From: Tim Carmain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

R. Guemenee wrote:
> Perhaps I should rephrase it as families who would be >identified by
those on this list as bloodline >descendants of Christ.  I did not
mean to imply that >the United Nations, European Parliament, or any
other >international or governmental organization >_recognizes_ Grail

Nor do they recognize the "Ecumenical Orthodox Jacobite Patriarchate
of Antioch".  It's clear that you're quoting directly from their book
"Upward Nobility! - How to Make It Into the Royal and Noble Ranks".
The EOJPA is nothing more than a scam operation, peddling fraudulent
titles of nobility and faux chivalric orders.  It has no connection to
the legitimate Jacobite Church, otherwise better known as the Syrian
Orthodox Church, and they engage in no "ecumenical" pursuits
whatsoever.  The patriarch is a Frenchman living in Rotterdam, whose
homosexual lover, the "Duke of Campobello"(aka the Cuban emigre
Antonio Boada), is the front man for an ingenious web of title
peddlers.  Some of the individuals who the Patriarchate maintains
"excellent" relations with are:

- His Majesty King William of Alabona and Ostrogojsk, aka Bill Mazser,
an auto upholsterer in New Jersey who just happened to be the heir to
a fabulous Crusader kingdom that no-one but the Patriarchate has ever
heard of;

- His Serene Highness Prince Douglas de St. Michel de Clermont, a
medal caster in Vancouver who had his long-lost principality
"rehabilitated" through the good offices of the Patriarchate, even
though there is no record of this feudal state ever having existed;

- His Royal Highness Dom Rosario, Duke of Braganca, son of the late
Infanta of Portugal, who unfortunately was born and died on the same
day in 1887;

- the late Prince Alexis of Anjou-Durazzo-Dolgorouky-Romanov de
Bourbon-Conde, aka Alex Brimeyer, native of the Belgian Congo who just
happened to be the grandson of Grand Duchess Tatiana of Russia
(slaughtered in 1918) and son of the long-lost Anjou heir to the
Sicilian throne;

- too many "de jure" Byzantine Emperors to list here;

- highly unlikely Visigothic and Aztec claimants from Spain;

- and one ludicrous Belgian-turned-Scotsman with a flair for
falsifying genealogical records.

I could go on ad nauseam, but suffice it to say that "birds of a
feather flock together".

As to their association with the Dragon Order, yes - the EOJPA does
maintain "cordial" relations with the order, or so they claim.  I
usually like to get the other side of the story before I draw
conclusions.  However, there is more than one group calling itself the
Dragon Order.  I don't know whether either of them claims to be the
"revived" order founded by Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund of Luxemburg
in 1387.  In either case, it would be a fallacy, as the order went
defunct in the 1440s.


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