraty
Gouverneur Morris Professor of History - Columbia University
(c) 1998 Addison Wesley Longman NY
era about 1925    "The Monkey Trial ended badly for nearly everyone
concerned.  Scopes moved away from Dayton the judge, John
Raulston, was defeated when he sought reelection, Bryan died
in his sleep a few days after the trail.  But fundamentalism
continued to flourish, not only in the nation's backwaters but in many cities,
brought there by rural people in search of work.  In retrospect, even

the heroes of the Scopes trial--science and freedom of thought--seem
somewhat less stainless than they did to liberals at the time.  The
account of evolution in the textbook used by Scopes was far from
satisfactory, yet it was advanced as unassailable fact.  The book
also contained statements that to the modern mind seem at least
as bigoted as anything that Bryan said at Dayton.  In a section on
the "Races of Man," for example, it described Caucasians as "the
highest type of all . . . represented by the civilized white
inhabitants of Europe and America."

--Where I will start part 2---
Also in researching the basic attitudes of America from that time p.
669 of The American Nation and p. 253 of Psychology by Carole Wade
and Carol Tavris.  These pages talk about John Watson who was
a Behaviorist, a president of the American Psychological Association
and a vice-president of the J. Walter Thompaon advertising agency at
different times of his life.  He wrote The Psychological Care of
Infant and Child (1928) "Never hug and kiss them, never let them sit in your
lap.  If you must, kiss them once on the forehead when they say good
    This along with Jung's interpretations (p.474 History of the Jews)
next to Hitler's shaped many things and allowed

   In particular the section detailing how Freud (1856-1939) was
given over.
        (1889-?) p.470-471.
1870-1914 The Germans and the Jews both had a devotion to learning.
"From it's inception in 1933, for instance, Germany won more Nobel prizes
than any other country, about 30 per cent of the whole; but of Germany's
share, the Jews provided nearly a third and in medicine a half.  For Germany to
turn on the Jews was not just mass murder; it was, in a real sense, mass
 How did it happen?"
"After November 1938, Jews were expelled from all schools, and
trains, waiting-rooms and restaurants were segregated."  p.487 Farben and the

1918 Armistice


$Sugar Blues by William Dufty (c)1993 by Warner Books Inc. NY
            This is good but he bases the whole slave trade on sugar
- He needed to go farther back.

$Macrobiotic Cooking by Aveline Kushi (c)1985 by Warner Books Inc. NY
           Loaded with alternative sweeteners, information, and
considering the fact that it is a cookbook - it has recipes too!

$Saxon Math - (New 19 Nov 98) - Has books at many different levels

$The Core Knowledge Series (preK-6) by Doubleday NY
        Each book covers that years (CORE) curriculum, these are good
books to help learn or to review with.  My children will even read
them on their own! (New 30 Oct 98)

$Money Doesn't Grow On Trees: A Parent's Guide To Raising Financially
Responsible Children
        by Godfrey and Edwards (c)1994 Fireside NY
$Positive Discipline by Jane Nelson, Ed.D. (c) 1981 Ballantine NY
$This site may not be politically correct sense it seems as if
parents are not to teach these subjects.  I think it looks good
though!  "The Teenager's Guide to the Real World"

$The Tightwad Gazette II by Any Dacyczyn (c) 1995 Villard NY
(New 22 Nov 98) and a subscribable newsletter (snail mail)
monthly eight-page at $12 a year
        The Tightwad Gazette     RR1 Box 3570    Leeds, ME 04263
        She had been showcased on many shows and "I" like her writing.

$The American Nation by John A. Garraty
Gouverneur Morris Professor of History - Columbia University
(c)1998 Addison-Wesley NY    pages 678, 669, 268, 685 and 537
$Readings For U.S. History by Dr. Michael A. White (c) 1992, 1995
Kendall/Hunt Iowa
$Jefferson by Saul K. Padover (c) 1942 Mentor NY

$Psychology 4th edition by Carole Wade & Carol Tavris (c)1996 Harper
Collins NY
$A Spirit So Rare by Patricia Ward Wallace - she is a Baylor History
Professor (c)1984 Nortex of  Austin, Texas
$1984 by George Orwell (c)1981 Signet Classic
NY originally written 1949
$Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (c) 1932, 1946 HarperPerennial NY

$ The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush - Online at

$The Holy Bible

$Basic Judaism by Milton Steinberg (c)1975 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
$A History of the Jews by Paul Johnson (c)1987 Harper & Row NY
        In particular the section detailing how Freud (1856-1939) was given over.
**********************End Of Citations***************************************
url for this page is
The main url for this site is
        (1889-?) p.470-471.
1870-1914 The Germans and the Jews both had a devotion to learning.
"From it's inception in 1933, for instance, Germany won more
Nobel prizes than any other country, about 30 per cent of the
whole; but of Germany's share, the Jews provided nearly a
third and in medicine a half.  For Germany to turn on the Jews
was not just mass murder; it was, in a real sense, mass
parricide.  How did it happen?"
"After November 1938, Jews were expelled from all schools, and
trains, waiting-rooms and restaurants were segregated."  p.487
Farben and the Deutscher Bank.
1918 Armistice

my ICQ# 14484977
Education: A House of Mirrors
Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our
children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD (New 16 Oct 98)

3) Uncover Myths in Education
    Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the
    Umbrella of a Church or Religious Group.
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