-Caveat Lector-

Howdy Barb,
 Why do you find it needful to continue this disruption? Go hang-out at
alt.conspiracy and test your open mind.  Oh, and thanks for the personal
attacks, really shows you care.

Have a nice day?


In a message dated 1/19/99 11:20:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>At 12:16 AM 1/19/99 -0500, pontificating little prick wrote:
>> -Caveat Lector-
>>Listen -up Barb and Jim,
>>This is my list to run as I wish. I can expose myself to any idea I wish.
>blah, blah, blah.  Mine, Mine, Mine, Waaaaahhhhh!  You are amazing.
>I would have been unsubscribing soon, as my work is substantially complete,
>but now seems a good time to exit.  This was my first list subscription and
>describing the group dynamics alone has filled a small notebook.  (You are
>sooo knowledgeable, I suggest that you review Tavestock as your group is a
>classic example of its well-known theories.)   Jim is correct in that there
>is a definite operational pattern on this list, and I have observed its
>replication with tiresome regularity.

So are you invovled in the study of Group Dynamics? You are taking notes of
the group dynamics of this e-mail list? Is this just a hobby?

Please enlighten us  as to your findings. Do you have credentials in the

You are aware of Tavistock and relate us to it as some basis for this group.
Hmm . . . So, you put stock in Tavistock and its methodology of decietful
human control?
>Although your list subscription numbers are relatively high (if not
>exaggerated), the majority are clearly non-participating members.  As to
>the core group of active members - with a small number of notable
>exceptions - a more arrogant, pretentious and self-congratulatory bunch
>would be hard to find!!  However, the most distinguishing feature of this
>list is the blatant hypocrisy, e.g., continually insisting on
>documentation, while refusing to provide any yourself - what unmitigated
Well, we appreciate you degingrating our words about the subscription numbers.
Trying to impeach my integrity? The subscription numbers are available and a
list of members are available to anyone that is a member of the list via a
simple computer query. And again, why would I Iinflate the figures?

Our memebrship particpation level is no different that most other mediums.
Again, what the  problem with our partcipation level? Well, if you think so
highly of us and our opinions , why are you here? Do you have THE ARGUMENT?

Everthing that I post, I give you documentation as to where it came, as to
agenda or validity, I do believe that I make it quite clear that the reader
should be wary.
>While attempting to portray yourselves as open-minded researchers, the bulk
>of your posts are political and economic dogma, flights of fantasy,
>unsubstantiated rumors, and simple make believe with no, and I mean NO
>basis in fact.  The posts that aren't simply opinion or fantasy, again,
>with a few notable exceptions, are not even unique as they are comprised of
>info readily available in dozens of other places.  The bulk of posts are
>certainly not *research* by any definition.   While narrow minded bigotry
>and prejudice is nowhere more prevalent than on this list, you insist on
>presenting yourselves as morally superior!!
So why are you here and being all preachy? Got a problem?
>I was not planning to post at all when I subscribed, but couldn't resist a
>few times and the results were always interesting.  Predictably, no one was
>willing or able to address the outrageous assertions that minutely detailed
>information is available to the likes of your group regarding various
>powerful, super-secret organizations that purportedly rule the world.  How
>effective could the machinations of any all-powerful organization be if its
>members, meeting agendas, and activities are regularly published on the
>Internet, even in the face of armed guards!!!  LOL, LOL.
Please show me where you have challenged me for prove of my assertions in
either of my  papers about Skull & Bones or the JFK assassination.

All I see are innuendo, character assassination  and disruption.  Kinda makes
one as the question why?  And Tavistock is real? LOL, LOL

>Kris, you just keep sitting at your computer toking weed, living your
>medieval fantasies.   Your life purpose is obviously the protected
>environment that you so enthusiastically provide to those intellectually
>challenged individuals whom you have collected.   Secure in the knowledge
>that you will jump in and remove from the list any person who refuses to
>conform or fold when the group attacks, your little band of idiots are free
>to begin arguments they have not a prayer of finishing, and engaging in
>their favorite activities of baiting, name calling, and proselytizing their
>political, economic and religious beliefs.  (Oh yes, proselytizing is not
>only allowed, but actively encouraged for the select few espousing pc
>views!)   You are pitiful!!
Kinda just speaks for itself.

