This seems soft-pedaled/patronistically optimistic to me, but........we shall

For more than 100 years, the American Red Cross has been at the cutting edge
of disaster relief activities, helping people prevent, prepare for, and cope
with disasters and other emergencies. That's why your Red Cross has published
the following information about "Y2K" -- its potential effects and what you
can do to be prepared.


What is "Y2K" and why are people concerned?

The Year 2000 technology problem, or bug, as it is sometimes called, was
created in the early days of computers, when memory in computers was scarce
and expensive.  Programmers took shortcuts whenever possible to save space.
Instead of using a four-digit code for year dates, a two-digit entry was used.
This practice persisted, long after the need for saving space was eliminated.
The two-digit code also was used in embedded chips, which exist in many
devices that control processes,
functions, machines (like cars), building ventilation systems, elevators, and
fire and security alarm systems, which are part of our everyday lives.

When the year 2000 comes, programs that have been coded with two-digit year
codes will not distinguish between the years 2000 and 1900.  If the program
includes time-sensitive calculations or comparisons, results are
unpredictable.  No one knows what problems may occur, how widespread they may
be, or how long they will last.  The good news is that federal, state, and
local governments; banks and other financial institutions; retail businesses,
and every other group affected by this problem have been working to resolve
it, and a great deal of progress has been made.

When could Y2K problems happen?

Most people anticipate Y2K problems may happen December 31, 1999, at midnight.
Many experts predict that the problem is more likely to be a persistent one
over a few years rather than a single "crash."

For example, there may be a computer-based problem with other dates, such as
April 7, 1999, which is the 99th day of the year, or on 9/9/99.  In the past,
a series of nines was used to indicate termination of a computer program, and
some experts believe that when all nines show up in a date sequence, some
computer systems could read it as a program termination command.  There also
is some concern regarding fiscal year 2000 dates in those organizations with
fiscal years that start earlier than December 31, 1999.  Also, the year 2000
is a leap year, and the leap
year date 02/29/00 may be a problem for some computer programs as well.

What kinds of things could happen as a result of Y2K problems?

The President's Council on Y2K Conversion, established by the White House, as
well as a special Senate Committee, have focused their attention on defining
the scope of the Y2K problem.  Hearings have been conducted by the United
States Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem and have
focused on the following eight areas:
•  Utilities and the national power grid
•  International banking and finance
•  Health care
•  Transportation
•  Telecommunications
•  Pension and mutual funds
•  Emergency planning
•  General business

The potential effect of the Y2K technology problem on any of these areas is
unknown, and the situation continues to change as federal, state, and local
governments; industries; businesses; and organizations, as well as the general
public, take actions to reduce the problem.  Experts who spoke at the Senate
hearings believe that there may be localized disruptions.  For example, in
some areas, electrical power may be unavailable for some time.  Manufacturing
and production industries may be disrupted.  Roads may be closed or gridlocked
if traffic signals are disrupted.  Electronic credit card transactions may not
be processed.
Telephone systems may not work.

Because no one can be certain about the effects of the Y2K problem, the
American Red Cross has developed the following checklist for you.  These are
some easy steps you can take to prepare for possible disruptions. All of these
recommendations make good sense, regardless of the potential problem.


Y2K Checklist
___ Check with manufacturers of any essential computer-controlled electronic
equipment in your home to see if that equipment may be affected.  This
includes fire and security alarm systems, programmable thermostats,
appliances, consumer electronics, garage door openers, electronic locks, and
any other electronic equipment in which an "embedded chip" may control its

___ Stock disaster supplies to last several days to a week for yourself and
those who live with you.  This includes having nonperishable foods, stored
water, and an ample supply of prescription and nonprescription medications
that you regularly use. The Red Cross doesn't recommend hoarding supplies. See
Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit for suggestions.

___ Have some extra cash on hand in case computer-controlled electronic
transactions involving ATM cards, credit cards, and the like cannot be
processed.  Plan to keep cash in a safe place, and withdraw money from your
bank in small amounts well in advance of 12/31/99 to avoid long lines at the
bank at the last minute.

___ Plan to fill your automobile gas tank a day or so before 12/31/99.

___ In case the power fails, plan to use alternative cooking devices in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions.  Don't use open flames or
charcoal grills indoors.

___ Have extra blankets, coats, hats, and gloves to keep warm.  Please do not
plan to use gas-fueled appliances, like an oven, as an alternative heating
source.  The same goes for wood-burning or liquid-fueled heating devices that
are not designed to be used in a residential structure.  Camp stoves and
heaters should only be used out of doors in a well-ventilated area.  If you do
purchase an alternative heating device,
make sure it is approved for use indoors and is listed with the Underwriters
Laboratories (UL).

___ Have plenty of flashlights and extra batteries on hand.  Don't use candles
for emergency lighting.

___ Examine your smoke alarms now.  If you have smoke alarms that are hard-
wired into your home's electrical system (most newer ones are), check to see
if they have battery back-ups.  Every fall, replace all batteries in all smoke
alarms as a general fire safety precaution.

___ Be prepared to relocate to a shelter for warmth and protection during a
prolonged power outage or if for any other reason local officials request or
require that you leave your home.  Listen to a battery-operated radio or
television for information about where shelters will be available.

___ If you plan to use a portable generator, connect what you want to power
directly to the generator; do not connect the generator to your home's
electrical system. Also, be sure to keep a generator in a well-ventilated area
-- either outside or in a garage, keeping the door open.  Don't put a
generator in your basement or anywhere inside your home.

___ Check with the emergency services providers in your community to see if
there is more information available about how your community is preparing for
any potential problems.  Be an advocate and support efforts by your local
police, fire, and emergency management officials to ensure that their systems
will be able to operate at all times.

The American Red Cross helps people prevent, prepare for, and respond to
emergencies. We're in your neighborhood every day, providing disaster
preparedness information and teaching classes in first aid and other
lifesaving skills, to help keep families like yours safer.  For more
information, please contact your local American Red Cross.

© Copyright 1998, The American National Red Cross. All Rights Reserved.

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