-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, Jim Norman wrote:
>--and the north treated them with respect?  The South had farms  The North had

And professional positions not open to them in the south...

>It may help to remember that the North, after winning the Civil
>war did not free their slaves as they forced the South to.  And Lincoln had no
>intentions of freeing the slaves until he needed an issue to keep France and Spain
>out of the war.  You remember that part don't you?

I know very well that Lincoln was not 'The Great Emancipator' that
history has made him out to be...and I also know that the Emancipation
Proclamation was made to keep ENGLAND from entering the war on the side
of the Confederacy, NOT France and Spain...France and Spain had no overt
interest in the war, while England was extremely dependent on the cotton
imported from the American South...

>> 1. I don't know why you say black men were not able bodied;

_I_ didn't...YOU seemed to imply it in your statement...

You also didn't answer my question regarding how many blacks got
positions of importance in the factories and offices, positions vacated
by able-bodied white men who were off to war...

>> 2.  None of the folks (including whites) who lived in Claxton were capable of
>> supervising or managing a factory;and

So the only thing you can state with any authority is what you observed
as a very young child who was a member of a race which had more
privileges than those of the black race, processed thru a child's
perspective, and limited to a very specific (and not normal) era,
and a small geographical area which was not necessarily indicative of the
South as a whole...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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