Its just and email list, go start your own.
>BTW, as you are in the habit of depriving those you defame the courtesy of
>defending themselves, I took the liberty of soliticating Hawk's response to
>your last piece of malevolent tripe.   Not that I expect you or the
>Stepford posters to understand.
>> >Listen -up Barb and Jim,
>> >This is my list to run as I wish. I can expose myself to any idea I wish.
>He also doesn't mind exposing his ignorance and rudeness.
>> >I do not have to, nor will I sustain promulugation of disruption and
>Of course, he never was able to defend HIS basis for calling "anything"
>other than his own opinion.  Here we go again, "A fool does not delight in
>understanding, but only in expressing his own opinions."  That's from the
I answered the question many times. You judge a tree by its fruits, is very
simple. It is a principle that can be found universal in most spirtual
disciplines and religions.

And hawk sontinues to show himself to be a hypocrite.
>> >Racism and nazism are evil created by man. That is were evil comes from,

>The kicker here is, I never expressed a single racist thought.

Naw, his cadillac joke and charlene last psots weren't racist? Just goes to
show you in black and white how decieved hawk is.

>imbecile is
>the racist... HE *assumed* that "slave" = "negro."  It doesn't ... I would
>though unable to prove it, that more whites, middle-easterners, and
>orientals have
>been slaves than have Negroes.
Gee, hawk, thanks again for the personal attack. from hawk's favorite the
American Heritage an imbecile is a "term that belongs to a classification
system no longer in use and is now considered offensive." hawk, being told
someone thinks you are a hypocrite is not name-calling.

One notices the thread of the disruptive behaviors. dissesion and the finger-
pointing and what-not. It is all rather boring and quite shallow.

He also conveniently overlooked the fact
>that my
>own family is multi-racial AND multi-national... That "racist" idea is a
>figment of
>his imagination, useful in all arguments where logic won't support his
And I am sure that your relatives, with you as alleged patriarch of the family
love your racist remarks. One does wonder what they say in private, though.
>As far a "Nazi" is concerned, that is totally absurd!  I am very close in
>and economic thought to a Libertarian, which is almost the opposite of a
>and the term Nazi, referred to members of the "National Socialist Party."
I wasn't realating nazi to you, I was speaking in general about the list.
Whatsa matter, sensative. Found cover in the libertarians for some of your
ideas? So what is a label?
>> Go look in the archives, Hawk and his psuedonymphette Charlene added very
>> >informational posts and if you read their posts, most are very
>disruptive and
>> >dissension creating.
>I wish you WOULD look at the archives... I never ONCE initiated a
>disruptive nor
>disrespectful post... In fact, I initiated very few posts at all...
>EVERY post I made was in defense of a personal attack on me ...
And what did ya bring to the list? Disruptive activity, par-excellance. MHO
>> >All of a sudden the lIst was topping over its 100 a message limit
>everyday and
>> >there is still 'stupid' dissension and discussion going on.
>Look at the archive... You'll notice that there were multiple personal
>which I responded to... what should a person do?  Just let them make false
>accusations?  I admit, however, that I was enjoying the game.
>> >The utility of the list is a big concern, for with more traffic comes
>> >of time and functionality of the list and then dealing with the 'problem'.
>He CREATED much of the problem...
>> >So if you wish to challenge your world view then go right ahead. Go to
>> >alt.conspiracy and wallow.  I have found nothing in nazism, racism and
>> >dogmatic theocratism that is worth discussing, except about what they are,
>> >wrong.
>Also, I never ONCE implied that I was attempting to proselite anyone to any
>kind of
>"dogmatic theocratism."  HE and others, on the contrary, would attempt to
>use the
>bible to show ME wrong, and I would point out their inferior understanding
>of the
>bible... Again... they initiated it, and then complained that I responded...
>strange, isn't it?
Let's see your interpretation method, fancy name and all says there is only
one way to intrepret the scripture and its way is the way. Gee, kind sounds
dagmatic to me.  And just because your intrepretation method says that,
doesn't make it RIGHT.
>> >Go, back in the archives and read the record and while you are at it you
>> >notice all what you two fine persons have contributed to  our
>I suggest that you do just that...
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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