-Caveat Lector-


>  -Caveat Lector-
> Short memory, hawk?

I am sometimes afflicted with short memory... What are specifically addressing?

> hawk sez:
>  I was in the USAF for almost seven years as a professional military officer
> and aviator. During three of those years, I was involved in what later became
> known as the "Delta Force," but which then was "Blue Triangle" and a couple of
> other secretive names. As such, I engaged in numerous "informal" wars,
> insurrections, and general mayhem for the govm't of the U.S. -- often not even
> allowed to wear the uniform (we called these "T-shirt and blue-jean missions).
> I was also in VietNam quite a bit, before the conflict became a "war." In all
> of those missions, we were directly involved on the "wrong" side, or were
> sticking our noses into other peoples' affairs, generally helping some
> dictatorial govm't obtain or maintain its harsh control over the populace.
> Then, for three more years, I was directly involved in intelligence gathering
> operations. For three years, every morning, I saw "raw intelligence" --
> information that had not been "laundered" for public consumption. Not one time
> -- and I mean not even ONCE -- did the truth about what was going on reach the
> average American. We were lied to on a continual basis, and are being lied to
> at the present time. I was trained in the process of developing "cover
> stories" about things that happened, . . .
> Then dufus asked:
> >> Oh, Hypocrite, you didn't answer my query about your intel secret ops? Cat
> got >> your tongue?

> Hawk said:  >I don't think I saw any query about intel secret ops.

OK... I still don't know what questions or query you asked about "intel secret
ops."  As for my response that I didn't know what you were talking about, not one
time, in all my USAF career was what I did called "intel secret ops."  Its a
phrase you made up, so far as I know.  You seem to "make up" quite a lot of stuff.

Now, just what was it you wanted to know concerning what YOU call "intel secret


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