-Caveat Lector-

[The list of spammed recipients have been reduced to the lists I'm
actually on...one must wonder why Frost insists on spamming this thread
beyond the venue of original discussion]
Duh if I am spamming the list then how come you replied adding
your own spam to it?
(As for my spelling, such knit picking is only necessary to detract
 from the points I make. I see hundreds of such spelling mistakes
 words left out and poor grammar every week.
 The only people I have seen point out such things are losers who
 need to attack the messenger because they can not argue with the facts)

My take on schools is to expose the lying hypocrisy of politicians who
quote the scriptures, talk about God and pray in public buildings
of times every year.
Schools were set up for one purpose ... to prepare kids for the work
It is not for us to entertain them, pay for sports, teach them yoga,
in homosexuals to teach them how to use condoms to sodomize each
other, strip search teen age girls, teach them situation ethitics or any
other such bs.
I say get rid of all the bibles, locknest monsters, witch craft,
ethics, social studies (humanism, government recognized religion)
and pay for the one purpose schools are established for.
It is not for us to pay taxes for the 3 billion dollar "after school
baby sitting programs Clinton just signed.

Schools are not baby sitting, brain washing or entertainment centers.

It was a tax funded baby sitting program that brought kids in the
federal building where they were blown up.

So okay, let's put 'religion' back in the public schools...
Whose religion?  I know YOUR answer, you just want your private brand of
Wrong O miss wicca witch  (you do profess to be a witch or was that

No, I do not push "Christian" values in schools, I just say get rid of
all the humanist/homosexual waste when you empty the shit pot.

The topic was the constitution which I replied to in order to point
out the fact that crooked politicians are liars who transgress the
constitution any time they want.
...people actually believe in these unfounded things,
Just as YOU believe in the unfounded tenets of Christianity....
Your crystal ball must be broken witchy. It is you who believe in
superstitious magic, you have not once made me make
any such claims.
I would just prefer to look at the turd of a Christian than the
face of idiot "pagans", homosexuals, dope users ... perverts.

It is you who speaks of wicca and such magic....
Before this century there was no such thing as a "white"
witch. Shows like Bewitched, the latest friday night thingy,
wendy the witch, casper ... the 3 sister thing which was a
spin off the movie ... the fantasy of fiction and cartoons
is where the "good" witch was fabricated.

Before the funny book came along, all info about witches
were they were evil beings who only did harm to others.

According to the dictionary a witch is defined as
*  One who is involved magic and
*  the other definition is a hag
Let's see some of your magic so we know which kind of a witch
you are.

Back to the point of the beginning of the thread...

The humanist/homosexual/atheist organization known
as the aclu
#1  Brings law suites against schools when anyone
exercises their "right" to freedom of religion.
#2  Clinton sat in the oval office and spoke of God and
       praying to God?
#3  At the cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars just
      before the last election, Clinton went to a black church
      to get votes for his chums.
#4 In books and transcripts of mayors, governors, congressmen
     senators and presidents there are literally thousands of
     quotes of politicians quoting the bible, talking about God and
     praying in public places while they are in their official capacity.
#5 Until the middle of this century (1900s) the government paid
      for text books with references to God, creation and the whole
#6 In God we trust is on the dollar
#7 Using the bible, congress and the senate opens with prayer.
#8 When someone testifies, they put out a bible for them to put
      their hand on.
#9  We pay taxes for churches and clergymen in the military.
#10 The word "separation" is no where in the constitution in reference
         to religion.

The constitution states: (a) Congress (bs) shall make no laws respecting
the establishment of religion, OR (c) PROHIBIT THE FREE EXERCISE
THEREOF. After madam O'Harah started her stink, the politicians
did make laws that prohibited the free exercise of religion.

If some group of kids decide that after school they will sit on the
track field and read the bible
a)  They are not a member of congress
bs)  They are making no laws

When the "aclu" stops them through a law suit, they are
c) prohibiting the exercise of "FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION"

The religious arguments I have brought here is not to push religion
in schools but to expose "judges"/politicians as the lying hypocritical
bastards that they are.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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