-Caveat Lector-

By Arianna Huffington

                    Clinton's `Don't Look Down' Economy
                           Filed January 11, 1999

     Nineteen ninety-eight was the year of the split screen -- the
     beginning of the Monica Lewinsky investigation on one screen, the
     State of the Union speech on the other; the president's grand jury
     testimony on one screen, the president's speech to the United
     Nations on the other; the House impeachment debate on one screen,
     the bombing of Iraq on the other.

     Similarly, 1999 began with the impeachment split screen still going
     on. But there is a much more profound split that went unnoticed
     last week. The day before the president hailed December's
     unemployment drop before the Economic Club of Detroit, wire reports
     announced the highest layoff numbers of the decade. In fact,
     December's steep cuts not only doubled November's, they broke a
     longstanding taboo of not laying workers off at Christmas. Yet the
     1998 total of almost 700,000 layoffs -- 56 percent higher than last
     year -- went completely unremarked in the president's
     self-congratulatory speech. Clearly, nothing is allowed to detract
     from his version of ``morning again in America.''

     ``Most things are going right for our country,'' the president said
     with a hubris that was chilling to anyone who had read the layoff
     reports, or the Labor Department's announcement of the biggest
     surge in six years in unemployment claims, or the new study of four
     Northwest states that revealed more than half of the available jobs
     do not pay a living wage. While the president quoted Henry Ford
     looking for Americans with ``an infinite capacity to not know what
     can't be done,'' 26 million Americans cannot get by without
     visiting a soup kitchen or a food bank. According to Second
     Harvest, the biggest national network of food banks, its clientele
     is growing by 10 percent a year -- a rate not yet rivaling
     Starbucks but clearly demonstrating that the two halves of our
     split nation are growing further apart with each passing year.

     At the end of November, ABC's ``Nightline'' profiled a community in
     Chelmsford, Mass., with 2.8 percent unemployment, 1.5 percent below
     the national average, but with many of its residents forced to use
     the local food bank while holding down ``not one but two jobs.'' As
     one of the men who had been laid off his computer job put it, he
     became ``marginally employed, which is really self-employed.'' He
     started calling himself a ``consultant,'' which included working at
     Radio Shack.

     In the meantime, his wife was juggling three jobs -- day care,
     peddling World Book Encyclopedias and selling Tupperware. And they
     still couldn't avoid the food bank.

     ``Wages are going up at all income levels,'' the president said
     during last week's radio address. ``And finally the rising tide of
     our economy is lifting all boats.'' Yes, he really did resurrect
     that hoary chestnut ridiculed during the Reagan years by every
     self-respecting liberal. And there was no trace of irony in his
     voice. ``Rising tides don't lift all boats,'' Jesse Jackson said
     once a long time ago. But now he's too busy holding rallies for the
     president on Capitol Hill to contradict him.

     While Reagan was criticized for his ``trickle-down'' economy,
     Clinton is given a free pass for his ``don't look down'' economy.
     Lapsed critics seem eager to hitch their wagons to the rising Dow
     Jones average and oblige by not commenting on the cracks in the
     foundation. It's not as if they don't know that the president's
     boosterism hides another reality. Former Rep. Joe Kennedy
     (D-Mass.), who has just left Congress to run Citizens Energy, said
     as much last November on ``Nightline'': ``While our newspapers and
     television and radios are filled with statistics about how the
     unemployment rate is down, and the inflation rate is down, and the
     stock market is up -- the fact is that there's another reality and
     there's another America.'' But he never moved beyond generalities
     to a criticism of the administration's domestic policies.

     The moratorium on dissent extends beyond elected officials to
     social critics like Michael Moore, whose book ``Downsize This!''
     targeted the corporate and political narcissism that allowed
     hundreds of thousands of jobs to vanish unnoticed. Was he still
     busy pursuing Ken Starr while the president was in Michigan, only
     60 miles from Moore's beloved Flint, tripping the truth fantastic?

     For that matter where were the Bush brothers and all the other
     ``compassionate conservatives'' while the president was in Detroit
     describing only one reality and only one America? After all,
     doesn't the other America deserve at least a quadrant on our split

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                           Santa Monica, CA 90403
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